Nelly Omar - Parece mentira - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nelly Omar - Parece mentira

Parece mentira
It Seems Like a Lie
Yo soy como siempre, yo nunca cambié,
I am as I always was, I never changed,
Mi ropa es la de antes, mi vida también.
My clothes are the same, my life too.
Por eso, de pronto, me cuesta creer
That's why, suddenly, I find it hard to believe
Que seas la misma, la misma de ayer.
That you are the same, the same as yesterday.
Parece mentira que todo de un golpe se pueda romper,
It seems like a lie that everything can break at once,
Parece mentira que el sueño más puro nos quiebre la fe,
It seems like a lie that the purest dream can break our faith,
Te miro y no sé, me cuesta creer,
I look at you and I don't know, I find it hard to believe,
Que seas la misma que quise una vez.
That you are the same one I loved once.
Son tus ojos, dos luceros,
Your eyes, two stars,
Dos abrojos hechiceros,
Two bewitching brambles,
Dos abrojos de luz que se queman, en la noche de mi corazón.
Two brambles of light that burn in the night of my heart.
Son mis penas cien tormentas.
My sorrows are a hundred storms.
Son mis penas cien condenas,
My sorrows are a hundred sentences,
Cien condenas de horror que
A hundred sentences of horror that
Encadenan, mi vida perdida detrás de tu amor.
Imprison my lost life behind your love.
Tu calle es la misma, tu esquina también,
Your street is the same, your corner too,
Las noches del barrio, las mismas de ayer.
The neighborhood nights are the same as yesterday.
La luna es la misma que vimos los dos,
The moon is the same that we both saw,
Colgada en la punta de aquel callejón.
Hanging on the edge of that alley.
Si todo es como antes, si nada ha cambiado, si todo es igual,
If everything is as before, if nothing has changed, if everything is the same,
Parece mentira que sólo tu vida pudiera cambiar.
It seems like a lie that only your life could change.
Te miro y no sé, me cuesta creer, que seas la misma que quise una vez.
I look at you and I don't know, I find it hard to believe that you are the same one I loved once.

Авторы: Dr

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