Momo feat. Refew - Celý Bank - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Momo feat. Refew - Celý Bank

Celý Bank
The Whole Bank
Kým niekto na to sral
While some were slacking
Niekto našiel nový štart,
Someone found a new start
Tomu obetoval jump,
Sacrificed everything for it
Vsadil nato celý bank
Bet the whole bank on it
Niekto ostal junky a
Someone stayed a junkie
Niekto išiel tam
And someone went all the way
Kde to zaslúžene ovocie od rána vychutnáva
Where they deserve to savor the fruits of their labor since morning
Kým niekto na to sral
While some were slacking
Niekto našiel nový štart,
Someone found a new start
Tomu obetoval jump,
Sacrificed everything for it
Vsadil nato celý bank
Bet the whole bank on it
Niekto ostal junky a
Someone stayed a junkie
Niekto išiel tam,
And someone went all the way,
Kde to zaslúžene ovocie od rána vychutnáva
Where they deserve to savor the fruits of their labor since morning
Kto si chce sedem miliárd
Who wants to be one in seven billion
Sám seba vidí rád
Loves only themselves
Koľko z nich vyhrá, získa si výhľad na briliant
How many will win, earn a view of a diamond
Väčšina kríva, stačí im pivo a biliard
Most are crippled, they just need beer and billiards
Sledujú veľké autá spoza skiel mini aut
They watch big cars from behind the glass of mini cars
Nemôžem za to že, to nechcem, že som iný a
I can't help that I don't want that, that I'm different
Taký jak nie som okolo z piatich štyria
And there are four out of five like me
Taký aj šíria klebety a menej činia
They spread rumors and do less
Mňa ženie vidina ísť do maxima
I'm driven by the vision of going to the max
Ideš si pre sen, ukáž cash, ukáž pas
Go for the dream, show the cash, show the passport
Niekto iný ide si pre sex, vidieť svet, poslať fax
Someone else goes for sex, to see the world, to send a fax
Niekto pre biceps, pobiť sa bum a prask
Someone for biceps, to fight, boom and bang
Ja chcem lásku, rodinu fans a cash, fast cars (celý bank)
I want love, family, fans, and cash, fast cars (the whole bank)
Kým niekto na to sral
While some were slacking
Niekto našiel nový štart,
Someone found a new start,
Tomu obetoval jump,
Sacrificed everything for it,
Vsadil nato celý bank
Bet the whole bank on it
Niekto ostal junky a
Someone stayed a junkie
Niekto išiel tam,
And someone went all the way,
Kde to zaslúžene ovocie od rána vychutnáva
Where they deserve to savor the fruits of their labor since morning
Kým niekto na to sral
While some were slacking
Niekto našiel nový štart,
Someone found a new start,
Tomu obetoval jump,
Sacrificed everything for it,
Vsadil nato celý bank
Bet the whole bank on it
Niekto ostal junky a
Someone stayed a junkie
Niekto išiel tam,
And someone went all the way,
Kde to zaslúžene ovocie od rána vychutnáva
Where they deserve to savor the fruits of their labor since morning
Někdo šňupe čáry a někdo počítá cash-e
Someone snorts lines while someone counts cash
Někdo je na káry a je mimo každéj večer
Someone is into cars and is out every night
Sice nosíš Gucci ale seš pořad blbeček
You may wear Gucci but you're still a fool
Ja investoval do hudby, proto teďka škvára teče
I invested in music, that's why the loot is flowing now
Zavřený ve studiu
Locked in the studio
Dělám banger-y cejtim že to musí ven
Making bangers, I feel it's gotta come out
Potom zabiju na podiu
Then I kill it on stage
Zatím co vy se založíte na flašku a jdete ven
While you guys bet on a bottle and go out
Takhle bych nemohl žit
I couldn't live like this
Nanic nečekám a furt jenom makám
I don't wait for anything and I just keep working
Jednou bude ze OG, teď dávají na plakát
One day I'll be an OG, already on a poster
Momo pozval na feat
Momo invited me on a feat
Promne je tohle to čest, vím že se vyplatí dřít
For me this is an honor, I know there's a reward for working hard
A ne na piku frčet,
And not going for drugs
Uvědom si, co chceš nemusíš litovat
Realize what you want so you don't have to regret
Nemusím jmenovat, oni to vídej dali sledovat
I don't have to say their names, they know I've put them on follow
Byli doby kdy sem jim bil pro smích, ale teď jedu need for speed
There were times when I was a laughing stock, but now I'm driving need for speed
Dělám love i kdy spím
I make money even when I sleep
Kým niekto na to sral
While some were slacking
Niekto našiel nový štart,
Someone found a new start,
Tomu obetoval jump,
Sacrificed everything for it,
Vsadil nato celý bank
Bet the whole bank on it
Niekto ostal junky a
Someone stayed a junkie
Niekto išiel tam,
And someone went all the way,
Kde to zaslúžene ovocie od rána vychutnáva
Where they deserve to savor the fruits of their labor since morning

Momo feat. Refew - MXI
дата релиза

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