NACH - Yo No - перевод текста песни на английский

Yo No - Nachперевод на английский

Yo No
I Don't
Quieren versos entonados
They want tuned verses, girl
Yo vengo a tirarles mis barras
I'm here to drop my bars on you
Quieren que haga bailes raros
They want me to do weird dances
Yo solo tengo palabras
I only got words, baby
Quieren que viva encerrado
They want me to live locked up
Estoy volando todo el Atlas
I'm flying all over the Atlas, darling
Me da más miedo ese perro callado que el otro que ladra
A silent dog scares me more than one that barks
Mancho mis manos, vivo el momento
I stain my hands, I live the moment
Brillo aunque tenga tormentas por dentro
I shine even though I have storms inside
Al otro lado de aquello que temo
On the other side of what I fear, sweetheart
Están los tesoros que encuentro
Are the treasures I find
Mi lírica fue mi psiquiatra
My lyrics were my psychiatrist
El beat fue mi personal trainer
The beat was my personal trainer
La vida es como un Call of Duty
Life is like Call of Duty
Yo soy un gamer enfermo
I'm a sick gamer
Si cantan, eso no se llama r-a-p
If they sing, that's not called r-a-p
Regateo en el tempo, Kylian Mbappé
I dribble on the tempo, Kylian Mbappé
Ven que me elevé de la acera hacia la estratosfera
See how I rose from the sidewalk to the stratosphere
Y de allí ya nunca me bajé
And from there I never came down
Mi fe es como un trabajo fijo
My faith is like a steady job
Las frases me eligen, yo no las elijo (dejo)
The phrases choose me, I don't choose them (I leave)
En cada oración acertijos (rezo)
In every sentence, riddles (I pray)
Al cosmos no a un crucifijo (yo sé)
To the cosmos, not a crucifix (I know)
Que soy la voz de Prometeo
That I'm the voice of Prometheus
La versión urbana de Benjamin Button
The urban version of Benjamin Button
Mi estilo es un bombardeo
My style is a bombing raid
Rapeo y el micro temblando to el rato
I rap and the mic's shaking all the time
Andan sin rumbo, perdidos
They wander aimlessly, lost
Solo son turistas de fama inmediata
They're just tourists of instant fame
En un mundo corporativo
In a corporate world
No eres un artistas, solo eres big data
You're not an artist, you're just big data
Venden su fachada (yo no)
They sell their facade (I don't)
Su vida privada (yo no)
Their private life (I don't)
Nunca dicen nada
They never say anything
Se bajan las bragas por ser la portada (yo no)
They drop their pants to be on the cover (I don't)
No duran, se apagan (yo no)
They don't last, they fade away (I don't)
Cada temporada (yo no)
Every season (I don't)
Por fama darán puñaladas
For fame they'll stab you in the back
Van a mentirte en la cara (yo no)
They'll lie to your face (I don't)
Venden su fachada (yo no)
They sell their facade (I don't)
Su vida privada (yo no)
Their private life (I don't)
Nunca dicen nada
They never say anything
Se bajan las bragas por ser la portada (yo no)
They drop their pants to be on the cover (I don't)
No duran, se apagan (yo no)
They don't last, they fade away (I don't)
Cada temporada (yo no)
Every season (I don't)
Por fama darán puñaladas
For fame they'll stab you in the back
Van a mentirte en la cara (yo no)
They'll lie to your face (I don't)
Quieren que lleve cadenas
They want me to wear chains
Yo encadeno calma y desfase
I chain together calm and frenzy
Que hable de sexo y de faldas
They want me to talk about sex and skirts
Yo solo fardo con clase
I only show off with class
Quieren que me suba a un Lambo
They want me to get in a Lambo
Solo derrapo en compases
I only drift in bars
Quieren que esnife esa mierda
They want me to sniff that shit
Mis rayas están para tachar tus frases
My lines are for crossing out your phrases
De lo que hago no hay copia ni símil
There's no copy or similar of what I do
Cuando no trabajo estoy dreaming
When I'm not working, I'm dreaming
No tengo trucos de mente y edad
I have no tricks of mind and age
Y la paz me acompaña sin llamarme Vinny
And peace accompanies me without calling myself Vinny
Esta carrera no para, yo soy Mo Farah
This race doesn't stop, I'm Mo Farah
No hay foto finish
There's no photo finish
Su voz de soprano y su cara de mafia
Their soprano voice and their mafia face
Creen que son James Gandolfini
They think they're James Gandolfini
Yo tengo talento, contactos y brothers
I have talent, contacts and brothers
Más combustible que Cepsa
More fuel than Cepsa
Dicen que son Latin Lover
They say they're Latin Lovers
Solo hacen tríos con Siri y Alexa
They only have threesomes with Siri and Alexa
Letras que ligo, piezas de Lego
Lyrics that I link, Lego pieces
Despierto al monstruo del lago
I wake up the lake monster
Meto triples desde el logo de Cadiz a Lugo
I sink threes from the logo from Cadiz to Lugo
Saben que lo hago
They know I do it
Es más por amor que por guita
It's more for love than for money
Las gradas levitan, mi familia come
The stands levitate, my family eats
Mi muerte la evita cada letra escrita
My death is avoided by every written letter
Que viaja entre generaciones
That travels between generations
Más que admiradores, yo tengo milicias
More than admirers, I have militias
Más ambición que codicia
More ambition than greed
Le digo a quien viene de champion
I tell whoever comes from champion
Que mi única liga es la de la justicia
That my only league is the league of justice
Esto es mucho más que música
This is much more than music
No hay aquí letras estúpidas
There are no stupid lyrics here
Del hip hop
Of hip hop
Nos queda la tercera letra junto a las dos últimas
We have the third letter left along with the last two
Soy demasiado profundo
I'm too deep
Para ese que ya nunca quiere pensar
For the one who never wants to think anymore
Soy demasiado aburrido
I'm too boring
Para ese que habla y no sabe escuchar
For the one who talks and doesn't know how to listen
Venden su fachada (yo no)
They sell their facade (I don't)
Su vida privada (yo no)
Their private life (I don't)
Nunca dicen nada
They never say anything
Se bajan las bragas por ser la portada (yo no)
They drop their pants to be on the cover (I don't)
No duran, se apagan (yo no)
They don't last, they fade away (I don't)
Cada temporada (yo no)
Every season (I don't)
Por fama darán puñaladas
For fame they'll stab you in the back
Van a mentirte en la cara (yo no)
They'll lie to your face (I don't)
Venden su fachada (yo no)
They sell their facade (I don't)
Su vida privada (yo no)
Their private life (I don't)
Nunca dicen nada
They never say anything
Se bajan las bragas por ser la portada (yo no)
They drop their pants to be on the cover (I don't)
No duran, se apagan (yo no)
They don't last, they fade away (I don't)
Cada temporada (yo no)
Every season (I don't)
Por fama darán puñaladas
For fame they'll stab you in the back
Van a mentirte en la cara (yo no)
They'll lie to your face (I don't)
Yo no
I don't
Yo no
I don't
Yo no
I don't
Yo no
I don't

Авторы: Ignacio Fornes Olmo, Sergio Vegara Martinez, Daniel Catala Martinez

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