NOXX - Alphatiar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни NOXX - Alphatiar

I bin zwar schu kli älter, das heisst i han viel ahnig
I'm a little older now, so I've experienced a lot
Wenn anderi ganz panisch sind, bin i's ir regel gar nid.
When others panic, I usually don't.
I weiss passiara kann mr nüt, will i en riicha Ma bin
I know nothing bad can happen to me because I'm a rich man
Isch klar dass i mit dem tagtäglich vor da fraua agib.
Obviously, I show it off to women every day.
I seg was stimmt und wenns nid stimmt,
I say what's right, and when it's not,
Ischs so dass du glich falsch lisch
It means you're wrong, no matter what
I mach di fertig warts nur ab, isch gschider wennd etz abschlichsch
I'll finish you off, just wait and see; it's better if you quit now
I weiss wia d welt funktioniart, und zwar so wiani si ha will
I know how the world works, just the way I want it to
Und wenn si denn doch ufbegehrt, denn kaufi si mr halt still.
And if it does rebel, I'll just buy it off.
Will söttig alphatiar wia i, bestönd uf ihri paarig
Because alphas like me insist on having their way
Und zur Not au mol nid uf ivernehmlicher basis
And sometimes even without agreement
I bin de Best egal in was, isch das woni fest animm
I'm the best, no matter what, and that's what I believe
Sötti allna klar sii und wenn nid denn hends kei ahnig
That should be clear to all, and if not, they have no idea
In letschter ziit gits gegawind, das passt miar also gar nid
Lately, there's been a headwind; I don't like it at all
Geg de shitstorm trägi a pellerina us lüga wo alles dra abperlt
Against the shitstorm, I wear a raincoat made of lies that deflects everything
Aber stinka tuats denn schu und das macht mi richtig rasend
But it does stink, and that really pisses me off
Und denn teili eifach us an jeda wo mi agriift.
So I take it out on anyone who attacks me.
Mir ziit gsehnis denn i, dass das nid das isch woni ha will
I can clearly see that this is not what I want
Soviel hass frisst energie, und davo hani nüm allzviel
So much hate consumes energy, and I don't have much left
Und es gäbt jo no plan b und das wär de folgendi
And there is plan B, which is the following
I entschuldiga mi brav, dreh mi ab und mach eifach witer
I'll apologize nicely, turn away, and move on
Eifach witer
Just move on
Als ob nüt gsi wär
As if nothing had happened
Eifach witer
Just move on
Und wieso?
And why?
Will Söttig alphatiar wia i, bestönd uf ihri Paarig
Because alphas like me insist on having their way
Und zur not au mol nid uf ivernehmlicher basis
And sometimes even without agreement
I bin de best egal in was, isch das woni fest animm
I'm the best, no matter what, and that's what I believe
Sötti allna klar sii und wenn nid denn hends kei ahnig.
That should be clear to all, and if not, they have no idea.
I bin as arschloch, yeah!
I'm an asshole, yeah!
Ds Problem das folgt do drus, dassi natürlich animm
The problem that follows from this is that I naturally assume
Dass i uf dera welt de einzig allwüssendi star bin
That I'm the only all-knowing star in the world
Und das biisst sich denn natürlich mit dr geganasicht
And that obviously clashes with the opposing view
I mögi doch um himmelswilla an ussterbendi art si.
After all, I'm an endangered species.

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