Momoiro Clover Z - トリック・オア・ドリーム - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Momoiro Clover Z - トリック・オア・ドリーム

Trick or Dream
Your clever mind and timid heart,
まっさかさま 眠りに堕ちれば
when they completely and suddenly fall into slumber,
這い出してくるぜ 胸に秘めた夢
the dreams you’ve kept secret in your chest will slither out.
You can’t go against your true feelings.
漂う霧をかきわけ クネクネ道
Parting the swirling fog and winding road,
Is this really the path I chose?
見上げた月明り 手がかりに
Looking up at the moonlight for clues,
やりなおせ 回れ右で
I can start again, and turn around.
My real feelings,
カギ閉め しまいこんでた
I locked them up and put them away.
追いつかれ 鋭いツメで
They caught up to me, and with sharp claws,
they pried me open.
My hidden true nature is exposed...
デッカすぎてもいいじゃん 無謀な夢
It doesn’t matter if it’s too big, a reckless dream.
叶えたいなら動け 変身してまで
If you want to make it come true, get moving, even if you have to transform yourself.
高い理想にジャンプ つかみとれ
Jump up to your lofty ideal, and grab it.
ほら なりたい自分に化けてやれ
Hey, transform yourself into the person you want to be,
and don’t worry about your manners.
Heading toward the ideal I’ve been longing for,
ひとりきり 綱渡り
I’m walking a tightrope all by myself.
すくむ足 行ったり来たりで
My shrinking legs keep going back and forth,
and I can’t seem to break free.
So let me just bare my fangs a little.
愛込めて 甘い毒巡って お仲間さ
Infused with love, a sweet poison courses through me, my friends.
巻きこめ みんな集合! フェスティバれ欲望!
I’ll get you all involved. Everyone, gather around! Let’s have a festival of desire!
Spread your big wings,
I want to reach it, but I’ve been averting my eyes,
because it’s hidden in the darkness.
Come on, let’s jump out,
月明りにおびき出されて 化けましょ
lured out by the moonlight, let’s change our forms.
でたらめでもいいじゃん 方法なんて
It doesn’t matter if it’s nonsense, any old method will do.
The world is full of tricks to begin with.
秘めた願望をジャック さらけ出せ
Hijack your secret desire and expose it.
ほら いっしょにおいでよ 旅は道づれ
Hey, come with me. The journey will be better with company.
デッカすぎてもいいじゃん 無謀な夢
It doesn’t matter if it’s too big, a reckless dream.
叶えたいなら動け 変身してまで
If you want to make it come true, get moving, even if you have to transform yourself.
高い理想にジャンプ つかみとれ
Jump up to your lofty ideal, and grab it.
ほら なりたい自分に化けてやれ
Hey, transform yourself into the person you want to be,
and don’t worry about your manners.
叶う 叶わないで 選ばないのが夢
Whether it comes true or not, a dream is a dream that you don’t choose.
なりたいものにだけ なれるんだね
You can only become what you want to be.
夢から覚めたって 消えたりしない夢
Even when you wake up from the dream, the dream won’t disappear.
いつか叶う日まで 忘れないで
Don’t forget it until the day it comes true.

Авторы: 月蝕會議

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