Momo - Ja Som Bratislava - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Momo - Ja Som Bratislava

Ja Som Bratislava
I Am Bratislava
Žijeme tu celý život
We've lived here our whole lives
Dnes vychovávame tu svoje dcéry svojich synov
Now we raise our daughters and sons here
Čo sa stalo, že na každom rohu je len kasíno a v ňom zúfalci čo pustili žilou?
What happened, that on every corner there's a casino filled with desperate souls who've cut their veins?
Kedysi v uliciach úradoval môj foter!
My father used to rule these streets!
Nemáš ma rád zato celý život tak sa poser!
You don't like me for it, so screw you, for your whole life!
Ja som Rival iba vďaka sebe, tvrdá Oceľ
I'm Rival only thanks to myself, Hard Steel
Moja hudba jazdí mestom ako posledný horiaci Chopper
My music rides through the city like the last burning Chopper
Ja som Bratislava!
I am Bratislava!
Ja som za stratenú generáciu dílerov a čašníčok
I'm for the lost generation of dealers and waitresses
A šeckých ktorým musel prestať tiecť sopeľ
And all those whose snot had to stop running
Nemohli si dovoliť jak ty ten Mama Hotel
They couldn't afford Mama Hotel like you
Ružinovská nemocnica verzus Pro Care
Ružinov Hospital versus Pro Care
Mohli by sme sa aj zabiť
We might as well kill ourselves
Nikto nedal by nám na byt
Nobody would give us a place to live
Zarobený sa len smiali do pie čo sa mám hanbiť!?
They just laughed at our earnings, what should I be ashamed of!?
Aj tak usmievam a aj keď neni to tak jak by sme radi!
I still smile, even though things aren't the way we'd like them to be!
Silné hlavy aj svaly no hlavne snahy!
Strong minds and muscles, but most importantly, effort!
Aj keď občas bohužiaľ škrípu vzťahy (Jeať vzťahy!)
Even though sometimes, unfortunately, relationships crack (Yeah, relationships!)
čo s nami rozumejú podporujú ma aj keď je práve populárny Kali (Tak sa nehnevaj more!)
Those who are with us understand and support me, even when Kali is popular right now (So don't be mad, man!)
Je tu raper čo je doma za všetkých podobných ľudí sa tu stava!
There's a rapper here who stands up for all similar people!
Ja som Bratislava!
I am Bratislava!
Je tu niekto kto to prešiel celé od prava do ľava? (Do ľava)
Is there anyone here who has walked the whole path from right to left? (To the left)
Ja som Bratislava!
I am Bratislava!
Ja som za celé Slovensko čo tu žije s nami pre nich je to Blava!
I'm for all of Slovakia that lives here with us, for them it's Blava!
Ja som Bratislava!
I am Bratislava!
Príde ceremónia hovorím vám hoďte sa do gala! (Hoďte sa do gala!)
The ceremony is coming, I'm telling you, dress up! (Dress up!)
Rival je späť to je správa
Rival is back, that's the news
Ja som za ľudí čo neprijali prehru ale spravili šecko preto aby neostali len jak pes na reťazi!
I'm for the people who didn't accept defeat but did everything they could not to be left like a dog on a chain!
Kto to nechápe tak nech si drží piu nech sa stará o svoje výstrelky čomu lezú do peňazí!
Whoever doesn't understand that, let them hold their tongues, let them take care of their own antics, why are they sticking their noses in money!?
Mladí radšej sellujú handry vedia že zarobia viac ako na brigáde jeú tie zlé časy
Young people prefer to sell clothes, they know they'll earn more than at a part-time job, these are bad times
Niekto to v Bratislave dojeal a vysypal si popol na hlavu teraz tu sedí ako čert v sadzi! (Čert v sadzi!)
Someone in Bratislava pushed it too far and poured ashes on their head, now they're sitting here like a devil in soot! (Devil in soot!)
Ja to tu milujem jak gádžo!
I love this place like a gadjo!
Aj tých ohováračom o mne ti bárdo poví bárčo
Even to those gossiping about me, the bard will tell you a lot
Ja som Bratislavský Žralok držím stranu hráčom
I'm the Bratislava Shark, I'm on the side of the players
Vždycky držal stranu tým čo vedeli prečo? a načo?
I always stood by those who knew why? and what for?
Volal starú Lúzu, Kontrafakt a Druhú Stranu
He called the old Lúza, Kontrafakt and Druhá Strana
Ja volám starého Separa a neriešim žiadne páčo!
I call the old Separ and I don't care about any nonsense!
Nech sa páči tu je Momo
Here you go, here's Momo
10 000 otáčok, bráško čágo ja som názor!
10,000 revolutions, bro, goodbye, I am opinion!
Je tu raper čo je doma za všetkých podobných ľudí sa tu stava!
There's a rapper here who stands up for all similar people!
Ja som Bratislava!
I am Bratislava!
Je tu niekto kto to prešiel celé od prava do ľava? (Do ľava)
Is there anyone here who has walked the whole path from right to left? (To the left)
Ja som Bratislava!
I am Bratislava!
Ja som za celé Slovensko čo tu žije s nami pre nich je to Blava!
I'm for all of Slovakia that lives here with us, for them it's Blava!
Ja som Bratislava!
I am Bratislava!
Príde ceremónia hovorím vám hoďte sa do gala! (Hoďte sa do gala!)
The ceremony is coming, I'm telling you, dress up! (Dress up!)
Rival je späť to je správa
Rival is back, that's the news

Авторы: Roman Grigely

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