Y es que tu fuiste mi princesa, mi torpeza, mi dolor de cabeza
You were my princess, my clumsiness, my headache
Mi pereza, mi fuerza en momentos de tristeza, mi consuelo que me eleva al cielo cuando caigo al suelo
My laziness, my strength in moments of sadness, my comfort that lifts me to heaven when I fall to the ground
Pero el vuelo dura poco porque luego empieza el duelo, de problemas
But the flight is short because then the duel begins, of problems
Que arrasan y me despedazan cuando pasan
That devastate and tear me apart when they pass
Te alejas tanto que mis brazos no te alcanzan
You move so far away that my arms can't reach you
Y se cansan de tanto peso, y pienso en un beso tuyo y anhelo tanto tu regreso
And they get tired of so much weight, and I think of a kiss from you and I long so much for your return
Pero el tiempo pasa lento, como un tormento
But time passes slowly, like a torment
Yo ya muerto pero muy adentro vive un sentimiento
I'm already dead but deep inside a feeling lives
Que agoniza, porque el dolor lo pisa y no avisa
That agonizes, because the pain steps on it and doesn't warn
Y divisa tu recuerdo y se le borra la sonrisa
And it sees your memory and its smile fades away
Y deprisa te extraña y se daña con lo mismo
And it quickly misses you and hurts itself with the same thing
Se vuelve loco con tanto espejismo
It goes crazy with so much mirage
Porque el tejido, de nuestro nido construido
Because the fabric, of our built nest
Quedo perdido y mi corazón esta confundido
Was lost and my heart is confused
Porque tu fuiste mi alegría, mi espía, mi guía
Because you were my joy, my spy, my guide
Mi fantasía, mi filosofía mi poesía
My fantasy, my philosophy, my poetry
Mi compañía a la que ame día con día
My company that I loved day by day
Y quien diría, que eras todo pero nunca fuiste mía
And who would say, that you were everything but you were never mine
Para mi eras abrazable, admirable, intachable tan indispensable, vulnerable, incomparable, agradable y adorable, tan sociable, tan confiable y responsable y envidiable que besarla era inevitable
For me you were huggable, admirable, impeccable, so indispensable, vulnerable, incomparable, pleasant and adorable, so sociable, so reliable and responsible and enviable that kissing you was inevitable
Irritable, inseparable, implacable, inimaginable, amable, pero luego la culpable
Irritable, inseparable, implacable, unimaginable, kind, but then the culprit
Al dejarme y hacerme sentir tan desechable
For leaving me and making me feel so disposable
Cuando se le fue el amor y cuando dejo de celarme
When the love left and when she stopped being jealous of me
Ella es esa persona
She is that person
Que mi atención se roba
That steals my attention
Mi corazón le llora
My heart cries for her
Y mi orgullo la ignora
And my pride ignores her
Paso las horas pensando en lo que pudo ser
I spend hours thinking about what could have been
Hoy solo seas mi ex mujer
Today you are just my ex-wife
Ella sera por siempre esa persona
She will always be that person
La que no esta pero mi atención roba
The one who is not here but steals my attention
El recuerdo me agobia
The memory overwhelms me
Esa eres tu a la que llamo mi ex novia
That's you, the one I call my ex-girlfriend
Ella es alegría tan bella estrella iluminante
She is joy, such a beautiful illuminating star
La causante que destella causas para enamorarte
The cause that sparkles causes to fall in love
Su belleza es infinita, no trates de compararle
Her beauty is infinite, don't try to compare her
Ella es única en su tipo, su hermosura es fulminante
She is one of a kind, her beauty is stunning
Ella sabe, como tratarte, sin conocerte
She knows how to treat you, without knowing you
Sabe cuidarte, ponerte feliz al instante
She knows how to take care of you, make you happy instantly
No necesita diamantes, ni lujos grandes, cosas flamantes
She doesn't need diamonds, or great luxuries, flaming things
Ella se conforma con algo insignificante
She settles for something insignificant
Como un beso, una palabra de amor
Like a kiss, a word of love
Un poema escrito en hoja y tinta del corazón
A poem written on paper and ink from the heart
Su desnudez te apantalla, su pasión es un ciclón
Her nakedness amazes you, her passion is a cyclone
Si no crees en el amor ella se vuelve en tu fe
If you don't believe in love, she becomes your faith
En tu inspiración, en tu salvación, en tu curación
In your inspiration, in your salvation, in your healing
La inspiración que te motiva a hacer las cosas bien, men
The inspiration that motivates you to do things right, men
Cualquiera pensaría que es de otro mundo
Anyone would think she's from another world
Pero no! yo la tuve cada segundo
But no! I had her every second
Y fue leal, la incondicional tan fundamental
And she was loyal, the unconditional so fundamental
Como la voz para la instrumental
Like the voice for the instrumental
La chica ideal, la adecuada, la perfecta amada
The ideal girl, the right one, the perfect beloved
La que me dio todo a cambio de nada!
The one who gave me everything in exchange for nothing!
Porque yo fui ese gris en el arco iris que pintó!!
Because I was that gray in the rainbow she painted!!
El gran imbécil que jamas la valoró!!
The great imbecile who never valued her!!
El que la ignoró y no la cuidó, que la despreció!!
The one who ignored her and didn't take care of her, who despised her!!
El que la perdió y que solo se quedo
The one who lost her and who was only left
Que no supo!! abrir los ojos cuando aun la tenia
Who didn't know!! to open his eyes when he still had her
Cuando ella se desvivía por brindarme su alegría!!
When she went out of her way to give me her joy!!
Yo mate, fui un asesino a sangre fría!!
I killed, I was a cold-blooded murderer!!
De lo que pudo haber sido, lo mejor de su vida!!
Of what could have been, the best of her life!!
Ella es esa persona
She is that person
Que mi atención se roba
That steals my attention
Mi corazón le llora
My heart cries for her
Y mi orgullo la ignora
And my pride ignores her
Paso las horas pensando en lo que pudo ser
I spend hours thinking about what could have been
Hoy solo seas mi ex mujer
Today you are just my ex-wife
Ella sera por siempre esa persona
She will always be that person
La que no esta pero mi atención roba
The one who is not here but steals my attention
El recuerdo me agobia
The memory overwhelms me
Esa eres tu a la que llamo mi ex novia
That's you, the one I call my ex-girlfriend
Yoouu!! todo resumido en un simple apodo
Yoouu!! all summed up in a simple nickname
Mi ex novia
My ex-girlfriend
Oye y donde hubo fuego, se barren las cenizas
Hey and where there was fire, the ashes are swept away
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