Mr. Kilombo - Na de mi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mr. Kilombo - Na de mi

Na de mi
Na de mi
A menudo suelen darme, los calores por el día
I often get hot during the day
Pero cada noche tengo frió y me sigo enamorándome como un crió
But every night I'm cold and I keep falling in love like a child
Y soy trilero toco el cielo, caigo al suelo y bamboleo
And I'm a trickster, I touch the sky, I fall to the ground, and I sway
Quiero beber veneno suelto, amarras en la barra
I want to drink poison, let go of the reins at the bar
Y cambio joyerías por chatarra.
And I trade jewelry for junk.
Tu no sabes na de mi
You don't know anything about me
No creas que
Don't think you do
Por un par de canciones, yo tampoco na de ti
From a few songs, I don't know anything about you either
Todo por descubrir, tras esos ojos saltones
Everything to discover, behind those bulging eyes
Na de ti na de mi na de na
Nothing of you, nothing of me, nothing of anything
Una pagina en blanco y carmina al filo de la
A blank page and carmine on the edge of
Mañana de ti na de mi na de na
Tomorrow nothing of you, nothing of me, nothing of anything
Ven acá como si tal vez no hubiera un mañana.
Come here as if perhaps there were no tomorrow.
Miro a la cara a la vida ella me aguanta la vista y me desafia
I look life in the face, it holds my gaze and defies me
Y tu no escondes tus anhelos, juegas conmigo y con tu pelo
And you don't hide your desires, you play with me and your hair
Y cambia el rumbo en un segundo gira el mundo y para en seco en una idea
And it changes course in a second, the world spins and stops dead in its tracks at an idea
Hagamos que valga la pena el crimen y la condena.
Let's make the crime and the sentence worth it.
Aunque no sabes na de mi
Even though you don't know anything about me
No creas que
Don't think you do
Por un par de canciones, yo tampoco na de ti
From a few songs, I don't know anything about you either
Todo por descubrir, tras esos ojos saltones
Everything to discover, behind those bulging eyes
Na de ti na de mi na de na
Nothing of you, nothing of me, nothing of anything
Una pagina en blanco y carmina al filo de la
A blank page and carmine on the edge of
Mañana de ti na de mi na de na
Tomorrow nothing of you, nothing of me, nothing of anything
Ven acá como si tal vez no hubiera un mañana.
Come here as if perhaps there were no tomorrow.
Que una tengo su vicio no es un delito
That I have a vice is not a crime
Estoy hablando de mas se me calienta el pico
I'm talking too much, my mouth is getting hot
Y tu te ríes de todo y me das carrete me metes mas bola que libro de petete
And you laugh at everything and give me shit, you give me more shit than a comic book
Vamos a dar al tajo nos importa un carajo, llegar mañana dormidos al trajo
Let's go to the grind, we don't give a damn about arriving to work tomorrow sleepy
Quedarnos a media y en esta partida nos haría perder 3 años de vida
Staying in the middle and in this game would make us lose 3 years of our lives
Y mientras tanto el mundo que esta medio lelo, están todos dormidos cazando pokemon y tu ya sabes mucho de mi.
And while the world is half-asleep, everyone is asleep hunting Pokemon and you already know a lot about me.
Na de ti na de mi na de na.
Nothing of you, nothing of me, nothing of anything.
Na de ti na de mi na de na.
Nothing of you, nothing of me, nothing of anything.
Na de ti na de mi na de na.
Nothing of you, nothing of me, nothing of anything.
Na de ti na de mi na de na.
Nothing of you, nothing of me, nothing of anything.

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