Mwuana - Fast Display - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mwuana - Fast Display

Fast Display
Fast Display
I get the bag, I'll make it last, alla får tak hos mig
I get the bag, I'll make it last, everybody can get it from me
Om du vill ha pass, här går det fast, va bara rak mot mig
If you want a passport, it's done fast, just be straight with me
Litade dig, jag fixade jobb, sen gick du bakom mig
I trusted you, I got you a job, then you went behind my back
Kolla han, sån attityd, han åker bak med mig
Look at him, such attitude, he's going to jail with me
Vi gör det för cash, inte för clout, ni gick fast display
We do it for cash, not for clout, you guys went on fast display
Inget kan mig, helt by myself som det var Cast Away
Nothing can reach me, completely by myself like it was Cast Away
I got the money, I'm getting the money, I'm getting some cash today
I got the money, I'm getting the money, I'm getting some cash today
Kommer bli galet, hon gjorde det valet, I'm getting some ass today
It's going to be crazy, she made that choice, I'm getting some ass today
Saviour, I've got the charms men har fult behaviour
Saviour, I've got the charms but have a bad behaviour
Min neighbour, han hatar bars men jag sa det labour
My neighbour, he hates bars but I said it labour
Okay then, jag är trött göra fucking favour
Okay then, I'm so tired of doing fucking favour
Say amen, reppar min city like a fucking mayor
Say amen, repping my city like a fucking mayor
Saviour, jag är trött höra folk från major
Saviour, I'm so tired of hearing people from the major
No shit, vi tänker do it, tänker do it mega
No shit, we're going to do it, we're going to do it huge
Oakland, see me running like a fucking Raider
Oakland, see me running like a fucking Raider
No please, kan inte rulla med nån fucking traitor
No please, can't roll with no fucking traitor
Hon tigger min tid, hon ligger i, vill inte masturbate
She begs for my time, she lies in, doesn't want to masturbate
Grabbarna räknar nog bara med vinst om vi ska fast display
The guys probably only count on profit if we go fast display
I'm taking the win, checkar nog in om vi ska blast away
I'm taking the win, will check in if we should blast away
I'm in the ring, I got the moves, kalla mig Cassius Clay
I'm in the ring, I got the moves, call me Cassius Clay
I get the bag, någon var där, rykten går fast today
I get the bag, someone was there, rumours go fast today
Det stämmer nog in, måste vart jag, I ain't gon' lie and say
It's probably true, must have been me, I ain't gonna lie and say
Spendera nå' mera shawty, jag svär hon lever the lavish way
Spend some more on shawty, I swear she lives the lavish way
I got the money, I'm getting the money, I'm getting some cash today
I got the money, I'm getting the money, I'm getting some cash today
Beema, I'm going fast in a fucking Beema
Beema, I'm going fast in a fucking Beema
Hyena, make it blast with the fucking nina
Hyena, make it blast with the fucking nina
Steam up, I'm smoking gas, I'm a lucky stoner
Steam up, I'm smoking gas, I'm a lucky stoner
Gina, shake that ass till I get a boner
Gina, shake that ass till I get a boner
Dreamer, jag ba försvann, ingen hörde från mig
Dreamer, I just disappeared, no one heard from me
Åh nej, om du blir jobbig vi gör nåt åt dig
Oh no, if you get annoying we'll do something about you
See ma, I'm in the back, hoppas ingen såg mig
See ma, I'm in the back, hope no one saw me
mig, hon blir besviken om hon tror hon får mig
Reach out to me, she'll be disappointed if she thinks she can get me
Är det nånting jag sagt?
Did I say something?
I don't understand-stand-stand
I don't understand-stand-stand
Hon säger "Kom hit inatt"
She says "Come over tonight"
Baby, jag vill bara ba-ba-bang
Baby, I just want to bang
Baby, jag vill bara ba-ba-bang
Baby, I just want to bang
Hon säger "Kom hit inatt"
She says "Come over tonight"

Авторы: Jens Thomason-resch, Patrik Collen

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