NINEONE# - 22 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни NINEONE# - 22

Ey 竹篮打水一场空的小老弟
Hey artless lad, who toils in vain
So quick to bluster, sparing no effort
跟能力玩侥幸 落的下场就会残忍
Gambler of skill, your fate will be unkind
撒谎一口咬定 你的人格是否真的完整
Your lies a crippling crutch, your character depraved
I've burned my soul, cast it in the incense burner's embrace
Mere mortals, know your place, and leave the martial arts to me
前赴后继地 踏入 舔钱的烂坑
Into the pit of greed you fall, one after the other
真的想炫技 就参加 演员的诞生
If you crave the spotlight, join "Actors Unmasked"
Hell dude 今晚又是你自己睡
Hell dude, alone in your bed again tonight
The new babe has told you, you've got zero chance
既然人前树立着高大伟岸的背 yall
You proclaim your grandeur, but don't play the victim
别绘声又绘色 在网络说你脆弱
Spare us your act, you're not the fragile one online
收起你的自尊心 准备好决策
Your pride must wither, prepare for judgment
I'm no pawn, easy to oppose
I'm about to dye my hair red like 万妮达
I'm about to dye my hair red like Wanheda
But I'm a serial killer, call me Hannibal
Boys in my zone they're talking
Boys in my zone, they're talking
"Who's da one, who's da one"
"Who's da one, who's da one"
Lil' kids like you better never popping
Lil' kids like you better never popping
I'm da one, I'm da one
I'm da one, I'm da one
别指望我俯首 腐朽
Don't expect me to bow down, to rot
一旦出手 是你呼救 早点领悟
My attack will leave you begging for mercy
我叮嘱 太早笑 finally lose
My advice: don't gloat too soon, or you'll lose
22 你别猜我未来的路
22, don't dare to guess my path
Yeah 登峰造极
Yeah, I reach the summit
不是我的范畴就不增生 不必要的效益
I don't pursue what others deem valuable
I strike your raw nerve
控诉 重度低能的操作就别再编造
Stop fabricating your inept excuses
误人误己的擦边道理 ey
Your misguided wisdom, a danger to others
下手 狠的人 从不讨论他的由来
The ruthless never speak of their origins
脱了戏服之后 才真的成为了头牌
Once the mask is off, the true star emerges
When the true chasm is revealed
请别再跟我叙旧 ey
Don't bother reminiscing
So inferior, I excel without effort
那些入门的菜 对我只是手到擒来
Your novice skills, a mere trifle to me
我只远离功利心 也轻松独享金牌
I shun ambition, yet bask in glory
活在当下的自由 不考虑古往今来
Living in the moment, unburdened by history
只是chill 就是够满足鲁莽心态 ye
Just chillin', satisfying my reckless spirit, yeah
Bitch you always bitch
Bitch you always bitch
Don't dream of taking my place
Your facelifts bring undeserved wealth
换个性格 想表现你很尽责
You change your tune, pretending to care
可我定格 没改变善良并且性格保持的很硬核
But I'm set in my ways, my kindness and strength unyielding
Boys in my zone they're talking
Boys in my zone, they're talking
"Who's da one, who's da one"
"Who's da one, who's da one"
Lil' kids like you better never popping
Lil' kids like you better never popping
I'm da one, I'm da one
I'm da one, I'm da one
别指望我俯首 腐朽
Don't expect me to bow down, to rot
一旦出手 是你呼救 早点领悟
My attack will leave you begging for mercy
我叮嘱 太早笑 finally lose
My advice: don't gloat too soon, or you'll lose
22 你别猜我未来的路
22, don't dare to guess my path
Bitch you always bitch
Bitch you always bitch
Who's da one, who's da one
Who's da one, who's da one
I ain't come to play
I ain't come to play
I'm da one, I'm da one
I'm da one, I'm da one
Bitch you always bitch
Bitch you always bitch
22 22
22, 22
I ain't come to play
I ain't come to play
Who's da one, who's da one
Who's da one, who's da one
Bitch you always bitch, bitch you, bitch you always bitch
Bitch you always bitch, bitch you, bitch you always bitch
Who's da one, who's da one
Who's da one, who's da one
I ain't come to play, I ain't come to play
I ain't come to play, I ain't come to play
I'm da one, I'm da one
I'm da one, I'm da one
Boys in my zone they're talking
Boys in my zone, they're talking
"Who's da one, who's da one"
"Who's da one, who's da one"
Lil' kids like you better never popping
Lil' kids like you better never popping
I'm da one, I'm da one
I'm da one, I'm da one
别指望我俯首 腐朽
Don't expect me to bow down, to rot
一旦出手 是你呼救 早点领悟
My attack will leave you begging for mercy
我叮嘱 太早笑 finally lose
My advice: don't gloat too soon, or you'll lose
22 你别猜我未来的路
22, don't dare to guess my path

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