Nerieš - Velké Skóre - перевод текста песни на английский

Velké Skóre - Neriešперевод на английский

Velké Skóre
Big Score
Vízia, vidina peňazí ktorá ťa zožiera
Vision, a vision of money that devours you
Máš veľké oči chcel by si preraziť
You have big eyes, you want to break through
Hraješ o vela
You're playing for a lot
Realita bokom ideš snívať sen
Reality aside, you're going to dream a dream
Ideš užívať si cash, jediné čo ti chýba je dôvera
You're going to enjoy the cash, the only thing you're missing is confidence
Tlačí ťa dopredu fame
Fame is pushing you forward
Ubiehajú ti roky no nevyjebeš s nimi
The years are passing by, but you won't fuck with them
To dopredu viem
That I know for sure
Chcel by si hrať big game
You want to play the big game
No najprv musíš vyskúšať a niečim musíš prejsť
But first you have to try it and go through something
Nejde to, preskákať levely a byť v cieli
You can't skip levels and be at the finish line
Ten kto sa nepopáli zbytočne si verí
Those who don't get burned believe in themselves too much
Podniky, zadarmo peniaze, firmy
Businesses, free money, companies
Nemusíš byť naivný len moc pozeráš filmy
You don't have to be naive, you just watch too many movies
S mojim spoločníkom spravili sme štúdio
With my partner, we made a studio
To čo bolo nemožné sa zrazu stalo hmotné
What was impossible suddenly became tangible
No potme som začal chodiť domov
But I started walking home in the dark
Aby z toho niečo bolo
To make something out of it
Začať zarábať peniaze na splátky by bolo vhodné
It would be nice to start earning money for the installments
Dnes som pán svojho času
Today I am the master of my time
Tým čo ma baví napĺňam si svoju kasu
I fill my coffers with what I enjoy
Viem že z toho nezbohatnem
I know I won't get rich from it
Aj keď som dole no chcem sa vypracovať
Even though I'm down, I want to work my way up
V živote mať veľké skóre
To have a big score in life
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
A skóre si dvíha potom nič nestíha
And then, they can't do anything
A tak prestáva snívať, nestačí vnímať
And so they stop dreaming, they can't perceive any more
Čo okolo seba
What's around them
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
A skóre si dvíha potom nič nestíha
And then, they can't do anything
A tak prestáva snívať, nestačí vnímať
And so they stop dreaming, they can't perceive any more
Čo okolo seba
What's around them
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
V pohári predo mnou ostalo len prázdno
In the glass before me, there's nothing left but emptiness
Ani som nečakal že padne to tak rýchlo na dno
I didn't expect it to hit the bottom so quickly
Zrazu prišiel ten nápad (moment) pome!
Suddenly, the idea came to me (moment) let's go!
Spravíme love a ešte predtým než to bolo vlastne celé v hlave
We'll make love before it was actually all in my head
Nadobudol som ten dojem ako by to bolo moje
I got the impression that it was already mine
Oukej a sa vidím v drahých autách
Okay, and now I see myself in expensive cars
Kontá v bankách, luxusná vila na na nej vlastné mólo
Bank accounts, a luxury villa with its own pier
Vedľa neho stojí jachta
Next to it is a yacht
Velice rýchlo som zabudol aký som bol vandrák
Very quickly I forgot what a vagrant I was
A sa chovám ako arogantný parchant
And I'm already acting like an arrogant bastard
Veľa ľudí si to takto jednoducho predstavuje
A lot of people imagine it this way
Asi musí zažiť na sebe, že to takto nefunguje
I guess they have to experience for themselves that it doesn't work like that
Že z hovna bič zo dňa na deň nespravíš
That you can't make a whip out of shit overnight
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
A skóre si dvíha potom nič nestíha
And then, they can't do anything
A tak prestáva snívať, nestačí vnímať
And so they stop dreaming, they can't perceive any more
Čo okolo seba
What's around them
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
A skóre si dvíha potom nič nestíha
And then, they can't do anything
A tak prestáva snívať, nestačí vnímať
And so they stop dreaming, they can't perceive any more
Čo okolo seba
What's around them
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
A skóre si dvíha potom nič nestíha
And then, they can't do anything
A tak prestáva snívať, nestačí vnímať
And so they stop dreaming, they can't perceive any more
Čo okolo seba
What's around them
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
A skóre si dvíha potom nič nestíha
And then, they can't do anything
A tak prestáva snívať, nestačí vnímať
And so they stop dreaming, they can't perceive any more
Čo okolo seba
What's around them
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch
Každý sa naháňa za tým čo nechytí
Everyone is chasing after what they can't catch

Авторы: Matej Gabris, Matej Straka

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