Por como me ven tus ojos puedo ver q soy grande tu admiracion
By the way your eyes see me, I can see that you greatly admire me
Asia a este mc de este mc depende aunq en tu orgullo tus emociones escondes la admiracion en tus gestos faciales al verme se esconden costumbre de hombres con hambre espiritual bajo mi cumbre esperan q mi semilla del verso les siembre por q hay personas q de una palabra dependen y palabras q dependen de quienes las entienden
Asia, this mc, this mc depends on you, although in your pride you hide the admiration in your emotions, the admiration in your facial gestures is hidden when you see me, a custom of men with spiritual hunger, under my peak they wait for my seed of verse to sow them because there are people who depend on a word and words that depend on those who understand them
(¿entienden q no entienden nada?)
(Do you hear that you do not understand anything?)
Verifica la estacion de radio la pusiste equibocada porq aqui solo hay poesias con cnseptos ideologia basada en el abuso del texto no en el gesto
Check which radio station you have put in incorrectly, because here there are only poems with concepts, ideology based on the abuse of the text, not the gesture
De ser y parecer un mc aki el mc se mide por la rimas q da su pensil
To be and to seem like an mc here, the mc is measured by the rhymes that his pencil gives
O por la intelectualidaden el alfabeto analfabeto de mi no ganaran respeto
Or by the intellectuality in the illiterate alphabet, you will not gain my respect
Insectos escuchen como violo el run dios me dio el don me aburre rapear en el lenguaje comun
Insects, listen as I rape the run, God gave me the gift, I am bored rapping in the common language
Son muxos q dicen q privo de inteligente pero
There are many who say that I lack intelligence, but
Se inteligente ¿tus frases kedan permanentes?
Be intelligent, do your phrases remain permanent?
Yo hago pensar mentes brillantes para escucharme recomiendo un diccionario y un tankilisante
I make bright minds think to hear me, I recommend a dictionary and a tranquilizer
Pues solo viajar al espacio sideral fornicar cn literatura o una rima mortal por eso muxos me escucharon me ignoraron a los
3 dias convulsionaron
Because only traveling to sidereal space, fornicating with literature, or a deadly rhyme, that is why many listened to me, ignored me, and had convulsions after
3 days
Otros se dieron cuenta q cn lo q cuentan en su rap mi rap no lo enfrenta mis rimas apestan infectan molestan pero donde estan los raperos reales q en hip hop protestan de forma honesta digo q mis metricas
Others realized that with what they said in their rap, my rap does not deal with it, my rhymes stink, infect, bother, but where are the real rappers who protest in hip hop honestly? I say that my metrics
Son tan duras q la comparan cn la situacion economica euforica es la manera q eyaculo cada bocal impredecible
Are so hard that they compare it to the euphoric economic situation, it is the way that I ejaculate each vocal imprecisely
La forma q golpeo el instrumental algunos me suelen mal interpretar por q el instrumental y yo tenemos un problema pasional
The way I hit the instrumental, some tend to misinterpret me because the instrumental and I have a passionate problem
(Esto es ecencia del hip hop las cenisas del fenix renacieron en un disco you ready now mr.
(This is the essence of hip hop, the ashes of the phoenix were reborn in a record, are you ready now, Mr.
Raimy LA A.
Raimy LA A.
Uuu desde mi cumbre io solo solo ja solo
Uuu from my mountain top I alone only ha only
Solo necesito una idea virgen para q su inocensia sangre tinta sobre la hoja en blanko frases me sumergen mis ojos se tornan blancos y emergen versos que cae sobre los cuatro tiemposfenix bit, los recogidos, ooou shiiit
I only need a virgin idea so that her innocence bleeds ink on the blank page, phrases submerge me, my eyes turn white and verses emerge that fall on the four beatsphoenix bit, the collected, ooou shiiit
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