Nane feat. Tranda - Atât de simplu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nane feat. Tranda - Atât de simplu

Atât de simplu
So Simple
Daca imi scrii si nu-ti raspund
If you text me and I don't reply
Probabil vreau sa te fac sa întelegi
I probably want to make you understand
Ca n-are sens sa ma mai cauti in veci nu
That there's no point in looking for me forever, no
Dar daca totusi iti raspund
But if I do reply to you
Si nu mai am nimic sa-ti spun
And I have nothing left to say to you
E doar pentru ca sunt alt om acum da
It's only because I'm a different person now, yes
E atat de simplu e super simplu
It's so simple, it's super simple
Suntem oameni si ne schimba timpu'
We're human and time changes us
E atat de simplu e mega simplu
It's so simple, it's mega simple
Nu te folosi de mine ca nu-s tipu
Don't use me because I'm not that guy
Cere-ti iertare de un milion de ori
Beg for forgiveness a million times
Asta nu o sa te schimbe
It won't change you
Vei fi tarfa pana mori
You'll be a tramp until you die
Treaba-i de cacat
Your work sucks
Ca planu tau de atac
As does your plan of attack
Scazi in ochii mei cand iubesti conditionat
You fall in my eyes when you love conditionally
Cand ai ceva de castigat iti oferi compania
When you have something to gain, you offer your company
Da schimbi anturajele mai des decat chiria
Yes, you change your surroundings more often than your rent
E ca o joaca
It's like a game
Tot timpul e alta jucaria
It's always a different toy
Pentru ca minti continuu
Because you lie constantly
Doar sa-ti aperi felia
Just to defend your slice
Da pana cand sa functioneze?
Yes, until when will it work?
Pana cand sa tot muti tabara doar in locuri alese?
Until when will you keep on moving camp only to chosen places?
Cat sa tratezi oamenii ca pe piese intr-un puzzle care in final oricum nu iti iese
How long will you treat people like pieces in a puzzle that doesn't work out in the end anyway?
Realii recunosc realii
Real people recognize real people
Iar timpu' scoate incet la suprafata si penalii
And time slowly brings the criminals to the surface
Nu-ti doresc raul
I don't wish you harm
Iti doresc tot norocu'
I wish you all the luck
Nu ma cauta
Don't look for me
Incearca doar sa-ti gasesti locu'
Just try to find your place
Daca imi scrii si nu-ti raspund
If you text me and I don't reply
Probabil vreau sa te fac sa intelegi
I probably want to make you understand
Ca n-are sens sa ma mai cauti in veci nu
That there's no point in looking for me forever, no
Dar daca totusi iti raspund
But if I do reply to you
Si nu mai am nimic sa-ti spun
And I have nothing left to say to you
E doar pentru ca sunt alt om acum da
It's only because I'm a different person now, yes
Imi ziceai ca-s diferit
You used to tell me that I was different
Ca o sa fiu cineva
That I was going to be somebody
Imi ziceai ca o sa raman cel mai bun din viata ta
You used to tell me that I was going to be the best in your life
Ca oricare altu nu face nici jumate
That no one else could do half as much
Da-te-n pula mea
Fuck you
Chiar aveai dreptate
You were right
Am avut principii cand banii nu veneau
I had principles when money wasn't coming in
Deja vu-uri cu tine cand altele plecau
Déjà vu with you when others left
Asa e in viata
That's life
Stii care-i partea proasta
Do you know what the worst part is?
Femeile ca tine urasc sa imbatraneasca yeah
Women like you hate growing old, yeah
Sunt constient de avantaj
I'm aware of the advantage
Mai tarziu nu-mi trebe operatii sau machiaj
Later, I won't need surgery or makeup
Sunt multumit cu banii si cu partea mea
I'm happy with my money and my share
Nu-mi trebuie vreo parere
I don't need an opinion
Mai ales a ta
Especially yours
Ai grija cum cobori
Be careful how you go down
Ca drumu nu-i usor
Because the road is not easy
Mai ales pe tocuri si cu ochi-n telefon
Especially on heels and with your eyes on your phone
Acum ai remuscari
Now you have remorse
Asa e uneori
That's how it is sometimes
E atat de simplu
It's so simple
Nu imi pasa uneori
I don't care sometimes
Si acum nu stii
And now you don't know
Si pare mai mult cand nu te mai iubesc sau cu cine ma fut
And it seems like more when I don't love you or who I fuck
Sunt prea schimbat
I'm too changed
Vremea a trecut
Time has passed
De aici incolo te descurci...
From now on, you're on your own...
Daca imi scrii si nu-ti raspund
If you text me and I don't reply
Probabil vreau sa te fac sa intelegi
I probably want to make you understand
Ca n-are sens sa ma mai cauti in veci nu
That there's no point in looking for me forever, no
Dar daca totusi iti raspund
But if I do reply to you
Si nu mai am nimic sa-ti spun
And I have nothing left to say to you
E doar pentru ca sunt alt om acum
It's only because I'm a different person now
E atat de simplu e super simplu
It's so simple, it's super simple
Suntem oameni si ne schimba timpu'
We're human and time changes us
E atat de simpli e mega simplu
It's so simple, it's mega simple
Nu te folosi de mine ca nu-s tipu'
Don't use me because I'm not that guy

Авторы: Phvne

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