Neztor MVL - Otro Mes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Neztor MVL - Otro Mes

Otro Mes
Another Month
Tanto que prometió
So much you promised
Y nada cumplió
And nothing you fulfilled
Nunca me amó
You never loved me
Nunca se aferró
You never held on
A lo que yo siempre di todo pero nunca lo vió.
To what I always gave my all but you never saw.
Y ahora soy yo, el que me voy
And now it's me, the one who's leaving
Hoy se cumplió otro mes de que te perdí.
Today marks another month since I lost you.
Yo que según no me iba a enamorar y viste que si.
Me, who supposedly wasn't going to fall in love, and you saw that I did.
Yo conocí a otra que me hacía feliz
I met another who made me happy
No esa que se molesta por todo y ni motivos lo dí.
Not that one who gets upset over everything and didn't even give reasons.
Era mejor que del inicio hablaras claro
It would have been better if you had spoken clearly from the beginning
Pensé que el amor no costaba nada pero me salió muy caro
I thought love didn't cost anything but it turned out to be very expensive
Que raro, te veo más feliz desde nuestro separó
How strange, I see you happier since our separation
Yo aún sigo en la lucha de eso estoy en medio no me paró.
I'm still in the fight, I'm in the middle of it, I won't stop.
O al menos en mi corazón
Or at least in my heart
Porque en lo otro que tengo que seguir a pesar de mi situación.
Because in other aspects I saw that I have to keep going despite my situation.
Yo aún no te saco de mi pecho admito eso.
I still haven't gotten you out of my chest, I admit that.
Más sin embargo un beso ni tu sexo lograría me regreso.
But nevertheless, not even a kiss or your body would make me come back.
te tuviera de frente
If I had you in front of me
No te insultaria o te diría una propuesta indecente.
I wouldn't insult you or make you an indecent proposal.
Yo cierro ciclos, soy paciente
I close cycles, I'm patient
Contigo que no quiero del amor
With you I saw that I don't want love
Te lo agradeceré siempre.
I will always thank you for that.
Que contigo era real
That with you it was real
Pero ignoraste y pagaste mal
But you ignored it and paid badly
Yo era el que te buscaba
I was the one who looked for you
La balanza no era igual
The balance wasn't equal
Pero un día todo cambio
But one day everything changed
Y salía sobrando Yo
And I was the one left over
Te deseo suerte el karma cobra, a ya me curó.
I wish you luck, karma collects, it has already healed me.
Sabía que algún día se juntarian todas
I knew that one day all
esas cosas malas que hice y las pagaría.
those bad things I did would come together and I would pay for them.
Pero nunca imaginé que fueras quien
But I never imagined it would be you who
cobraría de haber sabido eso ni te beso, ni enamoraría
would collect, if I had known that, I wouldn't have kissed you, nor would I have fallen in love
Pero valla que es cruel el amor
But wow, love is cruel
Un día te hace feliz y al otro sentir que tu situación es la peor.
One day it makes you happy and the next it makes you feel like your situation is the worst.
Y ahora cuido lo que digo pa' no hacer sentir dolor.
And now I watch what I say so as not to cause pain.
A quien amo
To the one I love
Ya que las espinas vienen con la flor.
Since thorns come with the flower.
Pero, una cosa es tener costumbres y defectos y
But, one thing is to have habits and flaws and
la otra herir conscientemente y sin remordimientos
another to hurt consciously and without remorse
La vida da mil vueltas
Life takes a thousand turns
Lo con el tiempo
I saw it with time
A ti también te va a tocar
It will be your turn too
Solo no es tu momento.
It's just not your time yet.
Si hablamos de pasado, el mío pesa más que el tuyo
If we talk about the past, mine weighs more than yours
Pero aprendí de eso, a ti te gana el orgullo.
But I learned from it, pride wins you over.
Yo me doy mi tiempo no sustituyó
I take my time, I don't replace
Que ironico quería quien la amará y lo tenía frente suyo!
How ironic, you wanted someone who would love her and you had him right in front of you!
Que contigo era real
That with you it was real
Pero ignoraste y pagaste mal
But you ignored it and paid badly
Yo era el que te buscaba
I was the one who looked for you
La balanza no era igual
The balance wasn't equal
Pero un día todo cambio
But one day everything changed
Y salía sobrando Yo
And I was the one left over
Te deseo suerte el karma cobra, a ya me curó.
I wish you luck, karma collects, it has already healed me.

Авторы: neztor mvl

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