NOXX - Mimimi(n) Lebenslauf - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни NOXX - Mimimi(n) Lebenslauf

Mimimi(n) Lebenslauf
My Resume
Mit 7i igschualt, wunderbar
I started school at 7, what a joy,
Druf folgt a langi schuallaufbahn
Then came a long learning journey,
6 johr primar, 6 johr im gym
6 years of primary school, 6 years in high school,
Im nochhinein gar nid so schlimm.
In retrospect, it wasn't so bad.
Aber uf dr ersti schlag ins gsicht
But the first blow to my face
Muasch ger nid so lang warta
Didn't take long to come,
Will noch dr matur wirsch zruggversetzt
Because after high school, I was sent back
In rs-kindergarta.
To kindergarten.
Doch au das isch irgendwenn verbii
But even that eventually passed,
Nur es paar bliben kleba
Only a few stuck around,
Druf schribi mi ar uni i
Then I enrolled in university
S foht a z studentaleba.
And began my student life.
Und währenddem ma z leba gnüss
And while we enjoyed life
Krass wia schnell dia ziit verflügt
Wow, how quickly the time flew by
S wär perfekt, well z biar das flüsst,
It would be perfect, if only the beer flowed,
Wema nebadra nid lerna müasst.
If only we didn't have to study as well.
Und irgendswenn do kunt de tag
And then one day it came
Do hesch de bachelor im sack
When you had your bachelor's degree in the bag,
Und denn de master, s goht zack-zack
And then the master's, it went quickly,
Und du bisch parat für dr arbetsmarkt.
And you were ready for the job market.
A bewerbig do, a bewerbig döt
An application here, an application there
An absag do, an absag döt
A rejection here, a rejection there
Und sogar für quasi frondianst-praktika
And even for almost free internships
Müassti mindestens zwei johr erfahrig ha.
You had to have at least two years of experience.
Das regt mi etz grad schu kli uf
That really pissed me off
I googlas schnell und kuma druf
I quickly googled it and found out
In bangladesh döt machens das top
They do it great in Bangladesh
Döt hesch mit 7i schu din ersti job.
There you have your first job at 7.

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