Mommy Son - Omm - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mommy Son - Omm

사리사욕의 돼지들
Pigs of greed
어리석은놈 어리석은놈
You fools, you fools
마미손 내인생 언제나 same day, same thing
Mommy Son, bluff. My life is always the same day, same thing
squad gang, gang, I need some 제넥스
My squad, gang, gang. I need some Zenaq
머리아퍼 fuck this base
My head hurts, fuck this base
꺼져 사리사욕의 아기돼지새끼들
Get lost, you greedy little piglets
그새끼들 플레이스테이숑
Those guys are on my PlayStation
Play with me 꽃됐어
Play with me, you're done for
돼지새끼 갱생 시켜 평생 하나님께 맹세
Rehabilitate piglets, vow to God for life
I don't give a about what they say
I don't give a shit about what they say
닥치고 hashtag, swoosh
Just shut up and hashtag, swoosh
빌스택스 sushi
Bill Stax sushi
루리웹회원이면 정품삽시다
If you're a Ruliweb member, buy genuine products
꺼져 복돌이 새끼들아 재미없다 훅으로 스위치
Get out of here, you pirated bastards. It's not fun. Switch with the hook
이돈이 어디서왔는가
Where did this money come from?
덕행으로 받기 부끄럽네
I'm ashamed to receive it for my virtue
마음의 온갖 욕심 버리고
Abandon all the greed in my heart
진리를 추구하는 약으로 삼아
Use the pursuit of truth as medicine
돈을 flex
Flex this money
돈을 flex
Flex this money
돈을 flex
Flex this money
돈을 flex
Flex this money
솔직히 살기 빡센거 마찬가지고
Honestly, it's tough for everyone to live
얼굴팔아사는 입장 유명세를 세금이라쳐도
As someone who lives off their face, even if fame is considered a tax
어떨땐 너무하다싶지
Sometimes it feels excessive
아닌건 아니니까 빡치고
And other times it's not, so it's frustrating
근데 한번 생각해봤어
But I thought about it once
간단한 수학해보자고
Let's do some simple math
돈얘기 민감하지만 여기선 깔게
Talking about money is sensitive, but I'll lay it out here
회사있을때 평균으로
Let's take an average when I was with the company
2억좀 넘게 정산받았지
I received a little over 200 million won per year
공연한번가면 직장인 월급만큼받고
When I do a performance, I get paid as much as a salaryman's monthly wage
대부분은 대학행사니까
Most of them are university events
내가 받는 그돈은 애들 등록금에서 나와
So the money I get comes from kids' tuition
근데 나도 대학다녀봤어 알거든
But I've been to college too, I know
그거 얼마나 울아빠를 빡세게 죄었는지
How much it squeezed my dad
결국 내가받는 그돈들 쉽게
In the end, the money I receive is not easily
만들어진 아니라는거
Made money
아빠 월급에서 엄마생활비 줄이며 만들어진
Money made by reducing living expenses from my dad's salary
기형적인 대학문화 속에 기생하면서 내가 번돈
The money I earned while parasitizing the deformed university culture
뭐다른거 마찬가지야 몸값에
Everything else is the same, my worth
불편한 무게감을 느껴
I feel an uncomfortable weight
So I always keep my head low
So I always keep my head low
잘난맛에 돈자랑 못하는 이유가 그거야
That's why I can't brag about my money because I'm good
마미손 내인생 언제나 same day, same thing
Mommy Son, bluff. My life is always the same day, same thing
squad gang, gang, I need some 제넥스
My squad, gang, gang. I need some Zenaq
머리아퍼 fuck this base
My head hurts, fuck this base
꺼져 사리사욕의 아기돼지새끼들
Get lost, you greedy little piglets
그새끼들 플레이스테이숑
Those guys are on my PlayStation
Play with me 꽃됐어
Play with me, you're done for
이돈이 어디서왔는가
Where did this money come from?
덕행으로 받기 부끄럽네
I'm ashamed to receive it for my virtue
마음의 온갖 욕심 버리고
Abandon all the greed in my heart
진리를 추구하는 약으로 삼아
Use the pursuit of truth as medicine
돈을 flex
Flex this money
돈을 flex
Flex this money
돈을 flex
Flex this money
돈을 flex
Flex this money

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