Natali Dizdar - Mjesto Za Jedno - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Natali Dizdar - Mjesto Za Jedno

Mjesto Za Jedno
A Seat For One
Znaš, miris jeseni me podsjeti
You know, the smell of autumn reminds me
Na neke večeri davne
Of some long-ago nights
Tvoj smijeh iz druge sobe čula sam
I heard your laughter from another room
Za tvoje pohode slavne
Heading off on your famous adventures
Znaš, obukla sam onu haljinu
You know, I put on that dress
On drži bocu tvog vina
He holds a bottle of your wine
Od tebe imam samo istinu
From you I only get the truth
Hladnu k'o vjetar s planina
Cold as the wind from the mountains
Da, mogli smo i puno bolje
Yes, we could have done much better
Da, premalo je bilo volje
Yes, there wasn't enough will
Jer s tobom bila sam sama
Because with you I was alone
Samoća u dvoje slama
Solitude in two breaks us
A mogli smo do kraja svijeta
But we could have gone to the end of the world
Do novih zvijezda i planeta
To new stars and planets
Al' u tvom brodu svejedno
But in your ship anyway
Mjesto je samo za jedno
There's only room for one
Znaš li da sve sto pišem pobrišem
You know that everything I write I erase
Riječi se gužvaju same
Words crowd themselves
U grlu zastanu pa prodišem
They get stuck in my throat and I breathe through them
Kad pojaviš se iz tame
When you emerge from the darkness
Ni s njim o tebi ne razgovaram
I don't even talk to him about you
A on mi toči još vina
But he pours me more of your wine
Ne zna da toči golu istinu
He doesn't know that he's serving pure truth
Hladnu ko' vjetar s planina
Cold like the wind from the mountains
Da, mogli smo i puno bolje
Yes, we could have done much better
Da, premalo je bilo volje
Yes, there wasn't enough will
Jer s tobom bila sam sama
Because with you I was alone
Samoća u dvoje slama
Solitude in two breaks us
A mogli smo do kraja svijeta
But we could have gone to the end of the world
Do novih zvijezda i planeta
To new stars and planets
Al' u tvom brodu svejedno
But in your ship anyway
Mjesto je samo za jedno
There's only room for one
On me gleda
He's looking at me
On me želi
He wants me
On me treba
He needs me
Ne znam zašto
I don't know why
Ali to me ne veseli
But it doesn't make me happy

Авторы: Djani Pervan, Dino Saran

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