Morodo feat. HDO - MAD Wars - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Morodo feat. HDO - MAD Wars

MAD Wars
MAD Wars
Eeeeh ("Well dem")
Eeeeh ("Well dem")
Aaaah (Oh yes)
Aaaah (Oh yes)
Una vez más ya llega el Bingi Maaan
Once again the Bingi Maaan is coming
Ya hace long time (ya hace long time)
It's been a long time (it's been a long time)
Y esque hace long time
And that's long time ago
Ya hace long time
It's been a long time
Well dem style
Well dem style
Y hace long time que yo ya sabía
And it's been a long time since I knew
Que yo ya sabia, que yo ya sabia, que yo ya sabia
That I already knew, that I already knew, that I already knew
Y hace long que yo ya sabia
And it's been a long time since I knew
Que yo ya sabia, que yo ya sabia (uh yeah)
That I already knew, that I already knew (uh yeah)
Pero ya hace long time que yo ya sabía
But it's been a long time that I already knew
Que yo ya sabia, que yo ya sabia (uh yeah)
That I already knew, that I already knew (uh yeah)
Y una vez más llegael SuperNyahBingi Maan
And once again the Supernyahbingi Maan arrives
Eee aaa
Eee aaa
Y hace long time que yo ya sabía
And it's been a long time since I knew
Que esto pasaría
That this would happen
Y lo que no sabía lo intuía
And what I didn't know I intuited
Que la gente pelearía con la policía
That people would fight with the police
Que se llenarían las comisarías
That the police stations would be filled
Y hace long time
And long time ago
Que se olía la rebeldía
The smell of rebellion
Yo sabía que Madrid como en Vietnam sería
I knew that Madrid as in Vietnam would be
Y se descubriría corrupción en la alcaldía
And corruption would be discovered in the mayor's
Se lo dije en "Rebel Action" y no lo entendían
I told them in "Rebel Action" and they didn't understand
Ahora carguen su pollo muerto
Now load up your dead chicken
Pusieron confianza en Don Mariano y se los llevó al huerto
They put their trust in Don Mariano and he took them to the orchard
Y es bien cierto, si no lo digo reviento, en el país de los ciegos, el rey es tuerto.
And it's very true, if I don't say it I'll burst, in the country of the blind, the king is one-eyed.
Dios mío dime qué es esto! Hace un año hablaban de progreso y ahora estamos tiesos
Oh my God tell me what is this! A year ago they were talking about progress and now we are stiff
La gente esta peleando sus derechos
People are fighting for their rights
Y ellos como ratas encerraos en el congreso, así que
And they lock you up like rats in Congress, so
Jamming your hand if you are real Revolution
Jamming your hand if you are real Revolution
Levanten la mano si estan listos pa la lucha
Raise your hand if you're ready for the fight
Dile a tu hermano que el amor es la solution
Tell your brother that love is the solution...
Recuerden "love is the only solution"
Remember "love is the only solution"
Jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
Jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
Levanten la mano si estan listos pa la lucha
Raise your hand if you're ready for the fight
Dile a tu hermano que el amor es la solution
Tell your brother that love is the solution...
Recuerden "love is the only solution"
Remember "love is the only solution"
No, Rastafari is not to the burn
No, Rastafari is not to the burn
No estaban quietos espiritual-natural
They were not still spiritual-natural
Siempre original, manteniendo el bien por encima del mal
Always original, keeping the good above the evil
Rastaman no está creyendo en hipócrita, ni en votante idólatra
Rastaman is not believing in hypocrite, nor idolatrous voter
Izquierda o derecha lo mismo da si al final se repite la misma historia (Yauh)
Left or right it doesn't matter if the same story repeats at the end (Yauh)
Aumenta el listado de pánico a causa de caos económico, y es que es irónico
The list of panic increases because of economic chaos, and it's ironic
Mientras el político apático en su ático
While the apathetic politician in his attic
A base concesiones haciendose el millonario
On the basis of concessions becoming the millionaire
(Burn dem) Les hacen preguntas y no responden
(Burn dem) They ask them questions and they don't answer
Ya basta de ladrones, Barcenas y Mario Condes
Enough of thieves, Barcenas and Mario Condes
(Burn dem) Basta de desahucios y recortes
(Burn dem) Enough of evictions and cuts
Y saquen todo el dinero que esconden.
And get out all the money you're hiding.
Por eso digo, jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
That's why I say, jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
Levanten la mano si estan listos pa la lucha
Raise your hand if you're ready for the fight
Dile a tu hermano que el amor es la solution
Tell your brother that love is the solution...
Recuerden "love is the only solution"
Remember "love is the only solution"
Jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
Jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
Levanten la mano si estan listos pa la lucha
Raise your hand if you're ready for the fight
Dile a tu hermano que el amor es la solution
Tell your brother that love is the solution...
Recuerden "love is the only solution"
Remember "love is the only solution"
(Fayah burn Babylon, i'm a Buffalo Soldier)
(Fayah burn Babylon, I'm a Buffalo Soldier)
(Eeeeeh)No estoy creyendo en político
(Eeeeeh) I'm not believing in political
Del primero al último todos resultan ser unos cínicos
From the first to the last, everyone turns out to be a cynic
Mientras en la calle el pueblo paga y si fracasan
While on the street the people pay and if they fail
Y ellos no dan la cara, y para,
And they don't show their face, and to,
Métanle mente a esta lírica y
Put your mind to this lyric and
Denme una señal si estan de acuerdo que la situación es crítica
Give me a signal if you agree that the situation is critical
Jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
Jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
Levanten la mano si estan listos pa la lucha
Raise your hand if you're ready for the fight
Dile a tu hermano que el amor es la solution
Tell your brother that love is the solution...
Recuerden "love is the only solution"
Remember "love is the only solution"
Jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
Jamming your hand if you are real for Revolution
Levanten la mano si estan listos pa la lucha
Raise your hand if you're ready for the fight
Dile a tu hermano que el amor es la solution
Tell your brother that love is the solution...
Recuerden "love is the only solution"
Remember "love is the only solution"

Авторы: Lazaro Barrizonte, Ruben Morodo

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