Nerone - Reebok, Blunt & flow - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Nerone - Reebok, Blunt & flow

Reebok, Blunt & flow
Reebok, Blunt & flow
Schiaccio questi rapper con due dita, Reebok Pump in bocca Blunt alla frutta, pesano un'oncia
I crush these rappers with two fingers, Reebok Pump in my mouth, fruity Blunt, they weigh an ounce
Ho già i numeri prestabiliti per vincere, vincere
I already have the numbers set to win, win
Vorresti rifarlo ma tu non sai fingere
You'd like to do it again but you can't pretend
Carta da sigaro velata d'oro da zingaro col flow ci nasci, gli anelli li affittano
Gilded cigar paper from a gypsy with the flow you're born with, they rent the rings
Le scarpe che pagano non gliele inviano, le mie le invidiano
The shoes they pay for aren't sent to them, they envy mine
Creme d'Olanda, sapori di Libano
Cream from Holland, flavors of Lebanon
Dammene un'altra tanto non finiscono
Give me another one, they don't want to end
Dicono che MCF rovina le feste passando dal timpano
They say MCF ruins parties by passing through the eardrum
RBK, mica le Robe Di Kappa
RBK, not Robe Di Kappa
Sigari e grappa, mica le smoking di carta
Cigars and grappa, not paper smoking
Mica mi spieghi tu come si rappa, babbo io come Rambo, 300 di Sparta da dentro una gabbia ho fatto vedere con me non si scappa
You can't tell me how to rap, Daddy, I'm like Rambo, 300 of Sparta from inside a cage I showed them there's no escape with me
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, serve altro?
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, do you need anything else?
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, serve altro?
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, do you need anything else?
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, serve altro?
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, do you need anything else?
Mancano solo sti babbi, altri 20 grammi e qualche bottiglia di alcool
All that's missing are these old guys, another 20 grams and a few bottles of alcohol
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, vivo Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, I live Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, rimo Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, rhyme Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, scrivo Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, write Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow
Rebook, Blunt, Flow
Conti paia di scarpe che arrivano a me tu sei una portinaia,
I count pairs of shoes that come to me, you're a janitor,
Gonfia la linguetta che ti porto in aria
Pump up the tongue that I'm taking into the air
Top d'Italia
Top of Italy
Paghi sei gambe le scarpe
You pay six legs for the shoes
Io vorrei sei gambe per metter più scarpe più braccia di Shiva per fumare canne
I would like six legs to put on more shoes, more arms of Shiva to smoke joints
Naso bianco, pandoro
White nose, pandoro
Flow d'argento, Blunt d'oro
Silver Flow, Golden Blunt
Occhio rosso, Marlboro
Red eye, Marlboro
Sempre in tele, Santoro
Always in canvas, Santoro
Fotti tutti, fuck totum
Fuck everybody, fuck totum
Noi Cìroc, tu Imodium
We're Cìroc, you're Imodium
Solo quando vi inchiodo
Only when I nail you down
Kush, cheese, haze, tu chi sei?
Kush, cheese, haze, who are you?
Buchi nei cervelli dei drughi miei
Holes in the brains of my drug addicts
Provano tutti a rappare ma smettila frate dai passami un filtro
They all try to rap but stop it, brother, give me a filter
E se la tua ganja di merda è uguale al tuo rap è meglio che stai zitto
And if your shitty ganja is the same as your rap you better shut up
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, c'è già tutto
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, it's all there
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, c'è già tutto
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, it's all there
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, c'è già tutto
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, it's all there
Restate a casa stanotte
Stay home tonight
Tu portami un cocktail che
You bring me a cocktail that
Merda, ho il palato già asciutto
Damn, my palate is already dry
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, vivo Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, I live Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, rimo Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, rhyme Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, scrivo Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow, write Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow,
Rebook, Blunt, Flow.
Rebook, Blunt, Flow.

Авторы: Massimiliano Figlia

Nerone - 100K
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