Momo - Fčo Vlastne Veríš? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Momo - Fčo Vlastne Veríš?

Fčo Vlastne Veríš?
What Do You Actually Believe?
Fčo vlastne veríš, hmm?
What do you actually believe, hmm?
Na všetky tie veci na okolo čo sa raz zmenia na prach? hmm
In all those things around that will one day turn to dust? hmm
Veríš že všetko vzniká aby zaniklo?
Do you believe that everything arises to perish?
Veríš len v super priebeh a nič viac, neni to také jednoduché...
Do you believe only in a super course and nothing more, it's not that simple...
Fčo vlastne veríš v týchto nepreskúmaných dňoch
What do you actually believe in these unexplored days
Aj keď nechceš pripustiť to, tušíš že je boh
Even though you don't want to admit it, you suspect there is a god
Neni to človek, neni to o svätých troch,
It's not a person, it's not about the holy three,
Neni to balamutenie náboženstiev späť do skop
It's not the delusion of religions back into the fold
Je to princíp, viac jak len dve strany mincí
It's a principle, more than just two sides of a coin
Viac jak iba odznak vysokej šarže na linci
More than just a high-ranking badge on the line
Viem že cítiš niekde vnútri v existencii
I know you feel somewhere inside in existence
že niečo bude na správe čo nesú od provincií
that something will be on the message that they have been carrying since the provinces
príčina všetkých príčin,
That cause of all causes,
Ten priestor kde to všetko súvisí so všetkým. nič není len ničím
That space where everything is connected to everything. nothing is just nothing
čakať tam jak divá sviňa za ihličím,
to wait there like a wild boar behind a needle,
čo vybehne len vtedy keď v tom tichu nezakričí
which will run out only when it doesn't scream in that silence
Je to zvláštne, no zároveň nijak zvlásť ne
It's strange, but at the same time not particularly
Samozrejmosť skrýva sa za mánie a za vášne
Obviousness hides behind manias and passions
Právny cit sa stále pýta - chcem na váš svet
The legal sense keeps asking - I want your world
Naspäť je to dvakrát toľko, keď si sám vpred
Back it's twice as much when you're alone ahead
Bludiská živých plotov motajú nás tam a späť
The mazes of hedges wind us back and forth
Cesta svetov pod nohami visí na láske
The path of worlds underfoot hangs on love
Kráča tam chlapec, čo sa jak malý sám v tme bál,
A boy walks there, who was afraid of himself in the dark as a child,
Lampáš v ruke bez zbrane že vraj kráľov kráľ.
Lantern in hand without a weapon, supposedly the king of kings.
Bludiská živých plotov motajú nás tam a späť
The mazes of hedges wind us back and forth
Cesta svetov pod nohami visí na láske
The path of worlds underfoot hangs on love
Kráča tam chlapec, čo sa jak malý sám v tme bál,
A boy walks there, who was afraid of himself in the dark as a child,
Lampáš v ruke bez zbrane že vraj kráľov kráľ.
Lantern in hand without a weapon, supposedly the king of kings.
Poznal som človeka, čo vravel že mu doma straší
I knew a man who said his house was haunted
že počuť kvapkať vodu vždy keď zhasne,
that you can hear water dripping every time it goes out,
Nenašli nič z kade by tieklo nechceli sa plašiť
They didn't find anything from where it was flowing, they didn't want to scare
kým večer nejeblo niečo v tichu po koši
Until the evening something fucked in the silence after the basket
Nekľud na duši donútil zohnať ich ženu čo robí z duchmi
Restlessness on the soul forced them to find their wife who works with spirits
Zdelili jej že im nič kvapká do dúchny
They told her that nothing was dripping into their souls
Utne hlavu radšej obom ale nech nestrašia nás kurvy
Cut off the head of both of them rather than scare us whores
Hučal chalan čo mal nervy v kýbli a v rukách kudli
The guy was humming, his nerves were in the bucket and the kudli in his hands
čudný pocit keď tam došla zvláštna pani
strange feeling when a strange lady got there
Jak zapla sviečku vraví že tam nej sami
As she lit the candle, she says that they are not alone there
že tam je náš mŕtvy kamoš že neni to jak si prial
that our dead friend is there that it's not what he wanted
že nevie preč odísť preto že cítime toľký žiaľ
that he can't leave because we feel so much sadness
že sme nasratí, že späť nepríde viacej
that we're fucked up, that he won't come back anymore
Po tragédií na motorke prešli asi tri mesiace
About three months have passed since the tragedy on the motorcycle
Je to psycho! žena nepoznala nikoho
It's psycho! that woman didn't know anyone
Jej ticho so sviečkou, otvára mu že vraj jeho východ!
Her silence with a candle, she opens to him that it is supposedly his exit!
Bludiská živých plotov motajú nás tam a späť
The mazes of hedges wind us back and forth
Cesta svetov pod nohami visí na láske
The path of worlds underfoot hangs on love
Kráča tam chlapec, čo sa jak malý sám v tme bál,
A boy walks there, who was afraid of himself in the dark as a child,
Lampáš v ruke bez zbrane že vraj kráľov kráľ.
Lantern in hand without a weapon, supposedly the king of kings.
Bludiská živých plotov motajú nás tam a späť
The mazes of hedges wind us back and forth
Cesta svetov pod nohami visí na láske
The path of worlds underfoot hangs on love
Kráča tam chlapec, čo sa jak malý sám v tme bál,
A boy walks there, who was afraid of himself in the dark as a child,
Lampáš v ruke bez zbrane že vraj kráľov kráľ.
Lantern in hand without a weapon, supposedly the king of kings.

Авторы: Roman Grigely

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