Ms.OOJA - Baby Don't Know Why - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ms.OOJA - Baby Don't Know Why

Baby Don't Know Why
Baby Don't Know Why
通り過ぎてく人の中 一人うつむいて歩いていた
Among the people passing by, I walked with my head hung low
前が見えなくて 降り出した雨にも気付かないでどこにもいけなくて
Unable to see ahead, I didn't even notice the rain starting to fall, with nowhere to go
あの日あなたに出会った事は 私を変えてくれたよね
The day I met you, it changed me, you know
この手を掴んで 離さないよって遠く遠く連れ去ってくれたのに
You grabbed my hand, saying you wouldn't let go, and took me far, far away
The flowing time, before I knew it,
Created long, lonely nights
あなたの隣りで眠るときは 朝はすぐやってきたのに
When I slept beside you, mornings came so quickly
baby don't know why I cry
Baby, don't know why I cry
さよなら 本当は言いたくないタダの強がり
Goodbye, I don't really want to say it, it's just my pride
baby baby 気付いてよ こんなはずじゃなかった二人なのに
Baby, baby, please notice, we weren't supposed to be like this
The words you said that day, there wasn't a single lie, right?
ずっと一緒だって 変わらないよって 強く強く抱きしめてくれたのに
We'd be together forever, you said it wouldn't change, and held me tightly, so tightly
私が気付いてた幸せは きっとあなたと同じじゃなかった
The happiness I realized, it must not have been the same as yours
ほんの少しすれ違っただけで 心は見えなくなってた
Just a slight misunderstanding, and our hearts became invisible
baby don't know why I cry
Baby, don't know why I cry
さよなら 本当は言いたくない タダの強がり
Goodbye, I don't really want to say it, it's just my pride
baby baby 気付いてよ こんなはずじゃなかったのに
Baby, baby, please notice, we weren't supposed to be like this
baby don't know why I cry
Baby, don't know why I cry
さよなら 二度と戻れないこと わかってるくせに
Goodbye, I know we can never go back
baby baby 止まらない涙 もう泣かないと決めたのに
Baby, baby, the tears won't stop, I decided not to cry anymore
不安で 辛くて しょうがなかった
I was anxious, pained, I couldn't help it
あなたの 背中に 隠れて泣いてた
I hid behind your back and cried
ウソツキ キライヨ バカニシナイデヨ
Liar, I hate you, don't make a fool of me
どんな 言葉も すり抜けていった
Every word just slipped away
わかってる あなたも 傷付いてたよね
I know, you were hurting too, right?
気付いた 二人は よく似てたんだね
I realized, we were very similar
In the same rain as that day, I'm alone again
baby don't know why I cry
Baby, don't know why I cry
さよなら 本当は言いたくない タダの強がり
Goodbye, I don't really want to say it, it's just my pride
baby baby気付いてよ こんなはずじゃなかったのに
Baby, baby, please notice, we weren't supposed to be like this
baby don't know why I cry
Baby, don't know why I cry
さよなら 最後くらいちゃんと わかり合いたいよ
Goodbye, at least for the last time, I want us to understand each other
babybaby 二人が過ごした日々が大切なこと
Baby, baby, the days we spent together are precious


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