Nane feat. Mitza, Junky & Dj Old Skull - T.T.B.M. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nane feat. Mitza, Junky & Dj Old Skull - T.T.B.M.

Stiu sigur ca va fi bine la un moment dat
I know for sure it will be alright at some point
Da' pan' atunci tre' sa raman focusat, sa ma zbat
But until then I gotta stay focused, I gotta fight
Sa ma bat cu gandurile astea noaptea-n pat
Fight these thoughts in bed at night
Viitoru-i al meu, mai bag o fisa-n aparat
The future is mine, I put another chip in the machine
Bag pana-l dau peste cap, si stiu clar ce fac
I put it until I flip it over, and I know clearly what I do
Ii zice rap si, cand e sincer, e adevarat
It's called rap and, when it's sincere, it's true
Nimic trucat, cu totii din acelasi aluat
Nothing's faked, we're all from the same alloy
E complicat, ca ne traim viata fara blat
It's complicated, 'cause we live our lives without a pull
Dar am bifat cateva lucruri
But I checked off a few things
Nu-s magician, dar am facut cateva trucuri
I'm not a magician, but I did a few tricks
Cu pasi in fata, daca viata mi-a dat suturi
With steps forward, if life kicked me
M-am prins ca momentele triste te fac, intr-un final, sa te bucuri
I realized that sad moments make you, in the end, happy
Fac muzica din suflet, pentru suflete
I make music from the soul, for souls
Si n-o fac sa fure banii, ci sa fure zambete
And I don't do it to steal money, but to steal smiles
Sambete, duminici, whateva', sunt pe treaba
Smiles, Sundays, whatever, I'm on point
Lucrez la ceva nou, daca cineva te-ntreaba
I'm working on something new, if anyone asks
Trag tare, bag mare
I push hard, I go big
Si nu spun nimanui daca ma doare
And I don't tell anyone if it hurts
Trag tare, bag mare
I push hard, I go big
Nu-i panica, mereu gasesc o cale
Don't panic, I always find a way
Pentru ca io
Because I
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Si nu spun nimanui daca ma doare
And I don't tell anyone if it hurts
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Nu-i panica, mereu gasesc o cale
Don't panic, I always find a way
Vezi tu, muzica asta e singura scapare
You see, this music is the only escape
Singura cale de evadare
The only way to escape
Cand viata te pune la incercare
When life puts you to the test
Atunci cand te doare, nu stiu, tu ce faci, eu ii dau tare
When it hurts, I don't know what you do, I push hard
Treaba asta cu hip-hopu' e alta mancare de peste
This thing with hip-hop is a whole other kettle of fish
E vorba de stare, trezeste
It's about the state, it awakens
In tine viata, cand lumea moare
Life in you, when the world dies
Nu-i care-i mai tare, e doar o forma de exprimare
It's not about who's tougher, it's just a form of expression
Asa ca las-o mai moale, pe mine m-a crescut
So take it easy, it raised me
M-a invatat sa stau in picioare, cand restu' au cazut
Taught me to stand on my feet, when the rest fell
M-a fortat sa trag mai tare, cand multi au zis prea mult
Forced me to push harder, when many said it was too much
Ca nu exista sfarsit, poate doar un nou inceput
That there is no end, maybe just a new beginning
Yeah, cel mai important, m-a invatat sa ascult
Yeah, most importantly, it taught me to listen
Banii vin la timpu' lor, sa nu-i caut
Money comes in its own time, not to look for it
Si cand toti si-o ard aiurea si vorbesc urat
And when everyone is messing around and talking nasty
Bag mare, ii dau tare, ca sa nu-i aud
I go big, I push hard, so I don't hear them
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Si nu spun nimanui daca ma doare
And I don't tell anyone if it hurts
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Nu-i panica, mereu gasesc o cale
Don't panic, I always find a way
Pentru ca io
Because I
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Si nu spun nimanui daca ma doare
And I don't tell anyone if it hurts
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Nu-i panica, mereu gasesc o cale
Don't panic, I always find a way
Yo, da, da, da, treaba chiar este pe bune
Yo, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's really for real
Mi se zice Junky si sunt in misiune
My name is Junky and I'm on a mission
Fericit cu ce fac, inca de dimineata
Happy with what I do, since the morning
D-asta nu trebuie sa muncesc nicio zi in viata
That's why I don't have to work a day in my life
Vezi, la fiecare concert trag tare
See, at every concert I push hard
Si beau cu toti, pana am nevoie de tractare
And I drink with everyone, until I need a tow
Bag munte, bag mare, ma duc pe unde
I go big, I go mountain, I go wherever
Ma poarta toata muzica, frecvente, unde
All the music takes me, frequencies, wherever
Zilele trecute, am citit un interviu
The other day, I read an interview
Care m-a facut, dintr-o data, sa ma simt mai viu
Which made me, suddenly, feel more alive
Cineva zicea ca tre' sa bagi de seama
Someone said you gotta watch out
Baietii din Okapi zici ca au toti aceeasi mama
The guys from Okapi, you'd say they all have the same mother
Clar, astia-s fratii mei, mi s-a parut duma
Clearly, these are my brothers, I thought it was a joke
Tocmai ma gandeam, cine se aseamana, se afuma
I was just thinking, those who resemble each other, get high together
Ei sunt energia mea, cand asta imi lipseste
They are my energy, when I lack it
Vezi, lenea face datorii si munca le plateste
You see, laziness creates debts and work pays them off
That's why
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Si nu spun nimanui daca ma doare
And I don't tell anyone if it hurts
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Nu-i panica, mereu gasesc o cale
Don't panic, I always find a way
Pentru ca io
Because I
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Si nu spun nimanui daca ma doare
And I don't tell anyone if it hurts
Trag tare, bag mare
Push hard, go big
Nu-i panica, mereu gasesc o cale
Don't panic, I always find a way

Авторы: stefan damian

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