Neztor mvl feat. Romar La Klave - Especialista - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Neztor mvl feat. Romar La Klave - Especialista

A ella no le hables de amor
Don't talk to her about love,
Lo conoce y ya
She knows it all too well.
No es que ella sea fría
It's not that she's cold,
Pero tampoco la engaña un patán
But she won't be fooled by a charlatan.
No pierde su tiempo
She doesn't waste her time,
Valora su libertad...
She values her freedom...
Me dijeron que eres mala
They told me you were bad,
Y creo que no
And I don't think so.
Dicen que haces mucho daño
They say you cause a lot of pain,
Pero no
But that's not true.
Esa nena tiene frío el corazón
That girl has a cold heart,
Sólo actúa como si nada pasó
She just acts like nothing happened.
Ella es una especialista
She's a specialist,
No cualquiera está en su lista
Not just anyone is on her list.
A cualquier hombre conquista
She doesn't conquer just any man,
En la pista se mueve como una Especialista
On the dance floor, she moves like a Specialist.
tienes dinero
You have money,
Pero ella también trae
But she has it too.
La miras tranquila cuidando
You see her calmly taking care
Su bonsái
Of her bonsai.
Va vestida de lo mejor que hay
She dresses in the best there is,
Sólo cuando va a correr
Only when she goes running.
La miras con sus Nikes
You see her with her Nikes,
No sale con ricos
She doesn't date rich men,
Porque no se rebaja
Because she doesn't lower herself.
Sabe que es bella
She knows she's beautiful,
Y no toma ventajas
And she doesn't take advantage.
Si tiene esa figura
If she has that figure,
Es porque diario la trabaja
It's because she works on it daily.
Es como la reina de toda la baraja
She's like the queen of the whole deck,
Maneja su vida con mucha seguridad
She manages her life with great confidence.
Una obra de arte que no puedes tocar
A work of art you can't touch,
Lo bueno que los ojos
Good thing our eyes
Sirven para apreciar
Are there to appreciate.
La quise besar
I wanted to kiss her,
Me mandó a volar
She sent me flying.
Sólo su presencia impone
Her presence alone is imposing,
Y el truco más caro logra
And she pulls off the most expensive trick,
Que se impresione
That someone is impressed.
Eso le da igual
She doesn't care about that.
Ella anda en busca
She's searching
De emociones
For emotions.
Ella es una especialista
She's a specialist,
No cualquiera está en su lista
Not just anyone is on her list.
A cualquier hombre conquista
She doesn't conquer just any man,
En la pista se mueve como una Especialista
On the dance floor, she moves like a Specialist.
Yo conozco tus secretos
I know your secrets,
Y lo que prefieres
And I know what you prefer.
Una dama de respeto
A lady of respect,
Estilo discreto
Discreet style.
Sabe lo que quiere
She knows what she wants,
Tiene una educación buena
She has a good education.
Ningún hombre a ella la frena
No man can stop her,
Enloquece al que la vea
She drives anyone who sees her crazy.
Yo bien que me coquetea
I know she's flirting with me.
Dicen que alguien la desilusionó
They say someone disappointed her,
Tal vez por eso su vida cambió
Maybe that's why her life changed.
Porque aquel día que amo
Because that day she loved,
El afortunado falló
The lucky one failed
Y la lastimó
And hurt her.
Debo confesar que no
I must confess that I can't
Dejo de pensarte
Stop thinking about you.
Aunque me hayas dicho no
Even though you said no,
Es impresionante
It's impressive.
Me encanta su semblante
I love her countenance,
Y eso que ni me besó
Even though she didn't even kiss me.
Me dijeron que eres mala
They told me you were bad,
Y creo que no
And I don't think so.
Dicen que haces mucho daño
They say you cause a lot of pain,
Pero no
But that's not true.
Esa nena tiene frío el corazón
That girl has a cold heart,
Sólo actúa como si nada pasó
She just acts like nothing happened.
Ella es una especialista
She's a specialist,
No cualquiera está en su lista
Not just anyone is on her list.
A cualquier hombre conquista
She doesn't conquer just any man,
En la pista se mueve como una Especialista
On the dance floor, she moves like a Specialist.
Ella es una especialista
She's a specialist,
No cualquiera está en su lista
Not just anyone is on her list.
A cualquier hombre conquista
She doesn't conquer just any man,
En la pista se mueve como una Especialista
On the dance floor, she moves like a Specialist.
A ella no le hables de amor
Don't talk to her about love,
Lo conoce y ya
She knows it all too well.
No es que ella sea fría
It's not that she's cold,
Pero tampoco la engaña un patán
But she won't be fooled by a charlatan.
No pierde su tiempo
She doesn't waste her time,
Valora su libertad
She values her freedom.

Neztor mvl feat. Romar La Klave - Éxitos 2018
Éxitos 2018
дата релиза

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