Muhammad Al Muqit - Waqafat Hurufi Nasheed - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Muhammad Al Muqit - Waqafat Hurufi Nasheed

Waqafat Hurufi Nasheed
Waqafat Hurufi Nasheed Lyrics
وقفت حروفي في ربوع بياني
My letters stand firm in the realm of my eloquence,
وأتى القصيد باروع الالحان
And my poem comes with the sweetest melodies.
وفي ارض خير قد بدت مسجوعة
In a land of virtue, it has emerged in rhyme,
بفرائض الأقوال والتبيان
With the duties of speech and exposition.
نبدي الجمال على غصون بهائكم
We display beauty on the branches of your splendor,
ليفوح عطر الورد و الريحان
So that the fragrance of roses and basil may spread.
أمجد قد أبدت جمالا خافقا
Amjad has revealed a beauty that palpitates,
صنعت قلائد من جمال هاني
She has crafted necklaces of exquisite beauty.
ومجدة بنت القصير قد سرت
And Majdah, daughter of Al-Qasir, has spread,
بالنور في الأنحاء و الأركان
With light in all directions and corners.
ولأجل أشواق الحروف تأنقت
For the sake of the yearnings of the letters, she has adorned herself,
تحكي بهاء الفعل بالإيمان
Recounting the glory of action with faith.
وجدان قد ابدت حديثا شامخا
وجدان has uttered a lofty discourse,
قسمت وامض الخير في إمعان
She has distributed the brilliance of virtue with diligence.
أما لأملاك السماء تزينت
As for the angels of heaven, they are adorned,
برقت بروق الخير و الإحسان
They have flashed with the lightning of virtue and grace.
ومرام تلك حديث خير ينجلي
And the story of Muram is a good news that is revealed,
تلك ابنة العوف ارتقاء ثاني
She is the daughter of Al-Ouf, a second ascent.
وبدور بدر قد توهج نوره
And Badr, the full moon, its light has shone,
يحيي حكايته على الأزمان
It revives its tale throughout time.
و ختام قد ختمت بحسنها ساكب
And Khatam has concluded with her beauty, a downpour,
غيث تراه بأطياب الهطلان
A rain that you see with the fragrance of downpour.
أما انتصار فإنها قد حلقت
As for Intisar, she has ascended,
لتحوز أجرا في ربوع جنان
To gain a reward in the realms of paradise.
و لأجل لؤلؤة المعاني قد سمت
And for the pearl of meanings, she has risen,
ألقت بهاء طيبا بعاني
She has cast a fragrance of purity with her suffering.
والكون يشرق من روابي كلما
And the universe shines from its hills whenever,
ظهرت توالى الخير في أفنان
There appears the succession of goodness in its branches.
وهناك من أمل ترى كل المنى
And there is Amal, who sees all desires,
تربي قصيد السعد بالأوزان
She nurtures the poem of happiness with weights.
وضحى التي أضحت بخير مكانة
And Doha, who has become a good place,
تهب الجمال برفعة اللإيمان
She bestows beauty with the loftiness of faith.
و مرام قد صنعت بهاء حاضرا
And Muram has created a present beauty,
بنت النحيت و نورها نوران
Daughter of Al-Naheet, and her light is two lights.
وكذك عائشة احتوت كل الهنا
And so has A'isha embraced all bliss,
جعلت منابعها إلى الظمآن
She has made her springs for the thirsty.
أما لفتينة فالقلوب توجهت
As for Fatinah, the hearts turned towards,
وتوجهت في السير للرحمان
And they turned in the path to the Most Merciful.
وجواهر السري بدت في روعة
And Jawaher Al-Seri appeared in splendor,
تهني بغير تأخر وتواني
She congratulates without delay or hesitation.
ولنوف مرتفع علت بفعالها
And for Nouf, a high-rise has risen with her deeds,
فوق السحاب بدون ما نقصان
Above the clouds without any deficiency.
وعهود إن لها الفجاج تزينت
And Ahoud, for her the paths are adorned,
سرت تقود كفعلة الربان
She went forth leading like a captain.
وإذا الهنوف بدت فإن سماءنا
And if Al-Hanouf appears, then our sky
تبدي السحاب بأفضل السكبان
Shows the clouds with the best pouring.
يا طلبات الخير يا نبض الوفا
O seekers of good, O pulse of loyalty,
يا قصة لمعت كما العقيان
O story that shone like a star,
يا من أبنتم كل خير بارقا
O you who revealed all good things shining,
ألبستم من أروع التيجان
You have clothed yourselves with the most magnificent crowns.
هاذا التخرج قد بدا في رونق
This graduation has appeared in glory,
قد جاء شكرا هب للمنان
It has come with thanks given to the Giver.
شكرا اله الكون إن قلوبنا
Thank you, God of the universe, for our hearts,
فرحت بما قد زال من أحزان
Rejoiced in what has been removed from sorrows.
فالحمد لله الكريم بفضله
So praise be to God, the Generous, for His grace,
و الشكر حمدا خارق الإنسان
And gratitude is praise that surpasses humans.

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