Mxxn. - Karma - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mxxn. - Karma

(Karma are grijă)
(Karma takes care)
De sclavi cum eşti tu
Of slaves like you, girl
Simt c-am Deja Vu
I feel like I've got Deja Vu
Hexagram am pe shoe
Hexagram on my shoe
'S lipicios, Super Glue
It's sticky, Super Glue
Karma are grijă, dacă fac bine, sunt rău
Karma takes care, if I do good, I'm bad
Am crezut ajungi altfel, dar eşti vai de capu tău
I thought you'd become something else, but you're a damn mess
Am făcut încă un beat, acuma tre nascut alt flow, hoe
I made another beat, now I gotta birth another flow, hoe
Îi fac scandal, tre facem alt show
I'm making a scene, we gotta make another show
E mare ca Beanie, bagă bomboane ca şi Ziggy
It's big like Beanie, popping pills like Ziggy
Mi se-nvârte capu Spinney, 60 de kile, nu port skinny
My head's spinning like Spinney, 60 kilos, I don't wear skinny
Jeans, carte damă, două Queens, Yung Mxxn v-a fi on the Screens
Jeans, Queen of Hearts, two Queens, Yung Mxxn will be on the Screens
Mi se rupe ştiu v am zisl
I don't care, I told you already
Yung Mxxn on the scenes
Yung Mxxn on the scenes
Øsiris în vene, nu postez pe reels
Øsiris in my veins, I don't post on reels
Nu vorbesc căcat, să-ți scot oameni din deals
I don't talk shit, to get your people out of deals
Zici sunt divin pentru c-am fost scos din Abyss
You say I'm divine because I was pulled from the Abyss
Karma pe mine, Øsiris în față
Karma on me, Øsiris in front
O jucăm la risc, stăm pe un fir de ață
We're playing it risky, hanging by a thread
N-o aibe grijă, o pice-n plasă
She won't be careful, she'll fall into the trap
Se-ntoarce la mine? Din fața mea pleacă
Coming back to me? She's leaving my sight
El e 6ix9ine si sunt Chief Keef
He's 6ix9ine and I'm Chief Keef
Îi diss lu frate-miu spunând bagă spliff
He disses my brother saying he smokes spliffs
Rime memorate, ce mai, direct e thief
Memorized rhymes, what else, he's a straight thief
Nu te ştie nimeni, trapper împuțit
Nobody knows you, you stinking trapper
Karma are grijăăă
Karma takes care
Frații mei nu picăăă
My brothers don't fall
bârfeşte cicăăă
She gossips about me, saying that
Nu-s în stare şi vorbesc căcat, n-au ce zică
They're not capable and talk shit, they got nothing to say
Încearcă cumva coaie, vor ca starea mi-o strice
Try it somehow, man, they want to ruin my mood
Am multe viziuni, viitoru-l pot prezice
I have many visions, I can predict the future
Băga-se "Un tigru şi un leu" gen mi-o dedice
They play "A Tiger and a Lion" like it's dedicated to me
Am auzit vrăjeli mai bune, singur se ridice
I've heard better bullshit, let him rise alone
Karma are grijăăă
Karma takes care
Frații mei nu picăăă
My brothers don't fall
bârfeşte cicăăă
She gossips about me, saying that
Nu-s în stare şi vorbesc căcat, n-au ce zică
They're not capable and talk shit, they got nothing to say
Curve vor pulă, proştii le dau bani
Whores want dick, fools give them money
Smecherii vor pizde tunate, îs orfani
Smart guys want stacked bitches, they're orphans
Nu spun am fost crescut printre golani
I'm not saying I was raised among thugs
Haterii îmi sunt în acelaşi timp fani
My haters are my fans at the same time
Hai mxxn spuneleeeee
Come on Mxxn say it
S-audă frecvențeleeee
Let the frequencies hear it
îmi sară decibelii
Let my decibels jump
Frate-miu le-o cu xanny
My brother hits it with xanny
Le-o dau deliberat, directe direct la cap
I hit them deliberately, direct shots to the head
Croşeele lansate, îi dau direct la ficat
Hooks launched, I hit them right in the liver
După-i bag în upercut, bro just got shutdown
Then I uppercut them, bro just got shutdown
Down to the mattres, leaving him breathless
Down to the mattress, leaving him breathless
I don't even care no more
I don't even care no more
He got no more oxigen
He got no more oxygen
On the hospital bed
On the hospital bed
Contemplating life or death
Contemplating life or death
If he's gonna see God or not
If he's gonna see God or not
But I'm just the one, the one
But I'm just the one, the one
The law bringer you don't fuck with me
The law bringer you don't fuck with me
Are you kidding me?!
Are you kidding me?!
You are a kid compared to an OG
You are a kid compared to an OG
Orgy with the sounds on the beat
Orgy with the sounds on the beat
Beating up just like MJ don't fuck with me
Beating up just like MJ don't fuck with me
Cuz I know that
Cuz I know that
Karma are grijăăă
Karma takes care
Frații mei nu picăăă
My brothers don't fall
bârfeşte cicăăă
She gossips about me, saying that
Nu-s în stare şi vorbesc căcat, n-au ce zică
They're not capable and talk shit, they got nothing to say
Încearcă cumva coaie, vor ca starea mi-o strice
Try it somehow, man, they want to ruin my mood
Am multe viziuni, viitoru-l pot prezice
I have many visions, I can predict the future
Băga-se "Un tigru şi un leu" gen mi-o dedice
They play "A Tiger and a Lion" like it's dedicated to me
Am auzit vrăjeli mai bune, singur se ridice
I've heard better bullshit, let him rise alone

Авторы: Ghiuritan Dragos Ionut

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