Neutro Shorty - Paranoia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Neutro Shorty - Paranoia

Oigo una Voz entre la multitud
I hear a voice among the crowd,
Hundido en esta oscuridad no espero ver la Luz
Sunk in this darkness, I don't expect to see the Light.
Solo como un alma Penando Rogando el Perdon
Alone like a soul in pain, begging for forgiveness,
Sin Fe no hay Salvacion sin Odio no existe el rencor
Without faith there's no salvation, without hate there's no resentment.
Nadie pregunta como estoy en esos Dias Grises
Nobody asks how I am on those gray days,
En los que por Casualidad veo a todos felices
Where by chance I see everyone happy.
Me levanto esperando que el Dia Finalize
I wake up hoping the day will end,
Sin Darle importancia a lo que hare y sin recordar lo que hize
Without caring what I'll do and without remembering what I did.
Se que no es por Amor o por no tener chicas Cerca
I know it's not because of love or not having girls around,
Si todas se acercan a mi por mi Fama y mi verga
If they all approach me for my fame and my dick.
Siempre que quiero Amar una Voz me dice Recuerda
Whenever I want to love, a voice tells me to remember,
Que la ultima que quiziste te dejo vuelto mierda
That the last one you loved left you in pieces.
Yo me enfoco en mi Hijo en mi Familia y en la Plata
I focus on my son, my family, and the money,
Pero sigo sintiendo un Vacio que me maltrata
But I still feel an emptiness that mistreats me.
Un Año entero despertandome de Madrugada
A whole year waking up at dawn,
Pensando en tantas cosas con la Mente maniatada
Thinking about so many things with my mind tied up.
Si es un castigo de Dios lo estoy pagando Caro
If it's God's punishment, I'm paying dearly,
Mis panas se me voltearon por plata me traicionaron
My friends turned their backs on me, they betrayed me for money.
Estoy soportandolo porque no quiero ser malo
I'm enduring it because I don't want to be bad,
Nadie entiende lo que digo solo esa voz que me a hablado
Nobody understands what I say, only that voice that has spoken to me.
Yo canto en un Concierto donde la gente me aclama
I sing in a concert where people cheer for me,
Firmo autografos, Doy fotos y salgo full de lana
I sign autographs, take pictures, and leave with a lot of cash.
Cuando se acaba el show vuelvo a ser nuevamente nada
When the show ends, I become nothing again,
Sigo sintiendome solo y vacio aqui en mi Cama
I still feel alone and empty here in my bed.
Recuerdo un 2 De Septiembre a las 6 De la Mañana
I remember September 2nd at 6 in the morning,
Me levante enfermo con una Sensacion Rara
I woke up sick with a strange feeling,
Tenia como un presentimiento en el Corazon
I had like a premonition in my heart,
Descubrimos a mi Padre muerto en su habitacion
We found my father dead in his room.
Que valentia no? Cantar esto en una Cancion!
How brave, right? To sing this in a song!
La Voz me dijo que lo hiciera que era lo mejor
The voice told me to do it, that it was the best,
Si no mi Arrechera acumulada un dia haria explosion
If not, my accumulated anger would one day explode,
Y Causaria tanto Daño que no habria Control
And cause so much damage that there would be no control.
Noche en la Ciudad Caminando sin Rumbo
Night in the city, walking aimlessly,
Divagando por el Barrio
Wandering through the neighborhood,
La Cruda realidad viviendo en Paranoia
The harsh reality, living in paranoia,
Siendo Feliz en el Escenario
Being happy on stage.
La Muerte viene por mi y se que no espera
Death comes for me and I know it doesn't wait,
Y le Pido a Dios que me proteja alla Afuera
And I ask God to protect me out there,
Que una Bala perdida no Ciegue mi vida
That a stray bullet doesn't blind my life,
Seguire corriendo esta Carrera
I will keep running this race.
Cuantos fanaticos Nigga
So many fans, girl,
Todos dicen en Artigas
Everyone says in Artigas,
Yo quiero Tener tu vida
I want to have your life,
Carros, Dinero y Bandidas
Cars, money, and women.
Eres tu Donde te pares
You are the one, wherever you stand,
Todos te tienene Envidia
Everyone envies you.
Tengo enemigos de gratis solamente por Rapear
I have enemies for free, just for rapping,
Muchos quieren decir por Formula Mate a Liomar
Many want to say, by formula, mate Liomar,
Y Al Final cuando les toca entrompar
And in the end, when it's their turn to mess up,
Tengo que dispararles triste porque de Nuevo volvi a Matar
I have to shoot them, sad because I killed again.
Hay mucha gente que no sabe lo que soy
There are many people who don't know who I am,
Y piensan que Robando obtuve todo lo que tengo hoy
And they think that I got everything I have today by stealing.
Como una Señora me vio y dijo que estaba Loco
Like a lady saw me and said I was crazy,
Y al "LOCO" Sus hijos le piden autografo y fotos
And to the "CRAZY" her children ask for autographs and photos.
Siempre me rio pues me ven y agarran la Cartera
I always laugh because they see me and grab their purse,
Y Dentro de mi solo digo SI SUPIERAN!
And inside me I just say IF THEY ONLY KNEW!
Que yo soy el hombre menos ladron que hay alla afuera
That I am the least thief man out there,
Temanle a los que estan en la Asamblea de Venezuela
Fear those who are in the Assembly of Venezuela.
No entienden que esto pa' mi es un trabajo
They don't understand that this is a job for me,
Y con orgullo lo digo el Rap me saco de Abajo
And I say it with pride, rap took me from the bottom.
Soy un Profesional aunque no tengo titulo
I'm a professional even though I don't have a degree,
E visto ingenieros en Mc Donalds y eso es Ridiculo
I've seen engineers at McDonald's and that's ridiculous.
Por otro lado los Raperos estan Frustraos
On the other hand, rappers are frustrated,
Me Dicen Farandulero Aseguran que me e Copiao
They call me a show-off, they claim I've copied,
Tengo lo que tengo porque e trabajado bobos
I have what I have because I've worked, fools,
Ya son 9 Años rapeando y desde siempre sueno SOLO
It's been 9 years rapping and I've always sounded ALONE.
No me vengan con cuentos pues me se historietas
Don't come to me with stories because I know tales,
De Raperos que aseguran que en la Calle los respetan
Of rappers who claim that they are respected on the streets,
Engañan a la gente dicen que han ido a la guerra
They deceive people, they say they've gone to war,
Y no aguantan ni 1 Hora en prision Chillan como perras
And they can't even stand 1 hour in prison, they scream like bitches.
Soy Nacido y criado en un Seno Familiar
I was born and raised in a family,
Que vio la droga como metodo pa' revolucionar
That saw drugs as a method to revolutionize,
A los 12 conoci el HIP HOP Comenze a Graffitear
At 12 I met HIP HOP, I started to graffiti,
A los 13 a Rapear y ahora ni el puto papa me va a hacer frenar
At 13 to rap, and now not even the fucking pope is going to stop me.
Criminal entre Criminales
Criminal among criminals,
Cuando de ejecutar instrumentales se trata ustedes andan en pañales
When it comes to executing instrumentals, you guys are in diapers.
Nada les sale y menos con su lirica barata
Nothing works out for you, and even less with your cheap lyrics,
No destacan ni evolucionan asi pasen añales
You don't stand out or evolve even after years.
El Rio suena y Trae piedras Malebolas
The river sounds and brings evil stones,
Que Acabaran su Epoca
That will end your era,
Soy Genocida Ebola
I am genocidal Ebola,
Un Clasi como Method Man
A classic like Method Man,
Soy un Sicario Fribolo
I am a frivolous hitman,
Pa' Sus liricas Viejas mi Joven Rap es un Giggolo!
For your old lyrics, my young rap is a gigolo!
Noche en la Ciudad Caminando sin Rumbo
Night in the city, walking aimlessly,
Divagando por el Barrio
Wandering through the neighborhood,
La Cruda realidad viviendo en Paranoia
The harsh reality, living in paranoia,
Siendo Feliz en el Escenario
Being happy on stage.
La Muerte viene por mi y se que no espera
Death comes for me and I know it doesn't wait,
Y le Pido a Dios que me proteja alla Afuera
And I ask God to protect me out there,
Que una Bala perdida no Ciegue mi vida
That a stray bullet doesn't blind my life,
Seguire corriendo esta Carrera
I will keep running this race.

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