Moscow - 2016 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Moscow - 2016

حماسة شدتني اني أوثق وادلك
Epicism that compels me to document and show you
جامد بوجود الادلة
Solid with the presence of proof
بدأت ف سنين بعدت بعدت
Started in years long past
رغم اني قادر ان اذلك
Though I had the power to disgrace you
محدش ثابت على الملة
No one is steady in the nation
كله اتولد على القمة
All were born at the top
كله بيودي بيودي
Everyone is leading everyone
كله بره عن الشلة
Everyone is outside about the squad
رميت كله ورا ضهري
I threw everything behind my back
سيبت المزيكا وركزت ف علامي
I left the music and focused on my grades
صاحبتي كانت شايله همي
My teammate was worried about me
اني اتشهر متبقاش مدامي
That I would become famous and not be me anymore
زمايلي جامدة بتشجعني
My classmates encouraged me with enthusiasm
شافوا الوحش مني قبل مسامي
They saw the beast in me before my voice
شافوا اللي شايل هم واللي كسر فيا سهله انا ارجعه بلجامي
They saw the one who carried the weight and the one who broke it in me. I can easily bring it back with a bridle.
تعليم وآخره كان مفيش
Education and in the end it was nothing
هركز هركز وبرده متجيش
I will focus, I will focus and still not come
هجيبها بشهادة تتركن على النيش
I will get it with a certificate that will be left on the forehead
اخرتها ع القهوة بضايق م البيش
In the end, for the coffee, I'm annoyed by the boss
اخرتها للتربة دِه فيها ننترمي
In the end, for the grave we are destined to be thrown in it
قبلها ف سنين هترمي ع الريش
Before that, in years, we will throw ourselves on the feathers
انت حابب تبقى فيها منحني
You love to be a pervert in it
بس انا مختلف عنك انت Re
But I'm different from you, you are Re
همي كان عيلتي وكان نظره الناس
My concern was my family and people's looks
قفلت ف دماغي وضربت الترباس
I closed in my brain and hit the bolt
تهديد اني اخسرك تهديد اني اتداس
Threatening to lose you threatening to be trampled
تعبيري مقصلة مكسبي بالكاس
My expression is a guillotine. My earnings are on the cup
كلمة مني على كلمة من شات
A word from me for a word from chat
فكرة مني جوا الأوضة بتراك
An idea from me inside the room by track
عيبي عقلي كله دقيقة شغال
My fault is that my mind is busy all the time
سايب حملي ورامي روحي ف مقام
Leaving my burden and throwing my soul in a place
عوء عوء جوا شارع ونزلت وقضيتها بلاوي ولفيت
Howling and howling in the street and I went down and did it and I wrapped it
شغلت علاقاتي وفكسنا للسيط محترم محترم وما ليا jade
I worked on my relationships and we fixed it for the control. I'm respectful and I don't have jade
خبره ف التانية وعلينا ف دماغنا وعلمنا اللي منكوا علمنا بوشين
Expertise in the second and on our minds and we taught the one from you we taught the two faces
نجحنا ف مدارس وجامعة الاتنين مشكلتي اني جامد وقاطع ودنين
We succeeded in schools and university. The two of us are my problem that I'm a jerk and I cut off my ears
عادي ف قديم او جديد دِه سهلة
Normal in the old or new, this is easy
كل التطور مطلوب دول جهلة
All development is required. These are ignorant
راسك من تحت ، مقلوب تجاهلك
Your head from below, upside down, ignoring you
عارف انها بذنوب بس nah nah
I know that it is with sins, but nah nah
كله ف الدنيا مركوب فلا لا
Everything in the world is ridden. No, no
كل من عمل مفهوم فلقنا
Everyone who worked out a concept, we split
هنا في جيل
Here in a generation
هنا في جيل
Here in a generation
من هنا البداية
Here is the beginning
ومن هنا اتفقنا؟
And here we agree?
شغلي مرمي ف اللوكندا
My job is thrown in the hotel
جوا الأوضة كاسر لمبة
Inside the room, the lamp is broken
عيني سودة وعيني باندا
My eyes are black and my eyes are panda
لون السجادة حافظه زي صامتك
The color of the carpet remembers you as silent
ف ضهري بس كان الشنطة
In my back was just a bag
كله ماشي بالاونطة
Everything is going on time
دماغي اتقل م البالطا
My brain is heavier than an ax
قلبك مسود وانا أفكاري غامضه
Your heart is blackened and my thoughts are obscure
وقتك بليل زي يومي بالكامل
Your time at night is like my whole day
تفكير ف تفكير وانا بين البينين
Thinking in thinking and I am between the two
عادي اتكدرت وعرفنا نتعامل
Okay, I got depressed and we got to know how to deal
ع السكة تكسرني وانا وانت same
On the track, it breaks me and me and you are the same
بس اتعلمت اني مش هجامل
But I learned that I wouldn't flatter
كلها دايره وكله on the game
It's all a circle and it's all on the game
سبب وجودي مزاولة مش اكتر
The reason for my existence is practicing, nothing more
انت مش جامد انت يلا lame
You're not cool, you're lame
فتره فيها رجعت احسن
A period in which I came back better
بس للاسف رجعت للارض
But unfortunately I returned to earth
رجعت اللي تكسر فيا مع الفرض
Returned what breaks in me with the assumption
My life
طولها اتقلب بقى عرض
Its length has now turned into width
بمثل الصبر واني جالد نفسي
I impersonate patience and I'm flogging myself
كل اللي شوفته منها كان الشرط
All that I saw from it was the condition
قلبي مش جاي منه غير الحرب
My heart doesn't come from it but war
عقلي بيهد فيا على الدرب
My mind calms me down on the path
باذل جهد وباذل عرق براشيم
Exerting effort and exerting sweat fillings
عايز شغله وعايز ورق عايز بير
I want a job and I want paper I want beer
ففاكس سحلة وفاكس غرق وفاكس كير
In fax, a swamp and fax, drowning and fax, a stock
غيري حرق كله سبق على free
Others burned everything ahead on free
من الزمن رامي البطل ddt
From the time, throwing the champion ddt
شايف هدف وانا ماشي ما بحيد
I see a goal and I walk and I don't deviate
من زمان والفانز دول مماحين
From time and the fans are arguing
حالف اني هفضل فيها ما هغيب
I swear that I will stay in it, I will not be absent

Авторы: Abdallah Osama

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