Neztor mvl feat. Ogarita & Biral - Ella Es Así - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Neztor mvl feat. Ogarita & Biral - Ella Es Así

Ella Es Así
She's Like That
Ella es asi la que nunca tiene miedo
She's like that, the one who's never afraid
la que sin previo aviso hace que se detnga el tiempo
the one who stops time without warning
es madura inteligente vive la juventud
she's mature, intelligent, living her youth
la que tu no entenderas por sentido comun
the one you won't understand through common sense
3 dias ala semana es un poco irritable
3 days a week she's a little irritable
hablale al oido nunca intentes gritarle
speak to her softly, never try to yell
pero sabes una cosa es algo bipolar
but you know one thing, she's a bit bipolar
es dulce & mala suele cambiar
she's sweet & mean, she tends to change
todos tus planes tu llega temprano
with all your plans, you arrive early
si no te quedaras afuera esperando
otherwise you'll be left outside waiting
se tarda arreglando & mirandose al espejo
she takes her time getting ready & looking in the mirror
ella es bella no existe complejos
she's beautiful, no complexes exist
& no la intentes cambiar ella es así
& don't try to change her, she's like that
ella es capas de dar todo por ti
she's capable of giving everything for you
ella seria incapas de un dia mentir
she would be incapable of lying one day
si algo te pido es que no la hagas sufrir
if I ask you for anything, it's not to make her suffer
Ella no nesesita que le bajes ni el sol ni la luna & las estrellas
She doesn't need you to bring down the sun, moon & stars
no trates de cambiarla por que de nada va a servir
don't try to change her because it won't do any good
su comida favorita la tienes que conoser
you have to know her favorite food
no la invites alos tacos carne no suele comer
don't invite her for tacos, she doesn't usually eat meat
si esta de mal humor es mejor no la molestes
if she's in a bad mood, it's better not to bother her
conose sus horarios birtudes & sus creses
know her schedules, virtues & her beliefs
no le gusta el fut bol menos canciones de rap
she doesn't like soccer, much less rap songs
prefiere algo popero paty cantu o chayanne
she prefers something pop, Paty Cantu or Chayanne
le gusatan las novelas &si estas te lo aseguro
she likes soap operas & if you're here I assure you
si hay una discusion tu quedate mudo
if there's an argument, you stay silent
solo dale la razon pero que no se entere
just give her the reason, but don't let her know
dile que ella es lo mejor dile cuanto la quieres
tell her she's the best, tell her how much you love her
hagan algo diferente todos los dias
do something different every day
ella es tan especial odia toda rutina
she's so special, she hates all routine
dile que sus cejas para ti son perfectas
tell her her eyebrows are perfect for you
no menciones sus orejas por que luego se te altera
don't mention her ears because then she gets upset
solo hay una regla que tienes que seguir
there's only one rule you have to follow
no coca no pepsi le encanta el neste
no coke, no pepsi, she loves Nestea
& no la intentes cambiar ella es así
& don't try to change her, she's like that
ella es capas de dar todo por ti
she's capable of giving everything for you
ella seria incapas de un dia mentir
she would be incapable of lying one day
si algo te pido es que no la hagas sufrir
if I ask you for anything, it's not to make her suffer
Ella no nesesita que le bajes ni el sol ni la luna & las estrellas
She doesn't need you to bring down the sun, moon & stars
no trates de cambiarla por que de nada va a servir
don't try to change her because it won't do any good
Dale su espacio no la molestes tanto
Give her space, don't bother her so much
no le cantes de noche cuando estes borracho
don't sing to her at night when you're drunk
se su chocolatito lleno de amor
be her little chocolate full of love
dile que la amas, pero la amas mas que yo
tell her you love her, but you love her more than me
declarale tu amor pero en otro planeta
declare your love, but on another planet
que este quedo marcado con nuestras huellas
this one is marked with our footprints
dale tu cariño que sea sinsero
give her your love, let it be sincere
sera reconpensadocon lo mejor del cielo
it will be rewarded with the best of heaven
si se siente cómoda bajara en pijama
if she feels comfortable, she'll come down in pajamas
acompáñala mañana & los fines de semana
accompany her in the mornings & on weekends
ella es así no la podrás cambiar
she's like that, you won't be able to change her
mejor amala, respétala & felices estarán
better love her, respect her & you will be happy
& no la intentes cambiar ella es así
& don't try to change her, she's like that
ella es capas de dar todo por ti
she's capable of giving everything for you
ella seria incapas de un dia mentir
she would be incapable of lying one day
si algo te pido es que no la hagas sufrir
if I ask you for anything, it's not to make her suffer
Ella no nesesita que le bajes ni el sol ni la luna & las estrellas
She doesn't need you to bring down the sun, moon & stars
no trates de cambiarla por que de nada va a servir.
don't try to change her because it won't do any good.

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