Namewee feat. 文慧如 - 不想放開(feat. 文慧如) - 4896世界巡迴演唱會-新加坡站 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Namewee feat. 文慧如 - 不想放開(feat. 文慧如) - 4896世界巡迴演唱會-新加坡站

不想放開(feat. 文慧如) - 4896世界巡迴演唱會-新加坡站
Don't Want to Let Go (feat. 文慧如) - 4896 World Tour - Singapore
在社会上 那是一群不务正业晃荡的小丑
In society, they're a bunch of clowns who are good for nothing and just hang around.
不切实际不劳而获 整天做着白日梦
They're impractical, they don't want to work, and they dream all day long.
朋友都感到困惑 劝他找份稳定的工作
Their friends are confused, they tell him to find a stable job.
升职加薪 结婚生小孩然后 买车买楼
Get promoted, get a raise, get married, have kids, then buy a car and a house.
受尽了数落 世俗的冷嘲热讽
He's been scolded, the world mocks him.
挨饿挨穷 生活一天比一天还要压迫
He's hungry, he's poor, life is getting harder every day.
不敢多说只能够沉默 搅拌深夜里的寂寞
He doesn't dare to say anything, he can only stay silent, stirring up the loneliness in the middle of the night.
计算著下个月的开销 和对爸爸妈妈的承诺
He calculates next month's expenses and the promises he made to his parents.
I chose to take this path.
一路上多少辛酸艰苦 多少孤独
How much bitterness and hardship, how much loneliness along the way.
这是条崎岖不平 漫长未知的旅途
This is a rough and long, unknown journey.
看同学都已名成立就 多次的无地自容
Seeing my classmates all have fame and success, I feel embarrassed many times.
But I'm sorry, I haven't given up yet.
不想放开 不想离开
Don't want to let go, don't want to leave.
再大阻碍 再多眼泪 再痛的伤害
No matter how big the obstacles, how many tears, how painful the hurt.
不想放开 不需要谁来记载
Don't want to let go, I don't need anyone to record it.
也许现在 也许未来 只剩一片空白
Maybe now, maybe in the future, there's only a blank space left.
这是个无价的消耗品 在这里
This is a priceless consumable, here.
没有人能体谅尊重它背后的用心 和努力
No one can understand or respect the effort and hard work behind it.
在扬名立万以前 会被挞伐 被贬低
Before you become famous, you'll be criticized and belittled.
付出的心血和时间 换来的从来不成正比
The blood, sweat and tears you put in are never proportional to the return.
听他说大道理 告诉你手头很紧
You, listen to him lecture, tell you that he's broke.
挥霍著名车和现金 然后苦着杀价讨便宜
He flaunts expensive cars and cash, then he complains about the price.
明明他需要你 却装作毫不在意
He obviously needs you, but he pretends not to care.
残酷的社会 尊严都被践踏在脚底
The cruel society, dignity is trampled underfoot.
多少委屈收在心里 熬过去
How many grievances are kept in the heart, endure it.
日以继夜一点一滴累积 在堆砌
Day and night, little by little, it accumulates and builds up.
偶尔回到了家里 还得故作坚强韧性
When I occasionally go back home, I still have to pretend to be strong and resilient.
最害怕掩不住的泪水 出卖了自己
What I fear most is that the tears I can't hide will betray me.
无所遁形 爸爸妈妈 我对不起
There's nowhere to hide, Mom and Dad, I'm sorry.
不想放开 不想离开
Don't want to let go, don't want to leave.
再大阻碍 再多眼泪 再痛的伤害
No matter how big the obstacles, how many tears, how painful the hurt.
不想放开 不需要谁来记载
Don't want to let go, I don't need anyone to record it.
也许现在 也许未来 只剩一片空白
Maybe now, maybe in the future, there's only a blank space left.
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
也许会期待 也许是悲哀
Maybe it's hope, maybe it's sadness.
I'm still unwilling to let go, oh.
I'll always be here.
我不知道哪一天 才能走到终点
I don't know when I'll reach the end.
I don't know how long it will take to be tested.
当有一天我搁浅 安静地闭上双眼
One day, when I'm stranded, I quietly close my eyes.
沉沦在这世界 某个角落 让自己沦陷
I sink into this world, in some corner, I let myself fall.
我没有资格埋怨 也不须同情可怜
I have no right to complain, I don't need sympathy or pity.
自己的选择要自己负责 没有任何抱歉
I'm responsible for my own choices, I don't have any apologies.
我只能勇往直前 哪怕再大的风险
I can only move forward bravely, no matter how big the risk.
For my dream to come true, I'm determined to sacrifice my life and blood.

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