Neverne Bebe - Uzmi Boje - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Neverne Bebe - Uzmi Boje

Uzmi Boje
Take the Colors
Senke nasih dana miluju ti kosu
I love your hair, the color of sunset
Jesen prica
Autumn fairytales
Gde smo bili juce, a gde smo sutra, ko me pita?
Where were we yesterday, and where will we be tomorrow, who can tell me?
Poklonicu ljubav i sve one zlatne godine
I bow to love and all those golden years
I sanjacu budna, za sva ona jutra
And I'll dream awake, for all those mornings
Gde smo nekad hteli
When we once wished
Uzmi boje
Take the colors
I nije vazno da l' su moje, ili tvoje
And it doesn't matter whether they're mine or yours
Pa pokazi, da l' negde sunce opet radja za nas dvoje
So show me, is the sun rising again for us two somewhere
Mozda ti i ja nismo rodjeni za nas
Maybe you and I weren't born for each other
Previse je reci pobeglo bez stida
Too many words have escaped without shame
Kad se zbroje
When they are added up
Zar je tako tesko preko svega preci?
Is it so hard to cross everything out?
Uzmi boje
Take the colors
Uzmi sivu i zlatnu, i naslikaj neki novi dan
Take the grey and gold, and paint a new day
Jos korak se znamo
We still know each other, step by step
Dodirnuli smo nebo, i hodali kroz snove
We touched the sky, and walked through dreams
Uzmi boje
Take the colors
I nije vazno da l' su moje ili tvoje
And it doesn't matter whether they're mine or yours
Pa pokazi, da l' negde sunce opet radja za nas dvoje
So show me, is the sun rising again for us two somewhere
Mozda ti i ja nismo rodjeni za nas
Maybe you and I weren't born for each other
Uzmi boje
Take the colors
I nije vazno da l' su moje, ili tvoje
And it doesn't matter whether they're mine or yours
Pa pokazi, da l' negde sunce opet radja za nas dvoje
So show me, is the sun rising again for us two somewhere
Mozda ti i ja nismo rodjeni
Maybe you and I weren't born
Mozda ti i ja nismo rodjeni
Maybe you and I weren't born
Mozda ti i ja nismo rodjeni za nas...
Maybe you and I weren't born for us...
Rodjeni za nas...
Born for us...
Mi nismo...
We're not...
Rodjeni za nas
Born for us

Авторы: M. Djurdjevic

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