Mr. Vasovski feat. Soozy Q. - The Music - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mr. Vasovski feat. Soozy Q. - The Music

The Music
The Music
Es curioso, que el que realmente busca cuando encuentra se disgusta,
Curiously, the one who truly searches is dismayed upon finding,
Es peligroso caminar, pero es llegar lo que me asusta,
It's risky to walk, but it's arriving that frightens me,
Imborroso, por venir de esa justa, mi presente en forma brusca
Vaguely, from coming from that just, my present in a gruff manner
Haciendo que el pasado lusca mas glorioso que nunca
Making the past look more glorious than ever
Es curioso, pero justamente cuando te frustras,
It's curious, but just when you get frustrated,
Aparece en forma abrupta un angel que oculta tu angustia
An angel appears abruptly, hiding your anguish
Siento que hay una nacion y una razon,
I feel that there is a nation and a reason,
Sera que tu hoy buscas con esta interrogacion?
Could it be that today you seek with this interrogation?
Debo destrozar tus oidos para que oigas con el corazon?
Should I tear your ears apart so that you may hear with your heart?
Curioso es que esta educacion pretenda que alguien aprenda
Curiously, this education expects someone to learn
Si aun tiene la conviccion, de que en verda el saber vendra
If you still have the conviction that knowledge will truly come
De la cantidad de fechas y contiendas que retengas
From the amount of dates and feuds that you can retain
Es curioso que tenga tanta importancia el barrio del que provengas,
It's curious that the neighborhood you come from is of such importance,
Y que el bienestar dependa de la cantidad de prendas que puedas comprar en tiendas
And that well-being depends on the amount of garments that you can buy in stores
Son muchos los telefonos que albergas en tu agenda, cuando solo te sientas seran pocos los que atiendan,
There are many phones that you have in your directory, when you feel lonely there will be few who attend,
Es curioso que no entiendas que mi cien da,
It's curious that you don't understand that my hundred gives,
Siempre que lo ofendas, 100 palabras como prenda,
Whenever you offend it, 100 words as a pledge,
Nada mas, escribiendo me despojo de mi ego,
Nothing else, writing I shed my ego,
Cantando lo arrojo al fuego,
Singing I cast it into the fire,
Ante tu desprecio escojo el respeto, pues me niego,
In the face of your contempt I choose respect, for I refuse,
A cobrar ojo por ojo y que acabemos ambos ciego.
To charge an eye for an eye and for both of us to end up blind.
Es curioso, que el pais que otorga mas subsidio,
It's curious that the country that grants the most subsidies,
Sera la nacion con mas cantidad de suicidio,
Will be the nation with the most suicides,
Sueño, realidad, alguien por ti ya decidio,
Dream, reality, someone has already decided for you,
Has lo mismo que hiso todo aquel que vivio sin pensar
Do the same as all those who lived without thinking
Y muere por que el deber se te impide, arriesgate a volar,
And die because duty prevents you, dare to fly,
Dejate llevar, eres dueño de todo lo que puedas imaginar.
Let yourself go, you own everything you can imagine.
Es curioso que necesite, refugiarme en mi escondite
It's curious that I need to, take refuge in my hiding place
Para olvidarme que este amor a mi corazon derrite,
To forget that this love melts my heart,
Es curioso que sea cobarde, un MC se admite
It's curious that I'm a coward, an MC admits
Que apela por el "desearme" y no compite,
That appeals for the "wanting me" and doesn't compete,
Hoy prefiero sincerarme, sin ser tratar de que esto no se insite,
Today I prefer to be honest, without trying to prevent this being pushed,
Al dejar que sus almas griten, para que mas temprano que tarde
By letting their souls scream, so that sooner than later
Los hombres se calmen y se comuniquen
Men calm down and communicate
Es curioso observar que al menospreciar permiten
It's curious to observe that by belittling they allow
Que salir de nada y mente te limites
You to emerge from nothing and limit your mind
Nose si tengo palabras que expliquen lo curioso que es,
I don't know if I have words that explain how curious it is,
Ver lo que ves, si siemrpe deseas que sea al revez,
To see what you see, if you always wish it were the other way around,
Hoy mi desafio no es que el mundo sea mio, tampoco es de mi interes
Today my challenge is not that the world is mine, nor is it in my interest
Intentar ocultar mi astio, tan curioso es que no sonrio,
To try to hide my disgust, how curious it is that I don't smile,
Cuando pierdo el rio de pensamiento, en un papel valdio que hoy envio a este desierto
When I lose the river of thought, on a worthless paper that today I send to this desert
Impio donde a lo lejos jamaz encontraras un puesto vacio junto al resto,
Impious where in the distance you will never find an empty seat next to the rest,
Confio en el afecto...
I trust in affection...
Si un dia amanesco muerto, sera porque preferi vivir soñando antes que morir despierto.
If one day I wake up dead, it will be because I preferred to live dreaming than to die awake.

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