Nane - Milano Mood (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nane - Milano Mood (Live)

Milano Mood (Live)
Milan Mood (Live)
Dacă e 2019 şi vorbeşti de bătaie
If it's 2019 and you talk about fighting
Şi nu eşti în ring, ţi-ai greşit cariera, coaie
And you're not in the ring, you've chosen the wrong career, man
Căţeaua ta ţine lângă ea o potaie
Your bitch keeps a piece of shit by her side
Miroşi curu' tuturor, mai ia un pic de aer!
You smell everyone's ass, take a little more air!
Vrei prea mult să-mi guşti sosu'
You want to taste my sauce too much
Da' nu reuşeşti decât să-mi rozi osu'
But all you can do is gnaw at my bone
Nu vezi dacă te iei cu mine, eşti prostu'?
Can't you see that if you mess with me, you're the fool?
Eşti semnat la o casă, am casa mea, sunt bossu'
You're signed to a house, I have my own house, I'm the boss
Despre ce vorbeşti, oagăre, te-ai prăjit?
What are you talking about, you roasted hare?
Vorbeşti din auzite, mai eşti şi falit
You talk from hearsay, you're also bankrupt
Stilu' ţi s-a învechit, abia mai stai pe beat
Your style has gotten old, you can barely stay on beat
Patetic, experiment nereuşit!
Pathetic, failed experiment!
Vor beef cu mine, da' am devenit vegan
They want beef with me, but I've become vegan
Bag pula-n plante, mănânc wannabe golani
I put my dick in plants, I eat wannabe gangsters
Răsfăţatule, de ce vorbeşti ca un ţăran?!
Spoiled little boy, why do you talk like a peasant?!
Poate-ţi sparg buzele alea cu un teanc de bani!
Maybe I'll punch your lips with a stack of money!
Ştii, bro, coarda ta e cam urâtă
You know, bro, your line is pretty ugly
Da' am futut-o doar să-ţi fac în ciudă
But I fucked her just to spite you
Pe mine ţipă, sub tine e surdo-mută
She screams at me, under you she's deaf and dumb
I-am zis lase, da' nu vrea s-audă
I told her to leave me alone, but she won't listen
Ştii, bro, coarda ta e cam urâtă
You know, bro, your line is pretty ugly
Da' am futut-o doar să-ţi fac în ciudă
But I fucked her just to spite you
Pe mine ţipă, sub tine e surdo-mută
She screams at me, under you she's deaf and dumb
I-am zis lase, da' nu vrea s-audă
I told her to leave me alone, but she won't listen
După ce-o fut, o trimit să-mi plimbe căţelu'
After I fuck her, I send her to walk my dog
Mintea ei e un magnet, penisu' meu oţelu'
Her mind is a magnet, my penis is steel
Tu o ţii de mână şi râde tot cartieru'
You hold her hand and the whole neighborhood laughs
Abordează-mă greşit săruţi fieru'
Approach me wrong to kiss the iron
Şi ard hashu' cu bricheta
And I burn hash with a lighter
Pleci de-acasă, o atrag ca mulineta
You leave home, I attract her like a fishing reel
Ceva-i fishy la tine şi nu se leagă
Something's fishy about you and it doesn't add up
Tu te iei de-un pimp, ea trage de coadă
You pick on a pimp, she pulls my tail
Ai rămas la coadă sau doar mi se pare?
You stayed in the queue or did it just seem that way?
Vezi ce se întâmplă dacă tot faci pula mare
See what happens if you keep dicking around
Karma e reală, te prinde din spate
Karma is real, it catches up to you from behind
N-ai aceeaşi energie-n realitate!
You don't have the same energy in reality!
Eşti frustrat, simplu cu A, B, C
You're frustrated, simple as A, B, C
Mai ieşi la soare pentru vitamina D
Get some more sunlight for vitamin D
Azi e-o nouă zi, tu vorbeşti tot de ieri
Today's a new day, you keep talking about yesterday
Vizitează o ţară-n care cresc palmieri!
Visit a country where palm trees grow!
Ştii, bro, coarda ta e cam urâtă
You know, bro, your line is pretty ugly
Da' am futut-o doar să-ţi fac în ciudă
But I fucked her just to spite you
Pe mine ţipă, sub tine e surdo-mută
She screams at me, under you she's deaf and dumb
I-am zis lase, da' nu vrea s-audă
I told her to leave me alone, but she won't listen
Ştii, bro, coarda ta e cam urâtă
You know, bro, your line is pretty ugly
Da' am futut-o doar să-ţi fac în ciudă
But I fucked her just to spite you
Pe mine ţipă, sub tine e surdo-mută
She screams at me, under you she's deaf and dumb
I-am zis lase, da' nu vrea s-audă
I told her to leave me alone, but she won't listen

Авторы: Stefan Avram Cherescu

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