Ms.OOJA - My Way - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ms.OOJA - My Way

My Way
My Way
いつからだろう 立ち止まること 怖れるように
Since when did I become afraid of standing still?
走っていたよ 変わる景色も 気づかないまま
I kept running, unaware of the changing scenery.
Countless days didn't go as planned, countless times I stumbled.
その度に 何度でも 乗り越えてこれたのは
Each time, what allowed me to overcome it all
Was the dream I held onto.
I waved goodbye, saying, "I won't change."
Even if I can't return to that day,
まっすぐじゃなくたって 遠回りだって
Even if the path isn't straight, even if it's a detour,
信じている 私らしく 生きること
I believe in living my life, being true to myself.
I've always tried to hide my weaknesses from everyone,
強がっていたら 人の痛みも 気づけないまま
And in my pride, I failed to notice the pain of others.
遠く見える理想よりも 大事なものがそばにあること
The important things are closer than the distant ideals we see,
どうして人は いつだって 忘れてしまうのかな
Why do people always forget this?
変わらない空 残したまま
The unchanging sky remains,
遠ざかっていく 昨日に
As yesterday fades into the distance.
笑顔で「じゃあ またね」と どんな時だって
With a smile, I say, "See you again," no matter what,
向き合いたい 私らしくいたいから
Because I want to face myself, be true to myself.
Somewhere along this path that continues forever,
辿りつく場所がある そう信じていたい いつも
I want to believe there's a place I'll eventually reach.
I waved goodbye, saying, "I won't change."
Even if I can't return to that day,
まっすぐじゃなくたって 遠回りだって
Even if the path isn't straight, even if it's a detour,
信じている 私らしく 生きること
I believe in living my life, being true to myself.
変わらない空 残したまま
The unchanging sky remains,
遠ざかっていく 昨日に
As yesterday fades into the distance.
笑顔で「じゃあ またね」と どんな時だって
With a smile, I say, "See you again," no matter what,
向き合いたい 私らしくいたいから
Because I want to face myself, be true to myself.


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