Nando Reis - A menina e o passarinho - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nando Reis - A menina e o passarinho

A menina e o passarinho
The Girl and the Little Bird
Nosso amor começou certo dia no banco da praça
Our love began one day on a park bench
Eu a vi segurando um caderno, sentada com graça
I saw you holding a notebook, sitting gracefully
Meu olhar encontrou seu olhar mirando um passarinho
My gaze met yours, looking at a little bird
Machucado, ferido, sangrando, fora do seu ninho
Injured, wounded, bleeding, outside its nest
Ela levantou e se aproximou da pequenina ave
You stood up and approached the tiny bird
Que tentava em vão atingir o alto de sua árvore
That tried in vain to reach the top of its tree
Foi então que a vi derrubar um modesto lencinho
It was then that I saw you drop a modest handkerchief
Que depressa apanhei e tentei lhe entregar com carinho
Which I quickly picked up and tried to hand you with care
Mas eu pensei que o amor fosse alegria
But I thought that love was only joy
Nunca imaginava que amando
I never imagined that loving
Fosse infeliz algum dia
I would be unhappy someday
Percebi que o lencinho da moça estava molhado
I noticed that the girl's handkerchief was wet
E eram lágrimas que escorriam de seu rosto pálido
And they were tears that ran down her pale face
Condoído tentei lhe falar, mas minha voz não saía
Compassionate, I tried to speak to you, but my voice wouldn't come out
Em minha vida inteira jamais moça tão linda eu vira
In my entire life, I had never seen such a beautiful girl
Estendi minha mão para o lenço à donzela entregar
I extended my hand to give the handkerchief to the damsel
Mas senti sua mão muito fria como se ela fosse desmaiar
But I felt her hand very cold as if she were going to faint
Eu depressa peguei a mocinha e carreguei-a em meu colo
I quickly picked up the girl and carried her in my arms
E sem querer esmaguei o bichinho que estava ferido no solo
And inadvertently crushed the little creature that was injured on the ground
Mas eu pensei que o amor fosse alegria
But I thought that love was only joy
Nunca imaginava que amando
I never imagined that loving
Fosse infeliz algum dia
I would be unhappy someday
Sem saber o que eu iria fazer continuei caminhando
Not knowing what I was going to do, I kept walking
A boneca em meus braços caída e eu me apaixonando
The doll in my arms fallen and me falling in love
Eis que então um garoto de mim se aproxima correndo
Then a boy approaches me running
"Ela é minha irmã e está muito doente" ele foi logo dizendo
"She is my sister and she is very sick" he said immediately
Me pediu que levasse a maninha em sua moradia
He asked me to take his little sister to his home
"Minha mãe morreu, o meu pai se mandou, moramos com uma tia"
"My mother has already died, my father left, we live with an aunt"
Logo chegamos e assim que adentrei à singela casinha
We soon arrived and as soon as I entered the simple little house
No sofá estendi com cuidado a minha doce princesinha
On the sofa, I carefully laid down my sweet little princess
Mandei o garoto chamar de imediato um doutor na cidade
I sent the boy to immediately call a doctor in the city
Enquanto a tia chorando agradecia a minha caridade
While the aunt, crying, thanked me for my charity
O doutor logo assim que adentrou sua testa franzia
The doctor, as soon as he entered, furrowed his brow
E ao sair ainda me cochichou "Ela tem poucos dias"
And as he left, he still whispered to me "She only has a few days left"
era noite e eu tinha que deixar a formosa donzela
It was already night and I had to leave the beautiful maiden
Da calçada ainda olhei a menina através da janela
From the sidewalk I still looked at the girl through the window
No portão entreguei ao irmão o meu endereço
At the gate I gave her brother my address
"Precisamos curar a menina seja qual for o preço"
"We need to cure the girl, whatever the cost"
Mas eu pensei que o amor fosse alegria
But I thought that love was only joy
Nunca imaginava que amando
I never imagined that loving
Fosse infeliz algum dia
I would be unhappy someday
Passei os dias indo visitar a minha flor mais doente
I spent the days going to visit my sickest flower
Meu coração cada vez que a via queimava mais que aguardente
My heart, every time I saw her, burned more than brandy
Nem com remédio nem medicamento a menininha melhorava
Neither with medicine nor medication did the little girl improve
Cada vez que a pequena me via de tanto chorar os seus olhos inchavam
Every time the little one saw me, her eyes swelled from crying so much
Mas foi numa manhã que eu ia saindo que o irmão me trouxe a notícia
But it was one morning as I was leaving that her brother brought me the news
A menina estava morrendo era pra eu ir com urgência
The girl was already dying, I had to go urgently
Cheguei correndo e a pobre ao me ver falou em seu último suspiro
I arrived running and the poor girl, upon seeing me, spoke in her last breath
"Nosso amor está começando agora que eu me retiro"
"Our love is only just beginning now that I am leaving"

Авторы: Jose Fernando Gomes Dos Reis

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