Negu Gorriak - Bi Doberman Beltz - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Negu Gorriak - Bi Doberman Beltz

Bi Doberman Beltz
Bi Doberman Beltz
#Bi doberman beltz#:
#Two black Dobermans#:
Kutxako bulego zentralean
Central bank office
Hogeita bederatzi urte dituen
He is twenty-nine years old
Arana jaunaren soilunea
The Lord of the Valley ' s
Hozten du aire girotuak.
It is cooled by air conditioning.
Hari musikalari kateaturik
Strings in chains
Paul mauriaten orkestrak
Paul mauriat's orchestra
Nirvanaren kanta eskaini dio:
He dedicated the song to Nir tzana:
"Izpiritu gaztearen usaina dario".
"It smells like a young spirit."
Burutik pasatuko zaio,
It's going to go through his head,
Ateratako azken distortsioa
Last distortion extracted
Sistemak irentsi egin duela,
The system has swallowed,
Berak ilea galdu
He lost his hair
Baino bizkorrago.
Faster than.
Lana bukatu bezain pronto
As soon as the work is finished
Amorrua nagusituko da,
Rage will prevail,
Kreditoz ordaintzen ari den
He is paying for credit
Etxebizitzako egongelan.
In the living room of the apartment.
Epeka-epeka erosi zuen
He bought it outright
Hifi kate musikalean
Hifi in the musical chain
Rollins banden poderioa
The Rollins Band
"Isiltasunaren amaiera".
"The end of silence."
Jbl bafleetatik
Musikaren ordez,
Instead of music,
Betortzak erakusten
Showing Betty
Atera dira bi doberman beltz
Two black Dobermans.
Bilatzen eta suntsitzen.
Searching and destroying.
Bi doberman beltz,
Two black Dobermans,
Bilatzen eta suntsitzen
Searching and destroying
Bi doberman beltz,
Two black Dobermans,
Bilatzen eta suntsitzen
Searching and destroying
Lilurapenean henriettari
Zu hiltzea eskatuko diozu,
You're asking him to kill you,
Baina berak bizkarra emanda
But he has his back
"Bilatu eta suntsitu"
"Search and destroy
Leituko duzu
You will levy
Eta tatuaturiko eguzkia
And the tattooed Sun
Balantza erraldoia bihurtuko da.
It will become a giant scale.
Alde batean: justizia,
Side: Justice,
Kontrapisuan: egia.
Counterweight: the truth.
Orduan robert de nirok
Robert de Niro
Irrifar bat eskainiko dizu
He'll give you a smile
Pelikuletan ez bezala,
Unlike the movie,
In reality
Izuak ez baitu mugarik
Fear has no limits
Zure masailean koxka sentitzean
When you feel a bite on your cheek
Konturatuko zara zergatik
You'll realize why
Dedikatu zion anibal lecterrek
It was dedicated to Hannibal Le older
Oskar saria bere amari.
Oscar award to his mother.
Hurrengo egunean
The next day
Kristalez beste aldean
On the other side of the glass
Seguro egoteko, atzerapen
To be safe, delay
Mekanismo eta alarma
Mechanism and alarm
Dispositiboz babesturik dago.
The device is protected.
Dirua zenbatzean oroituko da,
When the money is counted it will be remembered,
Banku atrakatzaile bat
A bank Docker
Izan nahi zuela.
He wanted to be.
Laster handiagotuko du
Will soon increase
Buruaz beste egiten dutenen
Those who commit suicide
Bi doberman beltz,
Two black Dobermans,
Bilatzen eta suntsitzen
Searching and destroying
Bi doberman beltz,
Two black Dobermans,
Bilatzen eta suntsitzen
Searching and destroying
Bi doberman beltz.
Two black Dobermans
#Dos doberman negros#:
#Doberman negros#:
En la oficina central
En la OFI ifina ifentral
De la caja de ahorros,
De la ribaja de ahorros,
El aire acondicionado
El aire a ormondi tzionado
Enfría la calva del señor arana
ENFR UFA la Unjal UFA del Senor Valley
Con sus 29 años.
With his 29 years.
Encadenado al hilo musical,
Chained to the musical thread,
La orquesta de paul mauriat
The Paul Mauriat orchestra
Le ha dedicado una aburguesada
He has dedicated a gentrified
Versión del tema de nirvana:
Version of the Nirvana theme:
"Desprende olor a espíritu joven".
"It gives off the smell of a young spirit."
Entonces se le pasa por la cabeza,
Then it crosses his mind,
Que el sistema ha sido capaz
That the system has been able to
De absorver la última distorsión
To absorb the last distortion
Más rápido que su pérdida
Faster than your loss
Progresiva de cabello.
Progressive hair.
Al terminar la jornada laboral,
At the end of the working day,
La rabia se adueñará
The anger will take over
En la sala de estar
In the living room
De la vivienda
Of housing
Que está pagando mediante
That you are paying by
Un crédito.
A credit.
En la cadena musical hifi,
On the hifi music network,
Que compró a plazos,
That he bought in installments,
El poderío de la rollins band
The power of the Rollins Band
Marca "el fin del silencio".
Mark "the end of silence".
De los bafles jbl en lugar
Of the JBL baffles instead
De música salen
Of music come out
Dos doberman negros
Two black dobermans
Enseñando sus colmillos,
Showing their fangs,
Buscando y destruyendo.
Searching and destroying.
Dos doberman negros.
Two black dobermans.
Buscando y destruyendo.
Searching and destroying.
En la alucinación,
In the hallucination,
Pedirás a henrietta
You will ask Henrietta
Que te mate,
To kill you,
Pero él te dará la espalda
But he will turn his back on you
Y podrás leer: "buscar, destruir"
And you will be able to read: "Search, destroy"
El tatuado sol se convertirá
The tattooed sun will become
En una balanza gigante:
On a giant scale:
En un lado justicia
On the one hand, justice
Y en el contrapeso verdad.
And in the counterbalance truth.
Entonces robert de niro
Then Robert de niro
Te ofrecerá una sonrisa
He will offer you a smile
Pues al contrario
Well, on the contrary
Que en las películas,
That in the movies,
En la realidad el miedo
In reality the fear
No conoce fronteras.
It knows no borders.
Cuando sientas el mordisco
When you feel the bite
En la mejilla te darás cuenta
On the cheek you will realize
Porqué anibal lecter
Why anibal Lecter
Dedicó el (premio)
He dedicated the (award)
Oscar a su madre.
Oscar to his mother.
Al día siguiente,
The next day,
Al otro lado del cristal
On the other side of the glass
Y para su seguridad,
And for your safety,
Está protegido mediante
It is protected by
Un mecanismo de retardo
A delay mechanism
Y un dispositivo de alarma.
And an alarm device.
Contando el dinero,
Counting the money,
Recordará que un día
You will remember that one day
Quiso ser atracador de bancos.
He wanted to be a bank robber.
Pronto aumentará
It will soon increase
La lista de suicidios.
The suicide list.
Dos doberman negros.
Two black dobermans.
Buscando y destruyendo.
Searching and destroying.
Dos doberman negros.
Two black dobermans.

Авторы: Fermin Muguruza Ugarte, Miguel Angel Campos Lopez, Inigo Muguruza Ugarte

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