Nerieš - Odložený Prípad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nerieš - Odložený Prípad

Odložený Prípad
Postponed Case
Niekto mi ruší spánok,
Someone's interrupting my sleep,
Zvoní mi budík ráno,
My alarm clock is ringing in the morning,
A ja že sa mi to sníva,
And I think I'm dreaming,
No je to real kámo,
But it's real, buddy,
Táto noc bola slabá,
This night was weak,
Nechce sa mi dnes vstávať,
I don't feel like getting up today,
Prišiel ten deň,
The day has come,
Kedy nechám všetky veci len tak plávať
When I let everything just float away
Len tak plávam
Just float
Vypínam budík, nevstávam
I turn off the alarm, I don't get up
Keď sa mi podarí zobudiť na obed,
When I manage to wake up at noon,
Tak to je sláva
Then it's glory
Každý deň nával
Every day a rush
Tam utiekam
I run away there
Kam sa ponáhľam
Where I'm in a hurry
No dnes mám v píči stres
But today I don't give a damn about stress
Najviacej si to vychutnávam
I enjoy it the most
Káva, platím šeky
Coffee, I pay checks
Dávam peniaze tam,
I put money there,
Kde ich netreba, potom mi neostane, na to podstatne, ale však to môžem ojebať
Where it's not needed, then I don't have enough, for the essential, but I can cheat on that
Všetko čas,
Everything has its time,
Poštu nepreberám včas,
I don't pick up the mail on time,
Pokuta za rýchlosť,
A speeding ticket,
Neplatím na mieste,
I don't pay on the spot,
Exekútor mi viac,
The bailiff will give me more,
Však nechce sa mi behať,
I don't feel like running,
Ten timeing, môžem jebať,
That timing, I can fuck,
Pomaly si zvykám,
I'm slowly getting used to it,
že všetko sa stihnúť nedá
that not everything can be done
Pomaly si zvykám,
I'm slowly getting used to it,
že všetko sa stihnúť nedá
that not everything can be done
Dnes nechcem počuť zvoniť telefón,
Today I don't want to hear the phone ring,
Takže ma nezháňaj,
So don't look for me,
Nikde ma nehľadaj, som off,
Don't look for me anywhere, I'm off,
Pre Teba som mŕtvy,
I'm dead to you,
Nehnevaj sa na mňa,
Don't be mad at me,
Dneska si beriem voľno,
Today I'm taking a day off,
Najskôr sa vidíme zajtra,
We'll see each other tomorrow at the earliest,
Nechce sa mi, mám čas,
I don't want to, I have time,
Mám to v píči aj tak,
I don't give a damn anyway,
Nechce sa mi, mám čas,
I don't want to, I have time,
Mám to v píči aj vás
I don't give a damn about you either
Nechce sa mi, mám čas,
I don't want to, I have time,
Mám to v píči aj tak,
I don't give a damn anyway,
Nechce sa mi, mám čas,
I don't want to, I have time,
Mám to v píči aj vás
I don't give a damn about you either
Dnes nemusím, nikam vstávať,
Today I don't have to get up,
úplne inač chutí ranná káva,
morning coffee tastes completely different,
Hovorím si iba oukej,
I tell myself just okay,
Behám po celom dome,
I run all over the house,
Všetko stíham, není žiadny problém,
I can do everything, there's no problem,
2 hodiny pijem tu istú kávu
I've been drinking the same coffee for 2 hours
A to som si hovoril do obeda okúsim trávu,
And then I told myself, I'll try grass before lunch,
Sadol som si k PC
I sat down at the PC
Opäť sa mi nič nechce robiť,
I don't feel like doing anything again,
Mal som si aspoň umyť auto,
I should have at least washed my car,
Ale ešte predtým si jebnem 40minutovů sprchu
But before that I'll have a 40-minute shower
Jak Strapoo a to kričia pri dverách moji psi,
How Strapoo and that's when my dogs are screaming at the door,
že je čas nachvíľu sa vyvetrať,
that it's time to go out for a while,
Ale medzi tým si ho ešte vyhoním.
But in the meantime I'll jerk off.
Potom mi voláva stará,
Then my old lady calls me,
že mal by som povysávať celý barak
that I should vacuum the whole barrack
A klamem jej,
And I lie to her,
Neviem kde stojí mi hlava
I don't know where my head is
A celý deň sa iba na gauči váľam
And I just lie on the couch all day
A pozerám filmy
And watch movies
A žeriem len chipsy
And I only eat potato chips
A není to sláva jak celý deň v píči to mávam
And it's not glorious how I have it in my ass all day long
A poprejebával som všetko,
And I pissed away everything,
čo sa
that could be
A bla, bla, bla bla blabla...
And blah, blah, blah blah blah blah...
Dnes nechcem počuť zvoniť telefón,
Today I don't want to hear the phone ring,
Takže ma nezháňaj,
So don't look for me,
Nikde ma nehľadaj, som off,
Don't look for me anywhere, I'm off,
Pre Teba som mŕtvy,
I'm dead to you,
Nehnevaj sa na mňa,
Don't be mad at me,
Dneska si beriem voľno,
Today I'm taking a day off,
Najskôr sa vidíme zajtra,
We'll see each other tomorrow at the earliest,
Nechce sa mi, mám čas,
I don't want to, I have time,
Mám to v píči aj tak,
I don't give a damn anyway,
Nechce sa mi, mám čas,
I don't want to, I have time,
Mám to v píči aj vás
I don't give a damn about you either
Nechce sa mi, mám čas,
I don't want to, I have time,
Mám to v píči aj tak,
I don't give a damn anyway,
Nechce sa mi, mám čas,
I don't want to, I have time,
Mám to v píči aj vás
I don't give a damn about you either

Авторы: Matej Gabris, Matej Straka

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