Namewee feat. 文慧如 - 不想放開 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Namewee feat. 文慧如 - 不想放開

I never want to let go
在社會上 那是一群不務正業晃蕩的小丑
In society it is a group of unprofessional clownish bums
不切實際不勞而獲 整天做著白日夢
Pretentious & indolent, daydreaming all day long
朋友都感到困惑 勸他找份穩定的工作
Friends are confounded, urging them to find a stable job
升職加薪 結婚生小孩然後 買車買樓
Rank advancement, wage increase, marriage, having kids, buying a car, and buying a house
受盡了數落 世俗的冷嘲熱諷
Taking all the disparagements and sneers from society
捱餓捱窮 生活一天比一天還要壓迫
Starving and impoverished, life becomes more and more oppressive day by day
不敢多說只能夠沉默 攪拌深夜裡的寂寞
Dare not say anything, only able to stay silent, stirring the loneliness in the dead of night
計算著下個月的開銷 和對爸爸媽媽的承諾
Calculating the expenses of the next month and the promise to my parents
I chose to take this path
一路上多少辛酸艱苦 多少孤獨
How many hardships and bitterness, how much loneliness on this path
這是條崎嶇不平 漫長未知的旅途
This is a bumpy, uneven, long and unknown journey
看同學都已名成立就 多次的無地自容
My classmates have already become famous and established, there have been many times I feel ashamed
But I'm sorry, I still have no plans to admit defeat
不想放開 不想離開
Don't want to let go, don't want to leave
再大阻礙 再多眼淚 再痛的傷害
No matter the obstacle, the tears, the painful hurts
不想放開 不需要誰來記載
Don't want to let go, don't need anyone to remember
也許現在 也許未來 只剩一片空白
Perhaps now, perhaps in the future, there will only be a blank
這是個無價的消耗品 在這裡
This is a priceless consumable, here
沒有人能體諒尊重它背後的用心 和努力
No one can understand or respect the用心 and effort behind it
在揚名立萬以前 會被撻伐 被貶低
Before becoming famous and successful, it will be criticized and disparaged
付出的心血和時間 換來的從來不成正比
The effort and time invested are never worth the return
聽他說大道理 告訴你手頭很緊
You listen to my reasoning, telling you I am short of money
揮霍著名車和現金 然後苦著殺價討便宜
Squandering famous cars and cash, then reluctantly haggling for bargains
明明他需要你 卻裝作毫不在意
Obviously needing you, yet pretending not to care
殘酷的社會 尊嚴都被踐踏在腳底
In this cruel society, dignity is trampled underfoot
多少委屈收在心裡 熬過去
Storing away how many grievances in my heart, waiting it out
日以繼夜一點一滴累積 在堆砌
Day and night, accumulating and piling up little by little
偶爾回到了家裡 還得故作堅強韌性
Once in a while, returning home, I still have to pretend to be strong and resilient
最害怕掩不住的淚水 出賣了自己
Most afraid of letting the tears that cannot be concealed betray myself
無所遁形 爸爸媽媽 我對不起
Nowhere to hide, mom and dad, I am so sorry
不想放開 不想離開
Don't want to let go, don't want to leave
再大阻礙 再多眼淚 再痛的傷害
No matter the obstacle, the tears, the painful hurts
不想放開 不需要誰來記載
Don't want to let go, don't need anyone to remember
也許現在 也許未來 只剩一片空白
Perhaps now, perhaps in the future, there will only be a blank
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
也許會期待 也許是悲哀
Perhaps I will expect, perhaps it will be sad
Always unwilling to let go
I will always be there
我不知道哪一天 才能走到終點
I don't know which day I can reach the end
I also don't know how much longer I have to endure the trials
當有一天我擱淺 安靜地閉上雙眼
When one day I run aground, quietly closing my eyes
沉淪在這世界 某個角落 讓自己淪陷
Sinking into this world, some corner, letting myself be submerged
我沒有資格埋怨 也不須同情可憐
I have no right to complain, I also do not need sympathy or pity
自己的選擇要自己負責 沒有任何抱歉
Be responsible for my own choices, without apology
我只能勇往直前 哪怕再大的風險
I can only forge ahead, no matter the risk
Determined to shed my blood and sweat for my dreams
I shed my blood and sweat

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