Momo - Milovaný Nenávidený - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Momo - Milovaný Nenávidený

Milovaný Nenávidený
Beloved Hated
Nebyť teba tak večer zaspávam s revom,
Without you, I fall asleep with tears every evening,
Každé ráno stále niekam vstávam s hnevom.
Every morning I wake up with anger somewhere.
Nebyť teba tak niekde hádžem senom,
Without you, I'd be throwing dreams somewhere,
Kecám o šťastí a klamem telom.
Lying about happiness and deceiving with my body.
Kancel a akciový oblek Alain Delon,
Office and Alain Delon's suit,
Iba vďaka tebe sa stávam menom.
Only thanks to you I become a name.
Občas vidím Boha, občas ma démon,
Sometimes I see God, sometimes the demon has me,
Občas panna Mária, občas satan venom.
Sometimes Virgin Mary, sometimes Satan's venom.
Ten čas prešiel a nosia sa okrúhle brýle
That time has passed, and round glasses are in fashion,
Tie čo mával Lenon.
The ones Lennon used to wear.
Beatmakeri makajú,
Beatmakers are working,
Neohodnotení stoja nad samplerom.
The unappreciated stand above the sampler.
Raperi nevravia nič v textoch emo,
Rappers say nothing, their lyrics are emo,
Nikto nevypráva jak ja vyprávam perom.
No one narrates like I do with a pen.
Od desiatich rokov som stále s tebou
Since I was ten, I've been with you,
10 rokov makal a čakal prelom.
10 years of work and waiting for a breakthrough.
Aj sa tak stalo no zas som sa topil a znovu plával k brehom,
And it happened, but I drowned again and swam back to the shores,
Stále ti veril, išiel a nahral demo.
I still believed in you, went and recorded a demo.
Keď chcem utečiem ti oknom jak Karol Melo
When I want, I'll escape through the window like Karol Melo
A nebudem tam keď zapneš neon.
And I won't be there when you turn on the neon.
Pôjdem svojím smerom
I'll go my own way
Budem ti chrbtom, keď ty mne budeš čelom
I'll be your back, when you'll be my face
Satam jak Napoleon.
Satan like Napoleon.
Spojený, svedomí, sme to my
United, conscience, it's us
Vedomí no raz príde ten záver.
Conscious, but one day the end will come.
Keď sa ľad prelomí do prší dohrmí
When the ice breaks and the rain stops
A ja opustím žáner.
And I'll leave the genre.
A sa neukážem vácej
And I won't show myself anymore
Možno niekedy v zime možno na jeseň.
Maybe sometime in winter, maybe in autumn.
Ďakujem aj ľutujem že som napísal prvú báseň
Thank you and I'm sorry I wrote the first poem
Ťažko povedať že ktorý bol môj top song
It's hard to say which was my top song
Spomedzi tých všetkých vyber jeden zo 100.
Among all of them, choose one out of 100.
Nedám sa okoňovať založil z drog som,
I won't let myself be window-dressed, I was built on drugs,
Keď som vonku ešte pobehoval s koxom.
When I was outside still running around with cocaine.
Neostanem v Petržalke keď talent mám
I won't stay in Petržalka when I have talent
Vedel som že nikam nevedie underground.
I knew that the underground leads nowhere.
Buď to celé dojebem a nevedome zanedbám
Either I'll fuck it all up and unknowingly neglect it
Alebo naskillujem a zajebem Ground and pound.
Or I'll skill up and fuck up Ground and pound.
Inšpiroval si ma to si pamätám
You inspired me, I remember that
Pomáhal si keď si nemusel to si pamätám.
You helped when you didn't have to, I remember that.
Iný ako všetci ostatní to si pamätám
Different from everyone else, I remember that
Ubližoval keď si nemusel to si pamätám.
You hurt when you didn't have to, I remember that.
Dnes si pred svojím prahom zametám
Today I sweep in front of my own doorstep
Projekt číslo 8 na regáli, to je na metal.
Project number 8 on the shelf, that's metal.
Nostalgia s toho čo sme prežili
Nostalgia from what we've been through
Spomínam keď sa vraciam ku cigaretám.
I reminisce when I return to cigarettes.
Začalo to niekde z detskej izby
It started somewhere from the children's room
čo začali so mnou dávno zmizli.
Those who started with me are long gone.
Videli že není to len tak easy biznis
They saw that it's not just an easy business
Roky tej práce aby smotanu zlízli.
Years of work to lick the cream.
A v base tie ruky není čím zmyť
And in jail, there's nothing to wash those hands with
Povedz jaké love za to máš vyčísliť.
Tell me what kind of love you have to calculate for that.
Celý život ma jebali, brali fízli
They fucked me all my life, the cops took me
A len raz pomohli, za to sme si zlízli.
And only once they helped, we got fucked for that.
Spojený, svedomí, sme to my
United, conscience, it's us
Vedomí no raz príde ten záver.
Conscious, but one day the end will come.
Keď sa ľad prelomí do prší dohrmí
When the ice breaks and the rain stops
A ja opustím žáner.
And I'll leave the genre.
A sa neukážem vácej
And I won't show myself anymore
Možno niekedy v zime možno na jeseň.
Maybe sometime in winter, maybe in autumn.
Ďakujem aj ľutujem že som napísal prvú báseň
Thank you and I'm sorry I wrote the first poem

Авторы: Roman Grigely

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