Nane - Nu Vreau, Nu Iau - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nane - Nu Vreau, Nu Iau

Nu Vreau, Nu Iau
I Don't Want It, I Don't Take It
Rău intenționat sau numai prăjit
Malicious or just fried
Jet în pula mea cu atâta fake shit
Jet into my dick with so much fake shit
Cauți validare pe lângă brigăzi
Looking for validation at the brigades
N-o găsești pic de dragoste pe străzi
You won't find a bit of love in the streets
Noaptea fac cash, nu-mi zi somn ușor
At night I make cash, don't tell me to sleep tight
Anii trec, iar eu sărac n-o mor
Years go by, but I won't die poor
În clică am doar supraviețuitori
In my clique, I only have survivors
Nu găsești inimă în toracele lor
You can't find a heart in their chests
De asta nu întind prea mult la glume
That's why I don't stretch too much to jokes
Nu îmi permit prea multe cu multă lume
I can't afford too much with too many people
Mulți se dau spuma, da'-s doar plin de spume
Many pretend to foam, but are just full of foam
Nu încearcă decât să-și facă un nume
They only try to make a name for themselves
Doar o goană nebună după faimă
Just a mad chase for fame
Cine ești, coaie, nu cred într-o haină
Who are you, man, I don't believe in a coat
Nu zic prea multe, da știi stau geană
I don't say much, but you know I'm watching
Ești doar un sclav eu vin după coroană
You're just a slave, I'm after the crown
Coardo, nu vreau, coardo, nu vreau
Coward, I don't want it, coward, I don't want it
Dragostea ta, n-am ce face cu ea
Your love, I don't know what to do with it
Coaie, nu iau, coaie, nu iau
Dude, I don't take it, dude, I don't take it
Dragostea ta, n-am ce face cu ea
Your love, I don't know what to do with it
Coardo, nu vreau, coardo, nu vreau
Coward, I don't want it, coward, I don't want it
Dragostea ta, n-am ce face cu ea
Your love, I don't know what to do with it
Coaie, nu iau, coaie, nu iau
Dude, I don't take it, dude, I don't take it
Dragostea ta, n-am ce face cu ea
Your love, I don't know what to do with it
Am obosit mai fiu politicos
I'm tired of being polite
Pentru cine sloboz vorbesc frumos
For whom do I let myself speak nicely
Toți vorbiți bine, dar faceți pe dos
You all talk well, but you do the opposite
Unde pula mea erai când eram jos
Where the hell were you when I was down
În ziua de azi toți au păreri
Nowadays everyone has opinions
Nu ziceați nimic când eram în cartier
You didn't say anything when I was in the neighborhood
Cartieru' de la mână ar hrăni un cartier
The neighborhood from the dump would feed a neighborhood
Invidiază-mă n-ai pic de fler
Envy me because you have no flair
Oricât m-ai invidia
As much as you envy me
N-ai coaie să-mi zici ceva
You don't have the balls to say anything to me
Nu-ți măsori pula cu a mea
Don't measure your dick with mine
Știi te îngrop, te-n rasa ta
You know I'll bury you, in your race
Mai bine ai grijă la băieții tăi
You better take care of your boys
Mai bine îi înveți bine, nu fie răi
You better teach them well, not to be mean
Vezi nu zici una și faci alta
Don't say one thing and do another
Vezi lingi unde ai scuipat să-ți iei plata
See that you lick where you spit to get your money
Coardo, nu vreau, coardo, nu vreau
Coward, I don't want it, coward, I don't want it
Dragostea ta, n-am ce face cu ea
Your love, I don't know what to do with it
Coaie, nu iau, coaie, nu iau
Dude, I don't take it, dude, I don't take it
Dragostea ta, n-am ce face cu ea
Your love, I don't know what to do with it
Coardo, nu vreau, coardo, nu vreau
Coward, I don't want it, coward, I don't want it
Dragostea ta, n-am ce face cu ea
Your love, I don't know what to do with it
Coaie, nu iau, coaie, nu iau
Dude, I don't take it, dude, I don't take it
Dragostea ta, n-am ce face cu ea
Your love, I don't know what to do with it

Авторы: Stefan Avram Cherescu

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