Neradros - Kanguro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Neradros - Kanguro

Que fácil ser rebelde cuando te apoya el estado,
How easy it is to be a rebel with the state's support,
Y tenés la maquinaria de los medios de tu lado.
With the media machine on your side, a twisted retort.
Que fácil imponer tu ideología si siendo jurado,
How easy to impose your ideology as a judge,
No tenés que dar explicación de lo votado.
No explanation needed for your vote, a convenient nudge.
Claro que te lo has ganado es meritocracia.
Of course you earned it, it's meritocracy you preach,
Suspicacia tenés pa′ criticarla, más es falacia
Suspicion you have to criticize, but it's out of reach,
Y lo que pasa, es que tanta plata no te sacia,
And what happens is, so much money doesn't satisfy,
Porque nunca trabajaste de verdad para ganarla.
Because you never truly worked to earn it, that's no lie.
Te hacés el anarquista, después pedís mas estado,
You play the anarchist, then demand more state control,
No es que seas masoquista, es que estás adoctrinado,
Not a masochist, just indoctrinated, losing your soul,
Por un gobierno chavista, que en 12 años ha logrado,
By a Chavista government, that in 12 years has grown,
Hacer crecer aún más la lista de pobres y desempleados.
The list of poor and unemployed, seeds of despair sown.
Te sacan más de la mitad de todo,
They take more than half of everything you make,
Si vos trabajás de sol a sol,
While you work from sunrise to sunset, for goodness sake,
Y esa plata se la dan a otro,
And that money is given to another,
Que nunca en su vida laburó.
Who has never in their life held a job, like a lazy brother.
Solamente les preocupa el voto,
They only care about the vote, that's plain to see,
No les preocupa que estés mejor,
They don't care if you're better off, honestly,
Si no te darían un trabajo, no un subsidio,
If they did, they'd give you a job, not a handout's plea,
Y no le cobrarían impuestos a cada trabajador.
And wouldn't tax every worker, setting their earnings free.
Fácil es decir que alguien ta' laburando para ganar dos monedas,
Easy to say someone's working for pennies, it's true,
Difícil admitir que tu querido estado es el que la mitad se lleva.
Hard to admit your beloved state takes half, through and through.
Pero vos estas contento porque das un show gratuito,
But you're happy because you give a free show,
Pagado por el estado con el hambre de otros tipos.
Paid for by the state with other people's hunger, don't you know?
Tan falaz que sos atrás del micro me cansás. capás
So deceitful you are behind the mic, it tires me out,
No estás capacitado para hablar de lo que hablás sin mas.
Perhaps you're not qualified to speak of what you shout.
Quizás no te importa generar pobres donde vas,
Maybe you don't care about creating poverty wherever you go,
Fijate siempre de que lado de la mecha te encontrás.
Always check which side of the fuse you're on, friend or foe.
No me queda ni para empezar,
I have nothing left to even begin,
Si tu apellido es hipocresía.
If your last name is hypocrisy, a cardinal sin.
A más de un pibe lograste arruinar,
You've managed to ruin more than one kid's life,
A más de uno le cagas la vida.
You screw up their future, filled with strife.
Con esa droga supuesta inocente
With that supposedly innocent drug,
A la que tanto haces apología,
That you so strongly advocate, like a cozy rug,
Que te hace tonto, no deja avanzar,
It makes you stupid, doesn't let you advance,
Y la que cabeza deja destruida.
And leaves your head destroyed, a hopeless trance.
Miles de chicos escuchan tus temas
Thousands of kids listen to your songs,
Donde los incitas a vivir así,
Where you incite them to live like this, where it belongs,
Nunca pensaste en las consecuencias,
You never thought about the consequences,
Y a la gente a la que podés influir.
And the people you can influence, breaking defenses.
Conozco pibes que por tu ejemplo,
I know kids who, because of your example,
Dejaron la escuela y tuvieron que huir
Dropped out of school and had to flee, unable,
De su casa, porque le robaban
From their homes, because they stole,
Dinero a su madre para consumir.
Money from their mothers to consume, losing control.
Mientras tanto, hablás de la yuta metida en los barrios,
Meanwhile, you talk about the cops in the neighborhoods,
Cuando no te preocupa que entren los narcos.
When you don't care about the drug dealers and their hoods.
Entre sobredosis, tiros, cerebros quemados,
Between overdoses, shootings, and burned-out brains,
La droga mata mas que la yuta y vos tan pancho.
Drugs kill more than the cops, causing endless pains.
Ancho de ropa, mientras presumís,
Wide clothes, while you boast,
Toda la droga, que vos consumís,
All the drugs you consume, at any cost,
A toda hora, es lo que admitís,
At all hours, it's what you admit,
Se nota que nunca a un trabajo vos tuviste que asistir.
It's clear you've never had to go to work, not a single bit.
Encima incitás a chicos de cualquier edad,
On top of that, you incite kids of any age,
A que vivan de fiesta no estudiar ni trabajar.
To live a life of partying, not studying or turning a page.
Y si no alcanza la plata del subsidio será será...
And if the subsidy money is not enough, it will be, it will be...
Que buscaran dinero para drogas de forma ilegal.
That they will look for money for drugs illegally.
A pesar del tono combativo de esta canción,
Despite the combative tone of this song,
Mi objetivo con ella no es agredir,
My goal is not to attack, right from wrong,
Sino llamar a la reflexión sobre las cosas que defendemos,
But to call for reflection on the things we defend,
Y lo que realmente hace daño a la sociedad
And what really harms society, in the end,
Y al futuro de los jóvenes.
And the future of young people, my friend.
Muchos van a decir que hago críticas
Many will say I make criticisms,
Y no planteo soluciones,
And don't offer solutions, just isms,
Así que ahí van un par de tips.
So here are a couple of tips, no schisms.
Creo que es mejor antes que dar un subsidio,
I think it's better, before giving a handout's aid,
Incentivar el esfuerzo el trabajo y la meritocracia.
To encourage effort, work, and meritocracy's parade.
Si la gente depende de lo que le da un político,
If people depend on what a politician gives,
El político se lucrará de que haya ignorancia.
The politician will profit from ignorance that lives.
Entonces el primer paso de todo es educar,
So the first step of all is to educate,
Y eso es imposible en una cabeza drogada.
And that's impossible with a drugged-up mind's state.
Que alguien defienda la droga no puedo aceptar,
I cannot accept someone defending drugs,
Ya que es cómplice de que muchos tengan la vida arruinada.
As they are complicit in many ruined lives and thugs.
Nunca recibí de el estado un subsidio,
I never received a subsidy from the state,
Pero si trabajé muy duro por un sueldo mínimo.
But I worked very hard for a minimum wage, it's fate.
Vi como la droga arruinó a varios amigos,
I saw how drugs ruined several friends of mine,
Hoy día se arrepienten de elegir ese camino.
Today they regret choosing that path, a twisted line.
Ellos no ignoraban que la droga era mala,
They weren't unaware that drugs were bad,
Pero veían a sus ídolos usarla y defenderla.
But they saw their idols using and defending them, feeling glad.
Querían ser como ellos esa vida y esa fama,
They wanted to be like them, that life and fame,
Por eso me ignoraban si yo hacía una advertencia.
That's why they ignored me if I gave a warning, to my shame.
Si usás tu rap o trap sin más moral que ganar cash,
If you use your rap or trap with no morals but to gain cash,
deberás pensar quizás que traerás un gran pesar
You should perhaps think that you will bring great sorrow's clash,
En los demás y arruinarás a más de uno y me odiarás.
Upon others and ruin more than one, and you will hate me, a brash,
Fijate siempre de qué lado de la mecha te encontrás
Always check which side of the fuse you're on, that's the task.

Авторы: Alejandro José Argañaras

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