Motin.82 - De Malos Tratos (Planes) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Motin.82 - De Malos Tratos (Planes)

De Malos Tratos (Planes)
Of Bad Treatment (Plans)
Traté de cambiar de planes para ampliarme hasta acercarme a
I tried to change my plans, to broaden myself, to get closer to me
Centrarme en el arte para serenar el arder que te da vivir
Focus on my art, to calm the burning that life gives you
Traté de cambiar de planes para ampliarme hasta acercarme a
I tried to change my plans, to broaden myself, to get closer to me
Centrarme en el arte para serenar el arder que te da vivir
Focus on my art, to calm the burning that life gives you
No son mis planes, mi ser a veces se va de
These aren't my plans, my being sometimes loses itself
Nunca fueron mis planes, mi fe a veces me evade, y
They were never my plans, my faith sometimes evades me, and
Esto no estaba en mis planes, sabés, a no me va mentir
This wasn't in my plans, you know, lying doesn't suit me
No van a ser mis planes, llegar cuando sea tarde, y fin
These won't be my plans, arriving when it's too late, the end
que a veces no controlo nada tanto como creo
I know that sometimes I don't control anything as much as I think
Creo dramas y los canto, alto y para solo
I create dramas and sing them, loud and for myself alone
De malos tratos y modos, cada vez que me inmolo
Of bad treatment and ways, every time I immolate myself
Mato otro rato y me atoro
I kill another moment and get stuck
Con otro dato, si todo salió innato lo ignoro
With another piece of information, if everything came naturally, I ignore it
Pisé mi lodo, y yo con zapatos
I stepped in my mud, and me, with shoes on
Coronas de trapo y ni trono
Crowns of rags and not even a throne
Ondas sonoras en oídos de cartón
Sound waves in cardboard ears
Cambié de profesión, como Sábato
I changed professions, like Sábato
Si no muestro mi don, me siento avaro
If I don't show my gift, I feel greedy
En lo de morder el pasto, un galardón
In the act of biting the dust, an award
Comida de ayer para hoy
Yesterday's food for today
Dejo pasar el tiempo como si fuera infinito
I let time pass as if it were infinite
Me siento diminuto en el mundo que habito
I feel tiny in the world I inhabit
Ya no repito tanto los trucos, y es un hito
I don't repeat the tricks so much anymore, and it's a milestone
Te invito a este trato de placeres y gritos
I invite you to this deal of pleasures and screams
Y casi en la paz limítrofe, por fin
And almost at the bordering peace, finally
Otra catástrofe que no vi, Chernobyl
Another catastrophe that I didn't see, Chernobyl
En mi órbita hay un motín
There's a mutiny in my orbit
Peleas de mis hemisferios: Odín y Loki
Fights between my hemispheres: Odin and Loki
Y yo acá inmóvil, esperando un call me
And I'm here immobile, waiting for a call
Buscando que el cambio propio sea por
Looking for self-change to be for me
Sin reconocerme en esas old pics
Without recognizing myself in those old pics
Honey, love me if you can, como Al Green
Honey, love me if you can, like Al Green
Traté de cambiar de planes para ampliarme hasta acercarme a
I tried to change my plans, to broaden myself, to get closer to me
Centrarme en el arte para serenar el arder que te da vivir
Focus on my art, to calm the burning that life gives you
Traté de cambiar de planes para ampliarme hasta acercarme a
I tried to change my plans, to broaden myself, to get closer to me
Centrarme en el arte para serenar el arder que te da vivir
Focus on my art, to calm the burning that life gives you
No son mis planes, mi ser a veces se va de
These aren't my plans, my being sometimes loses itself
Nunca fueron mis planes, mi fe a veces me evade, y
They were never my plans, my faith sometimes evades me, and
Esto no estaba en mis planes, sabés, a no me va mentir
This wasn't in my plans, you know, lying doesn't suit me
No van a ser mis planes, llegar cuando sea tarde, y fin
These won't be my plans, arriving when it's too late, the end
Vidas repetidas, idas y venidas, y las despedidas de
Repeated lives, comings and goings, and the farewells of
Días de ventilar heridas, respirar, dedicarme al fin a ser
Days of airing out wounds, breathing, finally dedicating myself to being
Vidas repetidas, idas y venidas, y las despedidas de
Repeated lives, comings and goings, and the farewells of
Días de ventilar heridas, respirar, dedicarme al fin a ser
Days of airing out wounds, breathing, finally dedicating myself to being

Авторы: Tomás Oneto

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