Nativ - Free Blanket. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nativ - Free Blanket.

Free Blanket.
Free Blanket.
(Nei dr fride kei frag)
(There is no question in peace)
I meine gsehsch wi d haar si gwachsä uf zähn woudie scharf
I mean, look how the hair has grown on the teeth that are sharp
Mir hei büglet, mir hei kotzed mir si grennt, ohni halt
We ironed, we puked, we are separated, without a stop
Dsch dr ahfang homie ds isch nonid z änd, ws hesch dänkt
This is the beginning, homie, this is nothing to change, what did you think
Zuekunft wird nid übertreit uf srf, mir si d wält
The future won't be broadcast on SRF, we are the world
Lueg ganz gnau mini fige ah
Look closely at my fingers, too
Wöu ir next generation isch si wieder da
Because the next generation is back
Machä 7 kids u adoptierä 10
Have 7 kids and adopt 10
U irgendeinisch längt niemer iri frisse ah
And at some point, no one will care about their faces
U aui üs ängst integriere
And all of us anxieties integrate them
Umarmä sä, dankänä, liebä
Hug them, thank them, love them
Fuck i bi stolz uf mis innere (ching)
Fuck, I'm proud of my inner self (ching)
Üses nöi säubstvertrouä cha üs niemer
Our new self-confidence, no one can take it away from us
U ging nonid gsehs si ds gärn wenä typ wini ä stimm het
And if you didn't see it, they like the type who has a voice
U robocops ah schwitze we si bi mir nüt finge
And robocops are sweating too, when they don't find anything with me
Doch ha ke zyt zum wüetig si wöu dusse wartet z morn
But have no time to be angry because tomorrow is waiting outside
Luege ar feindlechkeit bim stärbä zue u d läbä d revolution
Look at hostility in the face of death and live the revolution
Dsch nid z ändi youth i gseh ds meh als nöistart
This is not the end, youth, I see it more as a new beginning
Ws si kaputt hei gmacht ds flicke mr mit links
What they broke, we'll fix with our left hand
Wöu gäbs ke wändig wärä scholang üsi tröim platzt
Because there would be no turning back as long as our dreams burst
Aber luegmau si isch global üsi stimm
But look, it's global, our voice
Dsch nid z ändi youth i gseh ds meh als nöistart
This is not the end, youth, I see it more as a new beginning
Ws si kaputt hei gmacht ds flicke mr mit links
What they broke, we'll fix with our left hand
Wöu gäbs ke wändig wärä scholang üsi tröim platzt
Because there would be no turning back as long as our dreams burst
Aber luegmau si isch global üsi stimm
But look, it's global, our voice
I wott mine änkuchinder nid erklärä müesse
I don't want to have to explain to my grandchildren
Dsi zuegluegt ha wi mir uf mönscherächtä pissä
That they turned a blind eye as we pissed on human rights
I wott nid zeichnet si vom hass weni im stärbä ligä (fuck that)
I don't want them to be marked by hate when I'm dying (fuck that)
Git scho gnue wixxer uf dr welt wo üs zu schmärzä zwingä
There are already enough assholes in the world forcing us to feel pain
Red nid vo gott wöu gott isch gross är würd nid usgränzä wöuä
Don't talk about god because god is great he wouldn't want to exclude
Doch lobbyischte wei üs ufnä faltschi fährte bringä
But lobbyists want to take us on the wrong track
Ire wält wo z narrativ eim ständig laht minderwärtig füehle
Their world, where the narrative constantly makes you feel inferior
Ischs mängisch schwär dert drüber z stah
It's hard to stand above it sometimes
U es gsunds säubstbild z fingä
And find a healthy self-image
Doch i ha ke zyt meh für das
But I don't have time for that anymore
Wöu für ds lüchtemr z stark yeah
Because the light is too strong yeah
Sägä mine peers mir si aui zämä
Tell my peers we're all together
Übernämä mit dr liebe dr platz
Take over the place with love
Kuss ufd stirne vo dr karin wöu si verschlaft grd iri chance
Kiss on the forehead of Karin because she's sleeping through her chance
Lieber gwöhnt si sech ad vielfalt
She better get used to diversity
Wöu di isch nid dr ursprung vo irem hass (b*tch)
Because that's not the source of her hate (b*tch)
Dsch nid z ändi youth i gseh ds meh aus nöi start
This is not the end, youth, I see it more as a new beginning
Ws si kaputt hei gmacht ds flicke mr mit links
What they broke, we'll fix with our left hand
Wöu gäbs ke wändig wärä scholang üsi tröim platzt
Because there would be no turning back as long as our dreams burst
Aber luegmau si isch global üsi stimm
But look, it's global, our voice
Dsch nid z ändi youth i gseh ds meh aus nöi start
This is not the end, youth, I see it more as a new beginning
Ws si kaputt hei gmacht ds flicke mr mit links
What they broke, we'll fix with our left hand
Wöu gäbs ke wändig wärä scholang üsi tröim platzt
Because there would be no turning back as long as our dreams burst
Aber luegmau si isch global üsi stimm
But look, it's global, our voice
Knock knock (wär isch da) es isch dini grösschti angst
Knock knock (who's there) it's your biggest fear
Chlauä dr di job u hanä risse grosse schwanz
Stealing your job and I have a big dick
Rede 70 sprache und i teil mit dr wäut
Speak 70 languages and I share them with the world
U gester hani gredt mit gott u si isch nid xenophob
And yesterday I spoke to god and he's not xenophobic

Авторы: Joel Aubry, Thierry Gnahore

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