Nephew - Ancestor (i Ring Part 2) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nephew - Ancestor (i Ring Part 2)

Ancestor (i Ring Part 2)
Ancestor (i Ring Part 2)
Ring tilbage til Tony
Call back to Tony
Ring tilbage til Pontoppidan
Call back to Pontoppidan
Den ægte Lord of the Rings
The true Lord of the Rings
Som faldt igennem, da han gik vand
Who fell through when he walked on water
De var der engang, de er der idag
They are there today, they were there in the past
De gør hvad de altid har gjort
They do as they've always done
De ved hvad vi gør
They know what we do
Vi gør hvad vi kan
We do what we can
Torpedo mod horisonten
Torpedo towards the horizon
Et T-kryds malet med sort
A T-junction painted black
Torpedo igennem horisonten
Torpedo through the horizon
Et T-kryds bli′r til et kors
A T-junction turns into a cross
Det grønne bli'r gult
The green turns yellow
Det gule bli′r rødt
The yellow turns red
Vi ta'r noget, der aldrig var vores
We take something that was never ours
Vi blæser det op
We blow it up
Men vi har det kun til låns
But we only have it on loan
Dagene går i ring, i ring
Days go round and round, and round
Ugerne går i ring
Weeks go round and round
Årene går i ring, i ring
Years go round and round, and round
Og nu går jeg i seng
And now I'm going to bed
(I ring, i ring, i ring, i ring...)
(Round and round, and round, and round...)
(I ring, i ring, i ring, i ring...)
(Round and round, and round, and round...)
"Folkeslag kunde uddø og Verdensbyer
"Peoples could become extinct and cities of the world
Sporløst forsvinde; men saaledes som Vandet her
Disapear without a trace; but just as the water here
Klukkede under Baaden,
Gurgled beneath the boat,
Havde det klukket under det første Menneskes første Kano, og Lyden
It had gurgled beneath the first human's first canoe, and the sound
Vilde gentage sig indtil Dagenes Ende ikke
Would repeat itself until doomsday not
Alene her paa Jorden men paa alle Himmelrummets
Only here on earth but on all the celestial
Kloder, hvor der overhovedet fandtes Vand og et Øre til at høre."
Spheres, wherever there was water and an ear to hear."
Det var her min bedstefar
This is where my grandfather
Han kørte rundt
He drove around
Nu er det min tur
Now it's my turn
Det var her min bedstefar
This is where my grandfather
Han kørte rundt
He drove around
Nu er det min tur
Now it's my turn
Det var her min bedstefar
This is where my grandfather
Han kørte rundt
He drove around
Nu er det min
Now it's my

Авторы: simon kvamm

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