Momo feat. Ektor - Krysy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Momo feat. Ektor - Krysy

Vlevo, vpravo, levý zmrdi fellej všude,
Left, right, a bunch of nasty vermin everywhere,
Dneska, zejtra, tak to bylo, tak to bude,
Today, tomorrow, that's how it was, that's how it will be,
Křivý krysy točej se v tom samým kole,
The crooked rats run in the same old circles,
Hledej cestu, je to jak minový pole,
Search for a way out, it's like a minefield,
čuměj, čekaj schovaný, jak had v trávě,
They hide and watch like snakes in the grass,
Smrděj, zmrde, nasávej to, tak, správně,
Stinking, buddy, soak it up, that's right,
Najdi, poznej, rozeber a dej trest,
Find them, recognize them, take them apart and punish them,
Nenech prostor, trhej to, jak zlej pes,
Never give up, tear them apart like a vicious dog,
Vychovej ty zmrdy, vykopej je ven z bloku,
Raise these bastards, kick them out of the block,
Užívej si ty jejich výrazy žen v šoku,
Enjoy the shocked expressions of their women,
Nastuduj všechny ty postupy, víš víc,
Study their tricks so you know more,
Jsou to zkušenosti, co musíš chtít nýst...
You have to want to carry these experiences...
Dál, jenom silný si to berou s sebou,
Only the strong take it with them down the road,
Pak na kilometr poznaj ty co jedou levou,
Then you can tell the ones who are cheating a mile away,
Počítaj totiž furt ty samý rovnice,
Because you're counting the same old equations,
Identický povahový rysy...
Identical personality traits...
Bezcenný krysy.
Worthless rats.
(Bezcenný krysy)
(Worthless rats)
Bezcenný krysy
Worthless rats
(Bezcenný krysy)
(Worthless rats)
Bezcenný krysy
Worthless rats
(Bezcenný krysy)
(Worthless rats)
Bezcenný krysy,
Worthless rats,
Mrdky, berou jak Missy
Jerks, they take like Missy
(Mrdky, mrdky, bezcenný krysy)
(Jerks, jerks, worthless rats)
(Bezcenný krysy, bezcenný krysy, mrdky)
(Worthless rats, worthless rats, jerks)
Nemaj zájem žít za svý,
They have no interest in living on their own,
Pochčijou i svý vlastní,
They'll even shit on their own,
Tak se narodili, to chápeš?
That's how they were born, can you believe it?
Nevěděj, co je to páteř.
They don't know what a backbone is.
Pasce, bluffy, žiadne fóry,
Traps, bluffs, no games,
Preč s tým, vydym krysy von z nory,
Beat it, smoke the rats out of their nests,
V piči, strach a des jak dom hrôzy,
In hell, fear and terror like a house of horrors,
Pištia krysy na sále bez narkózy,
Rats squealing in the operating room without anesthesia,
090... opäť mimo, to by bolo keby debil aj ten mobil dvihol, asi si ho strčil do riti a pod zem zmizol,
090... out of range again, as if an idiot like that would answer his cell phone, he probably shoved it up his ass and disappeared underground,
Cigáni na ulici ho vidia kričia dyg óóón,
The gypsies on the street see him and scream, "Oh no!"
Samá pojebaná krása, ojeby a sľuby,
All the dirty beauty, lies, and promises,
Nestíham za tým jásať,
I'm not keeping up with the cheering,
študuj mozgy, povahy a ich zvyky,
Study brains, natures, and their habits,
šikne sa ti to na ceste cez Sin City,
It will come in handy on your journey through Sin City,
potom môžeš povedať, že veni vidi vici,
Only then can you say, "veni vidi vici,"
Musíš sa naučiť jak v sebe naivitu zničiť,
You have to learn how to crush the naivety within yourself,
Bdelo musíš čekovať jak v stave krízy,
You have to be alert and vigilant, as if in a state of crisis,
Tie bezcenné krysy, bezcenné krysy, krysy, krysy...
Those worthless rats, worthless rats, rats, rats...
Všetky bomby čo máš na nich vysyp.
Drop all the bombs you have on them.

Momo feat. Ektor - Detektor
дата релиза

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