Momo - Rival - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Momo - Rival

Nejde tu iba o views a virál, žiadne news, iba
It's not just about views and virality, no news, just a
Kódovaný signál, prichádza von, čo som skrýval,
Coded signal, it's coming out, what I hid,
Dvíhal na pleciach a kríval s tým niekam inam...
Carried it on my shoulders and limped somewhere else with it...
Jak z psychiatrie čumí na mňa spoločnosť,
Like from a mental hospital, society stares at me as they,
Pre ktorú som Rival, nikdy som neplakal
For whom I am a Rival, I never cried
A neprosil sa, aby si ma prijímal,
And didn't beg you to accept me,
šak som iba pridal,
since I only added,
Pri najhoršom padnem, to som prijal.
At worst I fall, I accepted it.
Neni tu nikto, kto mi zoberie čas,
Nobody's here to take my time,
Nikto nejde z ulice tak, jak ja, na max,
Nobody walks in the streets like me, at max,
Najväčší progres a rast zo všetkých vás,
The biggest progress and growth of all of you,
Ujeb hlas na bass...
Turn up the bass...
Utiekli radci, zapadlo slnko a zradil kompas,
The counselors ran away, the sun went down and the compass betrayed us,
Sláva sa tlačí do hlavy, no ja idem za ľudí len,
Glory pushes into the head, but I go behind the people only,
Za rap a za ich ohlas,
Behind rap and their feedback,
Rap monarchs,
Rap monarchs,
Stred svetov od nás po vás,
The center of the worlds from us to you,
Cesta z púšte do oáz, Rival,
A path from the desert to the oasis, Rival,
čo je všetkých zasraných pravidiel kolaps,
what is the collapse of all fucking rules,
Best of top 014,
Best of top 014,
Najviac strop tuná u nás,
The most ceiling here with us,
Možno musia ešte len dorásť,
Maybe they just need to grow up,
Ráčte vstúpiť, po vás!
Enter, after you!
Všetci sa bijú, súperia, tlačia dopredu,
They're all fighting, competing, pushing forward,
Hrnú, som pre nich Rival, iba ďalší obchodník na trhu,
They rush, I'm a Rival to them, just another merchant in the market,
Všetci sa bijú, súperia, tlačia dopredu, hrnú,
They're all fighting, competing, pushing forward, rushing,
Som pre nich niekto, koho príjmu, aj keď chcú sa vyhnúť.
I am someone they accept, even if they want to avoid it.
Nejde o views a virál, nejsom prevarené PR,
It's not about views and virality, I'm not a boiled over PR,
Ostali bez slov, keď som pridal, rap je môj tribal,
They ran out of words when I joined, rap is my tribal,
Album štvrtý, aj keď som tri dal, iná liga, Rival,
Album four, even though I already gave three, another league, Rival,
Maximalizovaný minimál, chillout, mierim inam,
Maximized minimal, chillout, I'm already going somewhere else,
Hore sa dívam, aj keď som tým egoistom hore určite nechýbal,
I look up, even though I'm definitely not missed by that egoist up there,
Jasný signál, chyba bola podceňovať Moma,
Clear signal, it was a mistake to underestimate Momo,
Rozbíjam kladivom detský pinball, chcem na päťsto eurovky automat,
I break a children's pinball machine with a hammer, I want a slot machine for five hundred euros,
čávo na ksichte vajcia, jak Borat, porád,
Bro has eggs on his face, like Borat, always,
Zrazu nevie, čo dodať, bo jak, zobáky sklapli, nepočuť soráč,
Suddenly he doesn't know what to say, because mouths snapped shut, I don't hear soratch,
Rival je vnútri, teraz chápu, čo je zač!
The Rival is inside, only now they understand what he's all about!
Všetci sa bijú, súperia, tlačia dopredu,
They're all fighting, competing, pushing forward,
Hrnú, som pre nich Rival, iba ďalší obchodník na trhu,
They rush, I'm a Rival to them, just another merchant in the market,
Všetci sa bijú, súperia, tlačia dopredu, hrnú,
They're all fighting, competing, pushing forward, rushing,
Som pre nich niekto, koho príjmu, aj keď chcú sa vyhnúť.
I am someone they accept, even if they want to avoid it.
Nemôžte sa mi vyhnúť, môžte si akurát prdnúť!
You can't avoid me, you can just fart!

Авторы: Dave Richard Bassett, Margaret C Eckford

Momo - Compilation

1 Rival

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