Monkey Black - Desaogo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Monkey Black - Desaogo

Ok Yimi en el maicrofon (no te aga)
Ok Yimi on the mic (don't act up)
El santo niño papañero
The holy daddy’s boy
La verdadera identidad del patio be
The true identity of the patio, babe
La verdadera identidad del cayejon mipana
The true identity of the alley, my friend
(Monkey black) (milka la mas dura) (el bebe letal)
(Monkey Black) (Milka, the toughest) (The lethal baby)
Bubloy un sicario con el vi
Bubloy a hitman with the vi
Lo k uno siente de verdad de la lleca be
What one truly feels, babe
(Monkey black)
(Monkey Black)
Y anque tenga que montate lo mio sin verguenza
And even if I have to ride mine without shame
Y alante de la gente pa que me entienda pa que
And in front of people so they understand, so that
Te de cuenta que estoy llenando mi basio y pa
You realize that I'm filling my void and to
Curame la amargura pila de pote me bebio
Cure my bitterness, I drank a lot of bottles
Dejame desaogame no toy fumao ni guelio
Let me vent, I'm not high or drunk
(Coño) yo eh sufrio tengo pila de baina
(Damn) I've suffered, I have a lot of things
Que quisiera contate con mi flow de comediante
That I'd like to tell you with my comedian flow
Anque no soy elegante tampoco soy artista
Although I'm not elegant, nor am I an artist
(Coño) pon mediante yo soy un delincuente
(Damn) put it in writing, I'm a delinquent
Que trata de echa palante diablo toy acaido
Who tries to move forward, damn it, I'm down
Loco pa que te lebante no sea innorante
Crazy for you to get up, don't be ignorant
El dolor el repultante ame caso que tu familia
Pain is repulsive, love in case your family
En tu casa te espera de cuarquier manera
Is waiting for you at home, no matter what
Anque te basia la nebera nobale la pena
Even if it empties the fridge, it's not worth it
Yo se que uno se desepera por eso no
I know one gets desperate, so I don't
Te culpo yo tambien pase por esa amigo mio
Blame you, I went through that too, my friend
Yo tambien e dividio por tu inoransia balga
I've also been divided by your ignorance, worth
La rebundansia ahora tengo la fragancia
The redundancy, now I have the fragrance
Guarda la distancia
Keep your distance
(Y no te ponga bruto vi)
(And don't get stupid, see)
Guarda la ditancia
Keep your distance
(No te aga)
(Don't act up)
Milka la mas dura(coro)
Milka the toughest (chorus)
Este es el mundo que yo vivo
This is the world I live in
Hay k josia pa manga el efectivoo
Gotta hustle to get the cash
Ya no puedo ni patia tranquilo
I can't even walk peacefully anymore
Vivo lo real en el mundo que yo vivoo(bis)
I live the real in the world that I live (twice)
(El bebe letal)
(The lethal baby)
Simulando las entraña y confundiendo tu mente
Simulating the guts and confusing your mind
Por que tengo las artimañas k le gutan a to la gente
Because I have the tricks that all people like
Lo k se mata donde bubloy e de memoria para siempre
What is killed where Bubloy is from memory forever
No te quedara ma tiempo bebe letal lo ma demente
You won't have time left, baby lethal the most demented
Hay k patiar tela de araña se me calleron dos del frente
You have to kick cobwebs, two of them fell off my front
Siempre frio con el teniente pero a cuarta con mi fuete
Always cool with the lieutenant but hot with my whip
No me pasen el trofeo mi gente que no me lo mereco
Don't pass me the trophy my people that I don't deserve it
Yo solo soy un freco en esto realise mi sueño
I'm just a cool guy in this, I made my dream come true
Y sin premio de television o comunicacion es el k
And without a television or communication award, it's what
Kita la vision de lo real k vivo ago yo
Takes away the vision of the real I live, I do
Soy un maldito esclavon de la cadena alimentisia
I'm a damn slave to the food chain
El rey leon si el demagogo k te frisa
The lion king, yes, the demagogue that chills you
Un consejo ermafrodita no te pare en mi callejon
A hermaphrodite advice, don't stand in my alley
Por que perdemo la rason cuando bemo pasola bonita
Because we lose our minds when we drink beautiful passion fruit juice
Pongo a fuane k te la quita mientra moquito te pica
I put Fuane who takes it away from you while Mosquito bites you
Como somo pana de barrio te dejamo aya en la luisa
Since we are neighborhood buddies, we leave you there in Luisa
No ombe sobate tu pelo k eso mi panita
No, man, control your hair, that's my buddy
Ello no son malocorita y no me ban a usa ese juego
They are not bad, and they are not going to use that game on me
Todavia no lo be y palomo te ta mirando encuero
I still don't see it and palomo is looking at you naked
Pila de juidero se me alsan y mi alma no descansa
Lots of messes, they rise up to me and my soul does not rest
Por que me piden melasa para sentirse como en casa
Because they ask me for molasses to feel at home
Yo no uso tasa toy en plato dejala k se te rebato
I don't use a cup, I'm on a plate, let it overflow
Si yo me caso contigo juanita yo te juro k me mato
If I marry you, Juanita, I swear I'll kill myself
Beibi eso es lo verdad k ablo
Baby that's the truth I speak
Este es el mundo que yo vivoo
This is the world that I live in
Hay que josia pa manga el efectivoo
You have to hustle to get the cash
Ya no puedo ni patia tranquilo
I can't even walk peacefully anymore
Vivo lo real en el mundo k yo vivoo(bis)
I live the real in the world that I live in (twice)
(Monkey black)
(Monkey Black)
Bubloy activo con lo tiguerone be
Bubloy active with the thugs, babe
Lo k an pasao la mil y una y la 17 mala noche
Those who have been through a thousand and one and 17 bad nights
Paque te clara de huevo
So that you are clear about the egg
(Bebe letal)
(Baby Lethal)
Bebe letal ondermodofokigrao
Baby lethal ondermodofokigrao
Monkey black milka la mas dura
Monkey Black, Milka, the toughest
Monckey black, milka, bubloy
Monkey Black, Milka, Bubloy

Авторы: Leonardo Michael Ozuna

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