Muslim - Katjiba - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Muslim - Katjiba

Katjiba (كاتجيبة)
Katjiba (كاتجيبة)
تم شرح و إضافة هذه الكلمات عن طريق الفريق العربي لموقع راب جينيوس ، انضموا إلى صفحتنا في الفايسبوك من هنا
These lyrics were explained and added by the Arab team of Rap Genius website, join our Facebook page from here
هاذي أم ماشية فالليل هازة ولدها
This is a mother walking at night carrying her child
دمعة حارة فخذها تسيل تبكي على الكبدة
A hot tear rolls down her cheek, she cries for her liver
جا تنيجة غلطة و الأب بدل جلدة
He came as a result of a mistake and the father changed his skin
حيت يماها فلوس وهي غير خدامة عندها
Because his mother has no money and she is only a servant to her
و ماعندها لاين ما عارفة شا اتعمل بيه
And she has no way, she doesn't know what to do with him
كيفاش عتعيش ما دابا الفوق كيفاش حتربيش
How will she live, and how will she raise him now?
قلبها كايتقطع ملي كايبكي و هي كاتشوف فيه
Her heart is breaking as he cries and she looks at him
من غير لحليب لي في سدرها و ما عندها ما تعطيه
Without the milk in her breast, and she has nothing to give him
لواتو فبطانية و نزلاتو فالقنط و مشات
She wrapped him in a blanket and put him on the sidewalk and left
خطوات قليلة و من بعد وقفات
A few steps and then she stopped
ملي سمعت البكية ديالو كتهرس السكات
When she heard his crying, it broke the silence
دارت شافت فيه شوفة الوداع و جرات
She looked back at him with a farewell look and ran away
خلاتو يعيش في حضان الناس احسن ما يموت في حضنها
She left him to live in the care of people rather than die in her arms
الظروف الي جعلت الأم تتخلى على بنها
The circumstances that made the mother abandon her son
سمحت فيه و مشات و بقى مجرد ذكرى
She forgave him and left, and he remained just a memory
و عرفت بلي ملي يكبر محال لي يعذرها
And she knew that when he grew up, he would never forgive her
[اللازمة] كاتجيبة
[Chorus] Katjiba
كاتشوف شي ناس قريبة
She sees some people close to her
كيعملوا شي حاجات غريبة
Doing strange things
ملي حياتهم كاتولي صعيبة
When their lives become difficult
حيت الظروف كتجيبة
Because circumstances bring it
هذا واحد كان عشير مبلي بالدمعة
This is one who was familiar with tears
دالع، فالزناقي موسخ يطلب و يسعى
He wanders in the streets, begging and seeking
مركوزة فيه حتى لعظم حرافتلو يقطع
He's addicted to the bone, his craft is cutting him
بزز منوا يحضر لفلوسة حيت المونو يرعى
He buzzes from it to bring money because the monkey is grazing
و حيت مبلي هذي سنين ما كافيشي يردع
And because he's been doing this for years, he can't be deterred
كاحتاج منها بزاف حتى ولى فدمو يزرع
He needs it so much that it grows in his blood
كي يجمع درهم بدرهم و باقي ما جمع والو
He collects dirham by dirham and still hasn't collected anything
كلشي عايق بيه مبلي و العالم كي يسالو
Everyone is tired of him and the world is asking him
مشى كا يتلوى عند البزناز باغي غير شي بورصة
He walks around the dealer, wanting only a stock exchange
قلب فيه جرى علي حيت فلوسو ناقصة
His heart raced because his money was missing
ما بقالو فين يعطي الراس و مشى كا يجري للدار
He had nowhere to turn and ran home
يماه مسكينة مرة كبيرة و باه فالقبر
His mother is a poor old woman and his father is in the grave
اداالها التلفزة صاحا و غير فالحومة باعها
He took the TV, really, and only sold it in the neighborhood
مشى بزربة جاب السخرة و من ديك ساعة
He quickly brought the tools and from that moment on
ما بان ما دار
He wasn't seen, he didn't do anything
حتى دلع فالحومة لخبر
Until the news spread in the neighborhood
بلي جبروه فوحد الخربة مات مكوفر
That they found him in a ruin, dead, covered up
[اللازمة] هذا أب خارج يخدم على ولادو فخمسة دالصباح
[Chorus] This is a father going out to work for his children at five in the morning
قاصد طريقو داخل السوق راسو فهمومو يسرح
Heading towards the market, his head full of worries
باش يختصر الطريق دايز غير بين الدروبة
To shorten the way, he's just passing through the alleys
درب مشبك بدرب ماشي بخطوات مزروبة
Alley connected to alley, not with hurried steps
وقفوا عليه ثلثة ملثمين فيدهم السلاح
Three masked men with weapons stopped him
كالاوه مع الحيط فتشوه ما جبروا ما يتزدح
They put him against the wall, searched him, he couldn't resist
الشمتة زادت فالمونو زادوا ولاو قباح
The misfortune increased in the monkey, they became uglier
بداو كايضربوا فين ما جات قلوبهم قساح
They started hitting wherever they wanted, their hearts were cruel
مسكين كايشوف الروح ديالو قريبة تخرج منو
The poor man sees his soul about to leave him
كيقطعوا فيه غير بالضحك دراري كا يتفنوا
They cut him up, just laughing, the boys are having fun
أي واحد كي يشوف الموت كا يدافع على راسو
Anyone who sees death defends himself
واحد فيهم كان قريب حيت تايق فراسو
One of them was close, confident in himself
ما نواشي فراجل كبير عيضربو بسمة فراسو
He didn't notice the old man hitting him with a stone in the head
عيجيبو كاو فالارض و عيقطعلو نفاسو
He fell to the ground and his breath was cut off
مسكين كان ماشي غير يخدم صدق غارق فالحبس
The poor man was just working, he really ended up in prison
حيت جابته الظروف كان لازم الدفاع عالنفس
Because the circumstances brought it, he had to defend himself

Авторы: Muslim

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