Motre feat. Migo - Murdvr 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Motre feat. Migo - Murdvr 2

Murdvr 2
Murdvr 2
Murdvr 2
Murdvr 2
Murdvr 2
Murdvr 2
For myself
We close it
Nu facem ca tine
We don't do it like you
Asta-i jocu meu
This is my game
Sa nu pierzi tre'
Don't lose yourself
Sa te ti bine .
Be good .
Nu ma fac pe mine bani
I don't make money for myself
Nici măcar dujmani
Not even enemies
Tu sa poti iesi afara
For you to go out
Trebuie sa o intrebi pe mami
You need to ask mommy
Închideți gura
Close your mouth
Daca nu ti-o inchidem noi
If we don't close it for you
Vorbesti mult pe strada
You talk a lot on the street
Dar stim foarte bine esti gunoi
But we know very well you're garbage
Da Am 60 de kile
Yes I have 60 kilos
Dar te mananc
But I eat you
Nu conteaza
It doesn't matter
La ce ora sau cand
What time or when
Haide, haide
Come on, come on
Vreau sa aud
I want to hear
Oprește te sa te scuzi
Stop apologizing
Trăim Murdar
We live dirty
Un bloc un necaz
One block one trouble
Je ne se pa
Je ne se pa
Dacă întreabă gaboru' ceva
If the cop asks something
Sahbe Murdar
Sahbe Dirty
Trăim Murdar
We live dirty
Un bloc un necaz
One block one trouble
Je ne se pa
Je ne se pa
Dacă întreabă gaboru' ceva
If the cop asks something
Sahbe Murdar
Sahbe Dirty
Ich bin dreckig wie davor
I'm dirty like before
Schieße auf dich
Shoot at you
Migo ist Start klar
Migo is starting clear
Disse Rapper Namentlich
These rappers by name
Ich bin unterwegs
I'm on my way
Bleibe nachtaktiv
Stay nocturnal
Baba Hase
Baba Hase
Kein kusch da
No cuddling there
Fick diese Lutscher
Fuck these suckers
Du warst nie ein
You never were a
Canabe Pusher
Canabe Pusher
Deine Freundin
Your girlfriend
Sie lutscht grad
She's sucking right now
Zu viel jack Daniels
Too much Jack Daniels
Im Glas mein Kopf dreht sich
In the glass my head is spinning
Deine geile Blondinen
Your hot blonde
Freundin ja sie liebt mich
Girlfriend yes she loves me
Ich gib ihr alles
I give her everything
Doch nicht mein Herz
But not my heart
Ja sie ist es nicht wert
Yes she is not worth it
Ich fick sie brutal
I fuck her brutal
Aber du bastard
But you bastard
Ja du spürst diesen Schmerz
Yes you feel this pain
Meine Jungs haben Hunger
My boys are hungry
Ficken auf Klunker
Fucking on clunkers
Wir jagen Batz
We hunt Batz
Sehen wir dich
We see you
Auf der Straße vergessen
On the street forgotten
Wir uns
Vergesse ich mich
I forget myself
Ich bleibe nicht ruhig
I don't stay calm
Ich jage dich bis zum abendlich
I chase you until the evening
Ich schwör auf alles
I swear on everything
Ich finde dich
I find you
Ihr seit Blöff
You are bluff
Mehr arsch geben
Give more ass
Geht doch nicht
It doesn't work
Trăim Murdar
We live dirty
Un bloc un necaz
One block one trouble
Je ne se pa
Je ne se pa
Dacă întreabă gaboru' ceva
If the cop asks something
Sahbe Murdar
Sahbe Dirty
Trăim Murdar
We live dirty
Un bloc un necaz
One block one trouble
Je ne se pa
Je ne se pa
Dacă întreabă gaboru' ceva
If the cop asks something
Am viata Mea băgată-n joc
I have my life in the game
Riscu crește cam non stop
Risk grows almost non-stop
We dont talk a lot
We don't talk a lot
Shut the fuck up pussy boy
Shut the fuck up pussy boy
Vorbești de gang gang gang
You talk about gang gang gang
Da ești un lași la fel
Yes you are a coward
Ca pizdele cu
Like the bitches with
Care ti-o arzi tu de fel
Whom you are burning it
Nu iti mai dau de acum atentie
I don't pay attention to you anymore
Minți pe piese zici ca esti pește
You lie in pieces you say you are a fish
Dacă mai enervezi
If you make me angry again
Dau exopse
I give exopse
La tot ce este
To all that is
Și tot ce se vorbește despre tine
And everything that is said about you
Sahma gangstere
Sahma gangster
Sahma gangstere
Sahma gangster
Futu-ți Morții Ma-tii
Fuck your mother's death
Trăim Murdar
We live dirty
Un bloc un necaz
One block one trouble
Je ne se pa
Je ne se pa
Dacă întreabă gaboru' ceva
If the cop asks something
Sahbe Murdar
Sahbe Dirty
Trăim Murdar
We live dirty
Un bloc un necaz
One block one trouble
Je ne se pa
Je ne se pa
Dacă întreabă gaboru' ceva
If the cop asks something
Sahbe Murdar
Sahbe Dirty

Motre feat. Migo - Murdvr 2 (feat. Migo) - Single
Murdvr 2 (feat. Migo) - Single
дата релиза

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