Naoto Intiraymi - 青春サンポ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Naoto Intiraymi - 青春サンポ

Youthful Walk
何気ない言葉がいくつも飛び交って くだらないことで笑ってたよね
So many meaningless words flew back and forth Those were the days we laughed over nothing, dear
Ah この世界は永遠に続いてくと 信じて疑わなかった
Ah I thought this world would last forever I didn't doubt it a bit
We walked through the same time, you see
いつもそこにいた 窓際の机 気付いたら同じ顔 なんとなく集まっていた
I was always there A desk by the window Before I knew it, we had the same faces We somehow just gathered
何でも出来る気がした 本当に出来てたんだ 願ったら叶うって
We felt like we could do anything We really could you know If we wished for something, it would come true
そう僕ら信じてた 何も怖くなかった
Yes, back then we believed Nothing scared us
青春に説明書なんかなくて 筋書きなんて全く不確定
Youth is not like a manual There's no script at all
朝まで語りあった大きな夢 話してた通りになったのかな
We talked all night about our big dreams Did it turn out like we said?
僕はまた明日にぶらさがり 探りながら追いかける未来
I'm still hanging by tomorrow's thread Pursuing the future while feeling my way I'm being stubborn even with memories
Just because I'm being so stubborn
何気ない言葉がいくつも飛び交って くだらないことで笑ってたよね
So many meaningless words flew back and forth Those were the days we laughed over nothing, dear
Ah この世界は永遠に続いてくと 信じて疑わなかった
Ah I thought this world would last forever I didn't doubt it a bit
We walked through the same time, you see
逃げてる訳じゃない 記憶をたどるだけ
I'm not running away I'm just tracing over memories
火曜日特有の 息苦しさでふと 蘇ってきただけ
It's just that my usual Tuesday was making me feel a little down So they came back to me suddenly
いつもヘコヘコ相づちばっか 電車ん中暗い顔ばっか
I used to always be nodding in agreement My face was always gloomy on the train
あんな大人にはなりたくないと アイツらとよく話してたのに
I used to tell people that I never wanted to be such a grown-up And yet here I am, all grown up now
そんなボクももう大人になってさ 忙しいと弱音吐いている
Busy and always complaining These days I feel weak
But I have to keep going no matter what...
忘れ物がないか いつも確かめてる 忘れてしまったものは取りに帰ろう
I always make sure that I don't forget anything If there's something I forgot, I'll go back and get it
Ah そこには笑顔たちが待ってる きっと少し大人びた声で
Ah Because smiling faces are waiting for me there They'll probably greet me a little more maturely
But they'll still be saying the same things, dear
ずっと背伸びして暮らしてる 届かないから必要なのさ
I've always been trying not to fall behind But I just can't reach it, that's why I need to
でも不安定な立ち方じゃ いつかはフラついて 倒れてしまう そうなる前に
But if my stance is unsteady I'll trip sometime and fall Before that happens
あの頃のボクが描いた未来 その通りにはなってないけど
The future that I drew when I was a kid Didn't come true, but still
それぞれの場所で それぞれの時を みんな頑張ってるんだろう
I'm sure that everyone's doing their best In their own place at their own time
I wish we could all get together sometimes
何気ない言葉がいくつも飛び交って くだらないことで笑ってたよね
So many meaningless words flew back and forth Those were the days we laughed over nothing, dear
Ah この世界は永遠に続いてくと 信じて疑わなかった
Ah I thought this world would last forever I didn't doubt it a bit
We walked through the same time, you see
軽く息を吸いこんだら そろそろ仕事に戻ろう
I'll take a deep breath and slowly go back to work

Авторы: Shintarou Tokita, Intiraimi Naoto

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