NOXX - Wo bitte bliibt z Drama?! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский NOXX - Wo bitte bliibt z Drama?!

Wo bitte bliibt z Drama?!
Where, oh Where, Is the Drama?!
Öppadia als kliina Buab
Growing up as a little boy,
Han i noch möglicha
I always dreamed of it
Horrorutopia gsuacht
I sought out horror movies
Wo nid so schön gsi wären
Where things wouldn't be so pretty
A Schlammlawina ruuscht ins Tal
A mudslide rushes into the valley,
Bedeckt Doma Ems, nu paar
Covers the town of Domat/Ems, only a few
Tumas und de Kirchturm ragen
Houses and the church tower rise out
Usema Moltaberg
Of the mountain of rubble.
Dr Montalin entpuppt sich als Vulkan
The Montalin turns out to be a volcano
Und git mächtig Gas
And really steps on the gas
Als Überraschigsgast bringt er sogar
As a surprise guest, he even brings along
Sin Homie Erdbeba und de
His homie Earthquake and gives
Git Graubünda mol en Schubs
Graubünden a little push
Und schwups, goht alles hopps
And suddenly, everything goes topsy-turvy
Han amel ghofft, dass es nid so wird
I had hoped it wouldn't be like this
I merk hans mr falsch vorgstellt will
I guess I had the wrong idea.
Lansgsam schliicht sich öpis a
Something is slowly creeping up on us,
Bliibt für s ersti unsichtbar.
For now, it remains invisible.
En anderi so Szenerie
Another such scene
Woni mr vorgstellt han
That I had imagined
En riesiga Meteorit
A giant meteorite
Wo uf Europa knallt
That crashes into Europe
Vilicht nid grad genau ufd Schwiiz
Maybe not exactly on Switzerland
Aber das miacht denn au
But even that wouldn't make
Kei allzugrossa Unterschied meh
Too much of a difference anymore
S wär eh alles zu Sau
Everything would be a mess anyway.
Und denn gängtis üs in öppa glich
And then we would all end up the same way
Wia da Dinosaurier
As the dinosaurs
Mitem kliina, fiina Unterschied
With the small, subtle difference
Dass dia schneller laufa könna hend
That they could run faster.
A Wella kämt zu üs mit Druck,
A wave comes at us with force,
Glühandi Luft, s goht alles druf
Glowing air, everything goes up in flames
Han amel ghofft, dasses nid so wird
I had hoped it wouldn't be like this
I merk hans mr falsch vorgstellt, will
I guess I had the wrong idea, my dear.
Langsam schliicht sich öpis a
Something is slowly creeping up on us,
Bliibt für s ersti unsichtbar
For now, it remains invisible
Lang schu do wennd böses ahnsch
It's been there for a long time, if you know what I mean.
Aber wo bitte bliibt z Drama
But where, oh where, is the drama?
I khör ger kai Knall
I don't hear any bang
I khör nu de Nama
All I hear is the name
Immer und überall
Always and everywhere
Wo bitte bliibt z Drama
Where, oh where, is the drama?
I hett uf kai Fall, denkt
I would never have thought
Dass ohni Tamtam eifach d Welt so zerfallt
That the world would simply fall apart without fanfare
D Welt so zerfallt
The world is falling apart
Eifach zerfallt
Simply falling apart
D Welt so zerfallt!
The world is falling apart!

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